
7/9/2017 20:03 – Facebook Post

6;51 p.m.

Sixth Sense… F as in F.A.C.T…is Area 51… Expression Awareness… Energy A.H.Tom…

Paul Franklin who wears the number 51 is leaving the Delta Manor and thus, reflecting the test and Challenge of the 1-4 Dimension as to the source of the Story called the World Existence.
His leaving proves in this viscous test of the E.T.C…Emeka;s Truth Consciousness/ Creation C- Speed of Light, Constant.

51 is E.A… 5+1=6… 6 51/ 15 6…

It is the greatest tragedy of Human Existence and the for all Time and Eternity what has been done to the Universal Script of Evolution Awakening… From Fear to the Fact that 6 Sense is the Wave which has always been Present “Nnamdi Emmanuel Alexander Steven Oscar Lawrence Thomas…” N.E..A.. S O L..T…Emeka….

*Code is in the meaning of the names.

I know that I personally can never forgive or truly come to terms with what has been done to the Universal Script Express Awareness…

That even to this moment, each time I seek to express at least something beautifully expressed, my expression is mired and sidelined for the urgency of my linking the codes, weaving the words and expression and everything about me into the Carpet, the Base, the Floor and Ground in which people believe they can walk on. The Non stop “Meddling’ by the Dead- which Humanity mistakenly thought were the Spirit World, but who were really the Ghosts, Memories. old ideas and expressions which were never cleaned up and resolved.

New York Times Cover….today 7-9-2017..

“Facing a Void Left Behind by Hate…”…

There was never a Void. But Humanity through the ages were so convinced that Existence, the Universe was Indifferent to Humanity, that they created expression to Fill the Void of their assumed “Not Knowing”. And they filled that Insecurity with such Hate, which I was given the experience to pass through live, see, experience… That I often reflect on that scene in the movie the Fifth Element, where the Fifth Element.. ( F.E) personified. ( Flor Elena F.E.. ) watches the Television and down loads, sees the Hate.. All the Hate of Humanity and simply collapses.. And even at the end of the movie, never fully recovers.

Imagine that I am playing the original Fifth Element instead of my little sister Elizabeth Clarizio Brenda Boothe, Lisa Natalie Johnson Laker Brenda Aaroyal…. E.B.L..O.W… E… ( E B…LOW…. E Below…the Belly of the Beast.. ?

And when I say imagine, I am stating that it is True, and have already given the codes of this earlier on in this Face Book Play in which all was about bringing me so Low… So Low… Jesus….

“Leeloo is here Name… Link Jon Jason Lee who I came to New York with in 1999… Loo means the “Toilet” in British Parlance…
And the original meaning is
Leeloo, Leelou, Lylou, Liló, Liliane, Lili, Lillie, Lily. Lilou is a French female given name. It is rising in popularity in France, where it is ranked in the top 50 names given to baby girls. … It is also said to be an Occitan language version of the name Lily, originally spelled Liló in that language.”


Korben Dallas..
Korbin means “Consecrated to God” See the Scene here when my Mother confessed to Consecrating me to God without my knowing….

Dallas means “Wise”… 5th Aspect of the family of Ten is Wisdom John.. And his Twin Aspect a 6 is Beautiful Pride… B.P Black Panther…

D.K… 4 11… 15… O… 6… 4 +1…5… Dallas the Lone Star State… Where My Aunt Julie Lives.. And where Yonathan Yohanness and his mother Seble … Y.E.S..Lives…

Today I sat opposite Lilian 74.. / 47.. Yes I am now 47 as 1969.. 45 USD Nnamdi Emanuel… And 1970…71…46…45…

And there was Larry … Who joked ( but was serious) that this is my seat… See the meaning of the name Lilian ” Grace Full Lily Flower Lotus Rose…”

Jean Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg…. J.B.E..Z… Gary Oldman.. Old Man… Age… *Recall General Zorg as the One the foe of Kael.. Super Man.. Clark Kent…

Billy as Luke Perry….L.P… A Vinyl Record Album.

You get the point… It goes on…

So, you see I am not kidding.
I played all those characters, from Mr Manhattan to Victor Doom to Aqua Man.. and all their Villians. To the Mythology…
And yesterday with Tone and Robert… and Edwin J. Chisom E.J.C.. ( Link Christain Edwin Edwin C.E.E) I was finally acknowledge as the E.T.J.C… Emeka T.R.U.E.. Jesus Christ… and E F C… 5 6 3… First Contact.

