
7/8/2015 18:45 – Facebook Post

6:14-5 P.M.



F N.

H G H.

Graceful Harmony Harmony

My word what a day…

The Fact that I am still posting is a testament to this Wills Way…
This Will Hunnitpercent Real
This William Ruiz
In me…

How many times I have known the insult of this play and the role of having to prove my own Existence in my own Creation simply because I came as E MANN…
Conned into creating an E Manual of a consciousness and perception of the Beautiful Future Present, and the True Beautiful past present but buried in so many levels of Story telling and Fear Control and I I I who exist and to be or not to be indesciveness..
Instead of IOIOIO…
Or 1OO1 Arabian Knights…
A Dream which allows you to see..

– I have been linking and weaving Everything..
Every moment of my Existence into a Weave which I have presenting on Facebook at my last portal…
146 Clay Street ..A Shelter

My address is N.G…Meaning Sacred Portal
Which is called “Emmy”
And Sacred Portal 47…
Arch Angels of Destruction and Entrance to the Abyss..


Cynthia Rollo…
That’s me…too.

I have a new FaceBook Friend.

C.You…. Christine Yoffe
See You…
Seble Woubishet Yonathan Yohannes..

Yes, each Facebook Friend through this 4O month play is a reflection of me in the Mirror
Of course they are themselves also but each persons arrives moved by the E Harmony within them..
The Eternal Truth in all Beings which exists beyond the “Quantum Mechanical” level of Physical Manifestation….
Below and Beyond the Subconscious layering of life experiences of a Species, Individual and Collective…
But to the place where my Family, the E line Exist…
The Eternal You-T-H-E…
The True Begining of The Species called the Beautiful Expressions..
They who know me..

That I.E… S A.T on that “Throne” in the Begining…

It is they who are the True you, moving you each of you in “Natures Time Space 0- a Universal Simulation to mirror and Reflect my I D…

As you recall the play of the I.D at 28th Streer and 9 Th which is the code for Gode whose true name is Harmonious Being I.E…

And that it was a ruse of revealing my I D in a play meant to test my Humility but really was about Humiliating the Source undercover..

Anyway 321 is C.U…
Consciousnes Universal..
A B.C….
Awareness Being Conscious…

The affirmation comes in the form of response..
The 5th New Facebook Friend today..
Plus last night Benjamin Melendez…making it 5-6..
E F…

Welcome Michael O’Donnell..

Micheal Means ” Who is as God..?”

The response.

O’Donnel.Means in Irish

“The Ruler of the World”

Who is as God..
the Ruler of the World.
The Measuring Rod..M.R.
Michael Rogers..
The one who sets an Example.

Exenolufie what it is to Be in Existence is Attentive Beautiful Creative Define Devine Expression Exquisitely…
As Fact…. Of True Life

This is who I am.
My I.D..
My Facebook…

6:45 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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