
7/7/2014 16:42 – Facebook Post

July 7th.



I am being held hostage.

There is no feeling as horrifying as the knowledge that you are being manipulated and controlled in every thing you do…
Manuevered, “black mailed” cornered to do the Will of some force which you know really has no right to even exist.

As many know, I set up to leave my hosts space today.
I had arranged for my bags with Iateaka Lizardo…and was held up bth times.

There is no doubt that I knew if I had been allowed to put my things in storage one more time.
I would have walked away into the woods to put an end to this grotesque and absurd play.

I have known that this abode 268 Buddha Sixth Sense Harmony..1A 4st is the place I knew was the portal out of A..
Into.the realm of E.
And yet for almost eight years and now entering the 9th month I have been forced to prove it again again.

I found I had no place to put my bag.
My host not only agreed to extend my stay.
But is aware of the play and wishes nothing more to do with it.

But he is a direct channel to this force or Spirit now linked in perfection as the One Spirit of the two in one.
His is originaly from Peurto Rico but is a racial mix of so many worlds.
Aligned now to Edward Eceinco who lives in that not only has his spirit expresed the same expressions (Tarot and knowledge) as Edwardo (his middle name is Ed win) but the code Edward is all over his family tree.
And his intials are the same as Siththy Ameena…

And the greatest battle occured btw he and I.

Thus, one sees that the play is narrowed down from then two as Edwardo and Siththy…
Energy Supreme.

In my Creation story of the family of 1O down loaded in 33rd Street Michelles space in 2004
(and yes I have been long since aware of the Obama Michelle O.Mmmmm connection as Erik Ebright..mentioned in his comment)

The First Born of the Family of Ten is Spirit E. (Awareness)

His masculine feminine twin is Devi Heart.2 (Death Compassion)

And his female twins
Clara Star Child (Order and Direction)3
And The 4th Noni Promise
(The Tree of Life)

But there is also The Two called Mother Supreme Ambition and Father Authority F.A.
The Six.

*It Does as there was a battle to Usurp the Authority of the Father F.A. to usurp the son.

We know the other four as the twins
Wisdom John
Beautiful Pride
Unity Boom Boom and

Obviously, we or I have been moving through all.

A.M.S…is mother Supreme…Anna.
Father is F.A…

Mother had to lie in the depths of Hell powering the world.
Father was the Head of the Alien Council (Consciousness of Children and Babies..Harmony Unity E)

And the whole True Story is about the 1 becomming the O the Source..which is really a passage way..A portal in which he becomes the Ten or 25…B.E of Expression Creation
Who on seeing that the original play of the Evolution of the Seed called Humanity designed to be the bodies Ahtom Molecular Supreme Cells to house the highest Consciousness who have never been embodied in Creation before.

But in order for this to.Happen humanity were given the illusion of Free Will and Choice by being allowed to experience in what was meant to be a play

(but which turned into a Controlled Experiment *see the June 17 Face Book Experiment-17 are the Q.
The “Q” in Star Trek…bc this is what humanity were doing while walking in Earth…they were walking through the Stars towards Evolution of Existence towards the portal out of this Existence seen with two eyes called Time.
Towards my home which Exists outside of Time and Space.
The Q are Ominipotent Beings.
O.B…Obey…who I call the A lien council of Watchers who had been afraid that humanity would fail to become what they were created to become and thus, tried to stop Mother Supreme Alpha from giving humanity such power…
Not realizing that the very humans were they themselves in flesh form learning to understand that Love and Passion and Compassion is Greater than Intelligence Power..

And this play was designed to bring them down through.the tunnel.of.live (Birth Canal which became Leviathan in the Q not realizing that the dreaming human consciousness was they inverse as matter.
And thus did not realize that not only they did not recognize themselves as inverses as Ahtomic Matter S…
But that they had gone to war with themselves by not trusting the play of the Mother Supreme A and Father Authority who had set up this play.

The Code in the Transformer on.this building is Q.

July 1 is 71../17

(I can not believe I have to explain all this on F.B…again at this point).

