
7/5/2020 5:44 – Facebook Post

7/5/2020 5:44 – Facebook Post

4:22 – 4:23 p.m

Women have boasted to me..
Certain Women who sustained their idea of themselves being superior to men in intelligence, endurance, ability to endure pain..

Marina Burini spoke of the schemes, plots, mind of a Woman that men could never imagine, the places they can go and never get caught or found out.
Because a place of cruelty, survival, and pragmatism which enables them to enact things which men are not able to grasp let alone discover they as the source of it.

And those rare few who do find out- these wonen deny it, having covered their tracks with calculating precision.

4:29 a.m

* I guess I am completing the Measured weight of Ardens 1.7 85 71 4 29 eq.

Interesting that I am watching the last of Empire..Season 5 episode 17.

I have always loved women, but in this realm I found that many had a sickness, a Fury a Rage which enabled them to do the unthinkable, the unimaginable which is where their power of invisible, passive agressive chess moves allowed to create fear..
Such fear by doing the unimaginable and taking relish and delight in the results.

I used to watch them, as a youth, and young man.
Men could be stupid, violent.. ignorant but behind the most awful strategems of cold blooded malice I watched certain kinds of women play.
Those who found their power.

See sacred Portal 90..
It has nothing to do with Love or that tendetness or ferocious nature of a Mother protecting her children or brood.
It was and is the perversion of this.
Alien, Predatory not of nature… A silent hatred of men..
Tinted with temporary rose tinted glasses of Love.

So many men, 90% and more, did not trust women, even their mothers, having loved them so deeply, enabling them to see them clearly, and thus see, witness observe the secret play which they hide, and others… so cocky because of the belief that men are too stupid to understand or read a womans Mind.

So many love and hated Woman, including so many women I met in this journey, seeing their plays which they believe, no one can see or percieve.

These were not real women I realized so much earlier on, there was an incompleteness.
The desire for a man by their sides, and their fury at themselves and Man for doing this, creating a structure which they said enslaved them to this dependency, interdependency..servility.

” I will build a weave for my unborn child to be my tool.it is mine..
It wanted to be born into this world, I obliged them, bore them, nursed them fed them watched over them..
I.might even come to love them,
But what’s love got to do with it,
Those little Sons of Bitches owe me
They are mine.

Hell Hath no fury like a Woman Scorned.
Imagine Lilith in the Bible scorned by The Creator…
4:49 a.m
Imagine the Fury and Rage…
Dominance, Control and the sheer pleasure she took in destroying The Creation he chose over her.

He didn’t.
But that is the story so many, male and female chose to believe.

Do you recall the move ” Dune?”
And the Character Maud’Dip ( Paul Atreides P.A.. … M. D. / D .M.AP.. Atlas.. D.M. A.P..)
And his Mother Jessica.
* I coded that at Jonn Delguidce and Donna O Sullivan place in 2015-2016

And recently with Jesse Macias Orejuela and his lady ex Jessina..

Jessica and Paul Attreiedes Muad’Dip.

The Sisters Nuns of Royal and Noble bloodlines with gift of Foresight..Seer..

But if you recall there are places that they as Women dare not go, only a Man but he had to drink the Spice – from the giant worms.
It was poison and no man had survived it.
Until Paul Attriedes came into the picture and his little sister after.
Children of Jessica…and their Father..
Children born out of True Love.. he, and his sister Rage and Power linked to her brother who did and went where no woman even the most powerful dare not look upon.

You understand now, the last play.
And allowing oneself to go too far.

I saw that which they felt was unseen, the actions they do with vieled thoughts, in the Invisible plane.
Wonder Of Woman…W.OW..
No Woe.

Deny Deny..
No, you trap them… in a Transparent Play.

In the Book and Film : Dune. D U.N. E
It was set in the dessert and all was about Water and Spice.

Water and Spice.
Passing through The Abyss Void

A Man did.

It was all about the power of Sound created by a human voice and chest which could turn it into a deadly weapon.
Muad’Dip came back with that knowledge and shared it with other warriors mostly male.

See Sacred portal 73 and 75
Piercing the Viel
And Wall of Sound.

There are places that I and I go and the males here where she can not go, or access so entrapment, spying, deciets and set ups are used.
But to no avail, except for revealing the places you are willing to go for power.

05:11 a.m.
05:12.am right now.
E L.

Its is not that I can not dwell in the pit of a Womans mind corrupted by need, power, rage to dominate control ..prove herself superior to all male..
Or defeat it, stand outside of it..
Its the being forced to dwell in the cesspool of Goodness transforming or returning to Evil Monsters really..
Why was it used as a tool, a test of endurance.
Why stay in such a mind for so long, instead of cutting it out after, the 7th chance?

That is why I do not trust this play, or anyone not awake or of E.

05;17 p.m
Its the Depth of Evil, of uncovering the use of me to see how much I could endure, when at my most tired after a life time of this battling and the last 19 years in New York made to move 64!!!! Times.. battling every step of the way, with a body …as if possessed but really evolving but delayed.

It was all about finding the secret through watching me endure, solve betrayal after betrayal on Facebook, to each place I was led to and knowing it was set up from Alexander Grove to Arden Gemino

5:21 p.m

Hung Yeh
No, I was just an E.T First Being on my way to rendevouz with my E Family

5:22 p.m
Your barabaric savage, monstrous natures has nothing to do with me.. which is why I had refused to come here..

Until the bait given was 56:56
Eternal Family portal home.

But really it was about finding the secret to my.power as a man who had every thing taken away, his truth betrayed and his brother self sun set up to betray him to death, without even knowing how he had been used and sacrificed for a play, as I had been.
To see myself, my SELF. SUM Song..
Set up to be used as I was..
In all his aspects from Baby to Youth to Young Men.

No Woman is only comning to.the world now
Woman not in Need of A Man to do the work which she can then manipulate, dominate, place him.under her spell.
And delude herself, themselves.
( book Witches Landing..)

It never occurred to such Women..and these Demons of the 4th Kind movie seeking to take over my body, and mind with what would be presumed to be impossible- unknown and hence a source of not only fear absolute which literally destroys the foundation and base of everything you know.. not to lead you to Eden Paradise but to Nu..
The Abyss.

Human cruelty, its depth, range as I have stated never surprised me.
I have lived in 64 homes.
100 more pethaps before but not in this state.
And I am fully aware of the foolishness in underestimating the Good who turn rotten
The Smart Brilliant who turn insane..
But they are also stupid, dumb blinded by Ego projections.
But they were allowed to breed on, publicly but more so privately, quietly away from prying eyes.
And those who knew, were bribed, swayed by benefits offered.. of becomming the Slaves awed by the balls, terrified horrofied..
Spell Bound
Caught like a flie in a Web

It never occurred to such creatures ..these Alien Bugs.
These Furies.
These Woman Men who want to be on top that others could see them.

And even set them up, in a Trap without use of darkness, shadows, dark magic..
Plays of illusion

But with real Magic Transparently in front of the entite world.
And strike you down in your own homes, by simply a Thought.

5:43 a.m

Stupidity is to underestimate one who says and does what He says, and means what he says.

No poker.
No bluff.
The Magician
The Infinity Card.


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