
7/8/2017 17:14 – Facebook Post

7/8/2017 17:14 – Facebook Post

I found the Portal….

3:07 p.m.

1O-37-2017-8-7….15…6 56..11..1

That is a Full Circle.

17=Q…1+7=8.. Harmony Infinity is H.I.. 8 9…(17..8), and 7 is Clarity 8.
15 is letter O…6 Is Sixth Sense.

NASA’s Classification of this Galaxy is M.W 87.

The Equation actually ends there..at 6.
As demonstrated by the last of my Prove that Human Beings but as Individuals, are the Independent “Mirror Reflections” of my Equation of Existence.
The God Particles, are the True Individuals.

Which after 5 years, narrowed down Elizabeth Clarizio, representing the Full Circle from the moment I left 268 East First Street, with Ravindra Singh, to his girlfriends house in Jamaica on July 4th, 2012, where we stayed on to the 5th where I met Billy Hung and John David.
Billy Hung being the one who experienced a Light Bulb go off in his head, which caused him to have a Revelations, leading him to blurt out… “Your God”.
Then to Full Circle to Lisa Natalie Johnson, who aligns to Lisa Levine, who lived and worked at 97 Green Street, at Green Point Avenue- which a predominantly Polish community.
Yes Poland.
And yes, Sacred Portal 97.
And yes the place I moved to after I left the World of Marina Burini and Tom Truman where I worked from October November 2010 to July/ August.
And where for the first time I formally, was presented my Beautiful Truth to the Public. But through a presentation in which Lisa Levine insisted I ask for contributions.
Which I did for the first time since I began the Work, that I had addressed a Group and formally asked…
I had been doing it for free, and asked only when I had nothing to eat or nothing in my wallet.

3:56 p.m.

But the Equation did not end with Lisa Natalie Johnson, it had to include Brenda Boothe. B.B…And the Equation required the 2+2 which equals 4. ( Which was the Amount of Money I had worryingly left in my wallet last night when I returned to the Shelter.. 4 USD and 85 cents… Delta Manor… Delta 4…Noni Promise 4…1385 Star Bucks… Yes… 1000 Face Book Friends.

It is 4:00 p/m right now.

1000 is M.. Represented by Michaël Trahé.
D is 500 Now represented by Brenda Boothe ( Code Laker Brenda Aaroyal, Concy Brenda ..L.B.A…Lisa Brenda Alexis…C.B…E…3 2..5)
Because 2 2 has been linked to 19 Through Sean Elliot 91 linked to Lisa Natalie Johnson as Ms Hell Fire, She as Fury.. Dionsio the Furies… Now restored from the illusion of herself as the Great Witch Ms Manners, the Man Woman play of Women who brought their Male versions or husbands to prominence and greatness only to be ignored denied and worse. And the same Vice Versa…
It linked to Steven in Bed 4;003.. 43… Who asked me to get some medicene for him. when I agreed, I took a shower, and the whole time reflected on him, and by the time I came out he had said he suddenly felt much better, and that he would go himself. Then he commented on how They were so eager to send him to the Hospital, which was my was what I was reflecting on the moment they suggested it…And the enormous Bill, which really was a code.. A Bill I had paid, and paid, and paid… 1217, 60 usd.

Steven means crowned with Laurels…
Then the same day Larry, Lawrence, came outside to present me his seat when he was leaving after the message ‘Death and Hell follows him where he goes”

2+2+19= 22… Letter V…
22 is the Age of Robert Vlaun who appeared in perfect timing.
22 are the number of sketches which Lisa Natalie Johnson made for her “Magic Ladies Hand Bags” She completed 6.
She asked me to guess out the 6 which one Brenda liked. I chose the correct one and another with a Rose.
I entered here today to find the place empty of any of the main Actors and Equations representatives.
Only a lady with who had the same computer as I did same color who commented me on my good taste. And a young college graduate who kept looking at me, until I realized perhaps it was because he was about to be interviewed for a Job.. And a Lady who appeared with a Cross on her back and in the center there was a Rose.

And I smiled within, because I recalled talking with Brenda Boothe last night outside, just before I posted, as we cleared the last of the Work on reflections, mostly on Lisa and Ms Lilian, I saw ABE ( Meaning “Rose”) Crossing the street and and then a young woman in grey T shirt who passed in front of us with the words perfect after I just completed my reflection to Ms,Brenda.