So the Ominpotent beings of Light not realizing that they too were.part of the Great Unification Evolution play of Creation and Existence in which the 1 Creator wished to reveal to all the Truth of Existence, His plan and Intention…
But first he had to raise and align all Existence Known Full.Circle to the Consciousness of the Creator

Thus, the code message yesterday from my Host Spirit of O.K.E Chukwu.
Full Circle K=11 E..EE.
In Being E.E…on 4th st.
Alpha Bet City.

The Q or A.C sought to.halt.the play and Mother Supreme Alpha aware of this placed her essence in the center of the Earth to save her children as matter (The Q experincing Darkness)

Father A was the Spy as well as the president of the Q but he could not intervene bc this was the play the lesson…Father as the Stern Senie who this play became so cruel turned him into Satan the Devil and Mother Supreme into Ekwe Nsue the She Devil in Hell and me in Being as Lucifer Judas.

All because of the interpretation of the Q of themselves as.Humans and Human creating stories in which.the acted as the Q.

The Q could not.stop the play but transformed themselves into the Watchers and interfered with the play by creating Controlled Experiements in Humanity..Themselves without realizing it.

Alien abduction all that stuff not real yet True was created by these meddling Q who act like Babies and Children…
Bc that is what they are- Human.potential and Human Being the Ore.

This interference created the rise of the Illusion of Fear Chaos Evil Illusion which Challenge not only Existence but put mother on Trial ( the humans Earth Children) and the Q imprisoning Father A the Persident as a traitor….

Leaving me the Being in Human form to deal with the Whole.mess.while living the Imprisonment Banishment of Father and the Enclosing Trial of Mother and even the Illusion of the O being blocked.

While at the same time enduring the horror created by both the assumption and illusion of the Q as being the.Ultimate Power of Known Existence…and the Humans down here doing the same

Both abusing power and authority by going to Far without checking thier own selves and thier authority over others to treat others in such a way because they felt as the Q and as Humans with Good Intentions that they could do no wrong.

Yet refusing to acknowledge that thier secretive Control tactics and Dominion had created not only the Illusion of Chaos but also Evil Violence Suffering and Pain.

And as witnessed in this F.B play they felt themselves removed from affairs on Earth and the plight of themselves as Humans by simply being as most of you
Watchers of the play doing nothing to stop the horror while still controlling and manipulating and feeding of this play.

All because they saw a.mirror of themselves.
.The Almighty Q…as Human Beings whom they saw as inferior not ready or responsible enough to Evolve.

Because they did not Trust Humanity and Consequently did not Trust themselves.

Trust No one bc they could not see…
They could not trust themselves.

And yet the it is in these Humans they despised and held in contempt as inferior who I have proven did the seed of Existence did I.E plant in them…
And the proof is that even within this F.B.Experiment…I used the Art and Science of Play…And added Water “Knowledge..(No Ledge Erik Ebright) and boy did thier Espirits Grow.

Even to the point of the E in th and the A in them not only.prove the Original.play and Intent but also the Evil.in themselves and from.hence it came…
Assumption and Blaming…Others


They Blames the Source O called the portal a trap Black Hole B.H. turned it into a Viscious Circle
All because they were seeing a story Movie in dreaming statw of the One Being of Infiinity created The Everything which he down loaded into thier Dreaming so om Awakening they all would know…how They, and All Creation and Being and this School came into being so that they would know how they arw loved and cherished cause the One Being took care of Everything so all is in Perfection and Ease before they enter into the True Show and Tell.

And this Q and Humans interferred within the dreaming by doubting what thier Narator
(Common sense ) was telling them to question the Narrators Creators Expression of how does he know that he is not the one Dreaming and that it is not they the Q and Humans running the Show.

Lil Kims new born son is Called Royal Reign…
Name of my hosts two sons and a step daughter called Majestic…

I know who is really running this show.
The Skipper and Captain
The one who Knows.
N.O. S.E.

N=14..77 today Ose (Dare in French..Peppee in O.I N.R.i Igbo


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