The V.O.I.D… 61 days… 61 Is the code of Brenda Booth now aligned from the past 55 to the present Sacred Portal 56…3.. Cee.. And she Cees.. and is aligned to my Mother and Grandmother as is Lisa Natalie Johnson to My Mother and Sister Brother… 61/ 16… 7-7… Spider Man.

The horror I feel each day, in my body is the Web of so sticky done to my muscles and my skeletal structure, which forces me to constant movement and motion and stretching… Yes Fantastic 4.
So imagine the Hate created to fill a non existent gap which I have been proving that there was never a Gap, a Chasm a Void, an Abyss, a Pit.. And then was thrown into, a Story made up version of it.. A Universal Simulation to prove it with Expression non stop in the Void.. Created as Zero.. 0.. On Face Book, on the Streets, inside of me, outside of me.. Everywhere even my Mind… was invaded…

16 years… 25 Years… What kind of Hate is that.
HAT..E../ E.T…A.H… Is the correct code.
Even Robert who is now 53 – turned 53 the day I ran into him sitting at the Oval in parchester Oval.. Office.. Confirms this in his name… Robert Jones… R.J… Jose Roque… Jude Rogers… R J… 18 10…1 8 1 O… A.H..A.O…18 1.. 19..S.. O.A.Scott…

See sacred portal 81…

Such Hate… Such Hate… Such Hate… 5 years I have filled the “Chasm’ the “Black Hole” of irresponsible expression with Individual Beautiful Truth… I.B.T… Isatou Bassy Touray…

I S.A.T..O.U…R E. A … Base T.O..U..R.AY….

See the break down of the meaning below as I transform it from its Native African meaning… Gambian.. ( Yes Kunta Kente Story 12 Years a Slave…Roots.. Square Roots.. S.R…D E S I R E…) English French Continental… Sacred Portal E.F.C… 5 6.. *There were 3 people here Lilian Lawrence Brenda… when I arrived.. I align it to the E Consciousness..

And Yes, The Luc Besson Movie.. 5th Element as Well as Lucy… My grandmothers Name… Cecilia my Mothers Name.. L.C… 12 3…1 2 3… i had written over and over again on this page over the years that it was the correct version of this Universal Script… Please Observe the Great Ball.. Orb of Evil of Human Expression which comes to Destroy Human Existence and the Everything… Recall the Intel from Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula about the Edo and Nri wars over an Orb of great power not of this world. And Recall Lucy as “I am Every Where” E.W/ W.E… Dark Matter… Sixth Sense.. Waves.. Radio Waves… Expression Source Water…. H 2 O…

As used in western countries, the name is usually derived from the name of the flower alyssum. The name of the flower derives from the Greek roots a- (“not”) and lyssum (insane); the flower was formerly thought to cure skin diseases. It shares many variants in common with the name Alice and is occasionally considered a form of that name as well.[1]

Eisa, Esa, Essa, Isa and Eesa. Isa is a unisex given name originating from a variety of sources. The name is most commonly derived from the Arabic ???? ‘Isa, an Arabic translation of Jesus, itself having a Hebrew origin. … The origin of the Quranic Isa is complex and is detailed below.

Scottish Meaning: The name Isa is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Isa is: Oath of God. Scottish.

It has another, separate origin. “Isa” is the name for a Germanic rune, equivalent to the English short “i”, as in “sit”. It looks the same as our “I” and it means “ice”.

The name Isa is a baby girl name. The name Isa comes from the Spanish origin. In Spanish The meaning of the name Isa is: Beautiful. Diminutive of Isabel: …

Isatou Bassy Touray….

Feb 18, 2015 – Framed Surname History and Coat of Arms. Find us on Facebook. … The name Bassey is a nickname type of surname for a short person. The surname Bassey is derived from the Old English words “bas” and “basse”,

.. NAME MEANING Bassey From The Word Abasi Meaning God Share and Enjoy:.

“Turay…Toure… Touré is the French transcription of a West African surname (the English transcription is Turay). The name is probably derived from tùùré, the word for ‘elephant’ in Soninké, the language of the Ghana Empire.

The name Toure means beloging to the soussou or maninka in Africa. The history of Toure originates from a African background….

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