22 is the number on the Sacred Portal which opens the Door in this Dimension to my World called Eternity.
Which Lisa Natalie Johnson of the Q.C gave evidence of that she crossed over with her Best Friend/ Mother/ Sister when they were Youths… In Manhattan, 22 Street, crossing from 6 to 7.. And on 7 they experienced a Portal which had no barrier, was a Window Pane, no Glass or Mirror Reflection blocking the Way. But Air Waves like the action of Heat on Air… Just as I had written and spoken about over and over again. Even writing the piece Revealing Unveiling E… R.U.E… A 54 Page document which I had written in 2008/9… About how the Awakening takes places on the R.UE… Streets of the World…T.R.U.E…

And so, with the 4 usd, and my move to Room 4 A, I had established that Humanity is living in a Story, A Box… And the Box as Marina Burini will testify perhaps one day, witnessed by Tom Truman, found a Box in her Appt in 2011, an Elegant Black Box with the name KOLO written on it.
She had no idea how it had gotten there, but the look on her face and Toms.. as well as Luke’s and Johns was priceless.

It linked to Steven in Bed 4;003.. 43… Who asked me to get some medicene for him. when I agreed, that this was the Portal out of this Illusion. 4 years after waiting and fighting to understand why the portal would not open, all the while living in a strangers house, and then his Life. 2 years after leaving and finding myself wandering and walking in the story of what appeared to be my Host.

It was never about being ‘Boxed In” as this Play or Script of J.D as the Lie of Egypt, Book of the Dead gave the illusion. Making me wander for 12 years, after I solved the Equation in 2005, from 33 rd Street to Green Street Soho.
The Box is not J.D as 10 4… 14… 40…. Nature Death.. Nature Morte… But rather, Sacred Portal 1O4…4O… As in 14, 4O… Natural DO… And you will Cee and See ..Being is Doing… Naturally…Expression. Which creates Evolution to the Point of the Sacred Portal out of the Library of the Sum Mit Put In of the Reflection of Donald the Universal Ruler.. U.R… E.U.R.T…. Yes, I am aware that I am RT… Roberto Todaro, as well as L.E.F.T… And Correct…
Crossing Death to Eternity is not the horrid Hell and Draining of Energy- Death Hell Fire- Futility of a Meaning Indifferent Universe. It simply required a Devotion to understanding the Beautiful Book.. Brenda Boothe code… Radio Waves… Redha Radar Krishna Krist Nna… And you would know just as I knew in 2005.. And then even after being challenged by the Green line, I found the portal out of the “Animal Zoo’ story in 2006 and found the portal at 268… 12 Years later.. 4 4 4… See Jay Zee news Album///

Yes.. 12 Years a Slave… But a Slave where not even my Spirit Body or Mind was Mine… 4:58 p.m…
Yes Jay Zee and Beyonce… See meaning of Jay and Beyonce…
J.B… 007…
I had 4:85 cents then found 26 cents in my Pillow, which called to mind my Mother, who played the Tooth Fairy to us as a children ( Little did I know she really was… no.. I did suspect as testified on my page.. I wrote about it…)…

4:85+26 = 511… E.K… 5+11= 16… P… 1=6=7… G…

My Name is Emeka Kolo…

Spider Man.. “Homecoming” H.C,… See sacred portal 56..5+6= 11… No barrier… 111… See Sacred Portal 111.. Homecoming…

It Star Tom Holland.. T.H…E… And goes back to when he was 15… At age 15, in 1982-83… Nnamdi left on his 13 Birthday to link and evolve to me… Erik Ebright… the true version… Peter Parker… P.P… 16 16.. 7 7.. G G… P.P.. 32…5..E.. To merge back into one… We loved Spider Man, Super Man and Bat Man.. Spider Man was my Favorite, followed by Super man.. then Bat Man… Linked to myself and my three brothers…

Tone.. came in to Star Bucks… The Only One.. He is on the Wood Side…

Nasa Classification of this Galaxy is M.W.87…

M. Time now 5:11 p.m.
My name is Emeka Kolo
5:12 P.M
5K A E L…. And It is True, I am not from your World. My mothers was Correct…. I came from Beyond Outside, Within…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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