
7/7/2019 23:32 – Facebook Post

In Cold Bloood..

I C B..

By Truman Capote…
T C..

Sacred Portal 20.
T C. True Clarity..

I have been carrying this book since I Delta Manor…and have used it in my Altar through out my stay at Esteban Miguel Filgueira portal..
And only after leaving 219 South Whitney.
Did I cease to use It on my Altar Art Science E Quantum Equation

11:20 p.m
T K…O…

Truth Knocks Out .. The Liars..

I have been fully aware of the Murdering of my Truth and my Being through this last play in Harford Connecticut.

And only replaced it with Lynne McTaggart
The Field when I reached Jesse Macias through E.M.F

11:22 p.m right now

M.R. was moved By The Play..
Her play not mine
And true intentions..

Then I pit it under the Panel Table..
Mckayla bought with Stephens Funds..

I left 219 South Whitney with the correct book
By Harlan Coben ( H C. 83 )
” Miracle Cure ”

I.am.im the room once rented by a Carlos Maurice…”
Sacres poryal.9 is M.C
Mastery of Ceremonies
Rituals of Beauty
Rites of Passage

Of course I was aware that the people laid in wait..

Please see my sacred portal.113. A.M..

11:28 p.m

See how most left me to writhe in quiet agony
No peace just hate.. disguised as love..

Only the True cared and did actions of Appreciation. Grace..

Truman Cap O.T. E

Murder is another name for Cannabis Weed..

Wu Tang O..

Please ..
I was fully Aware

I know what Love is remember?
1994 Poem


It’s a Fair Field
A two way one way street..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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