
7/9/2015 11:44 – Facebook Post





Hello I am posting because incredible there is more unravelling to do.

*The Unravelling is literal, Meaning the muscles in my body are unravelling, and with Air Breath pushing and recountering the interior of my body which is Ascension but in the most torturous way…
So slowly, that I manually feeling every release with each post and riddle transmitted, noted, decoded, set up, recognized then played out then posted…
Then affirmed outside of me through affirmation concede, concrete..”Yes it is real”

Can you imagine staying focused on such a play non stop for 14 years in New York
And 26 since you became fully aware that your writing literally manifests where after writing on my Journals for the first time…Wrote the first words telling the Silence that I was going down into the Pit of Human forgetfulness to prove that Harmony Existed everywhere and that the lights are on in this Room and Green House with Views all around..
The Beautiful View of Space..
So much to explore, don’t be so sure of Everything keep an open mind, laws even of Physics and this world are meant to be broken.
That this is simply called Expansions.
As a Mothers stomach expands every month.
Expanding on the limitations of the body.
Stretching 1-9…to I.
Then contracting relaxing until that Idea is born…


Babies were not concieved to be born wailing into this world

A man gives birth this way, or the Male Principle.. It births from the Abstract and even Epiphany from seemingly nowhere…
An idea and make it concrete… Real because it is Bond by nothing but the ” Electro Magnetic Field..E.M.F…/F.M E…of the Will the Individual whose perception of everything sustains its Existence, because the Consciousness H.E represents is that which brought Everything into Existence.
So all human Creative ideas and Endeavors are brought into Existence, so that they know what it feels like to be Creators..

But the responsibility of Being a Creator requires that you sustain maintain regain the original consciousness or way of perception which babies children and philosophers have…
Wonder… Which causes you to Wander and stumble upon the most extraordinary adventure.
And Explore it, be lead so far off the “Beaten Track” of your intended destination.
And yet have the courage to seek out that Truth which is like moving through a tunnel, a passage way which lights up with Greater and greater Promise ..
That it becomes this Light so indescribable at the end of a tunnel.
But you already know what is behind thst light.
Because you know that what you discovered is that you created it
And the Light is simply the Glow of the Beauty of it.
The “Electro Magnetic Field” of it…

For this is how In recall.the First time I created

But for each to become Independent of I.E they must be able to realize that what they create comes into existence and sustained for you to see, enjoy and play with comes into being Grace a LA Creator of that very Consciousness which caused all possibilities to come into Existent and Being..
The Consciousness of Expression Harmony.
And in order for All to be “Co Creators” tis this Conscious which each must learn…
And then sustain and then, they too can bring fr the seemingly Nothing …
Some thing “Out of the Blue” into Being Existent

B E.

Beautiful Expression.


This is what I had been asked by that which I.E created True Consciousness..
E T.C…whom you call God but I call Harmony asked me to Share with you.
Yes E and H.
Expression and Harmony.
Manifestation De Vine.
E H.M.D.E…
Were and are my First Creations.
My Children
And they asked me to Share this Consciousness with you so you to could be as Existence Truth.

Knowing what it truly feels like
Being Free
Not Zz
2×6=12…L Iight Awareness Beauty.

This is what can not be shared it must be earned.

That is why there are so few.

The True Show and Tell
Will I Am the Wills Way…
Beautiful Ah.

We do not Tell and Explain

We Do-Do

E. Y E
G.H. (78../87)
T….R U E..?

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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