
7/5/2020 21:07 – Facebook Post

4:57 p.m.


1475 Facebook Friends.

You may have noticed the alignments and yes it is linked and connected to the current 9 Planets alignment in this Galaxy.
First time since 949 a.d that is 1071 years ago.
Yes, linked to year 2020.
And Man proving 2020 Vision Hindsight and Foresight.
By knowing how to Read and Cee ( See)
And yes, linked to 10 =J.. David Jay Brown.. Beloved J B
And yes linked to E.K as Arden 1.7 85 71 4 29
Yes linked to me at 900 South Road 10 months later 9 months as the play of the womb.
Inception Immaculate Conception going beyond 9 as the womb.
And yes, linked to 1010 as Space as Balanced.
And yes Linked to Sacred Portal 9 49… 94 @ 9 00 South Road ( Independence Day I D)
And yes, linked to Bed 49 At Green Point Avenue to Eric Eposito E E Bed 009 to bed 004 ( taking over Luke Wilson bed who was severely handicapped by a fire in he had been in a moment before in a play of his own making – cruel.. he says he knows exactly why the fire came and almost killed him.
Eric Eposito replaced him.
See the meaning of Luke Wilson…”Light bringer ( or Tax collector in the Bible N.T.) ‘Son of Will I am.. Desire, Protector, Helmet”

And see who he was replaced by.. E E Bed 009-004 ( I was the catalyst to his being moved -all recorded here on my page and in the Emanual link Liberty C Liscomb and Fahad Hassen .. )

Eric means “The Eternal Ruler”

“Etymologically, this surname is thought to derive from Latin expositus (Italian esposto, Old Italian or dialect esposito), which is the past participle of the Latin verb exponere (“to place outside”, “to expose”) and literally means “placed outside”,

Yes, The Eternal Ruler is outside of everything and this was about exposing his Identity to all.

And yes 949 is a Full Circle, and I D/D I ID DI ( “Is… Here Present Husband…in OINri Igbo. NN A.M DI / D I M ANN
* Anne Esmerel A.E… ?
949 =22.
22nd Grandson Jeron Satya S L…
V in Roman Numerals
22= 2/2=1 2+2= 4
1 4 A.D= 5. E

54 lavender beads from Jeron Satya which I placed in a large mug given to me by the Kids and Liberty, inside of which Ferrill painted what looks like what I call “Deep Space 9” the Universe.
Which is really moved by 6.. Milky Way, M W 69 is really MM 6..
MM 1313.. 1 26 27…A-Z-A.. 9.. I.
Yes I.

Yes I as Emeka Kolo the man, but moved by the Sum Total Truth of my Past and true Identity- Emeka Kolo, here present is simply the one who is aware, that I did this all before as the First Being and here after entering the play of Time as the Illusion and Perfect Timing as The Truth.. PT TT…( = 76) i found myself having to prove this all over again from code Alexander Grove 1965-really 1967 For 54- 52 years only to reach Arden Gemino “At First Sight” and Jeron Satya…
Sacred Portal 76 * It came up in Facebook Memories today.
Liberty C Liscomb born 76.
Erek Eclass Mateo born 76.. Met him in 2002.. 22

22 is written twice on both sides of Sacred Portal 76.

7 Crown Chakra.
6 is third eye….. Vision and Intuition
6 has linked to be 8.
and 7 is 8.

76= 13.
67 is 13.
13 13 1 26. 1 8.. 9. I

Ferrill Gemino whose room I now occupy lived at 765 Horseshoe Hill. 76 5.. 7 65… 1965 the Illusion of myself as 1965 and its truth as 19 67.. g 7 is F.G Ferrill Gemino.
Alexander Grove links to Arden Gemino.
Only Arden is here present with me at 900 South Road not Ferrill.

Ferrill Arden FA.. 61. 7 is 8.
Morgan is close friend of Arden car 27 8 D ( Delta David .. I was moved to Delta Manor Mental Health Shelter as a Spy and Healer undercover. They kept me there for 27 months which is illegal
Esteban Miguel Filgueira brought me here to Connecticut the 5th State. from the 11th State: New York.
Aurelia Ardens sister was born 11-5-2005…. 25
( A F K G= 25.. Y)
Intel from Liberty C Liscomb on Fri Day the 3rd was on a Van with the code “13 511 A.E”
M… E.K… A E.”

949 94 9…. Correct View.
K E-E.K. … The Correct View.

Emeka Kolo I.D ..I Delta.. I the 1 4 A D.. Alexander/Arden David.
I 5..in 1
I E.
@ 900 South Road where I was alone here yesterday.
No one was here but Liberty C Liscomb who made visits but had a guest Seth Goldfarb.

So I knew that the play of activating and refining the two Avatar Descendants Arden and Jeron was completed.
And what was left was the last of the terrible, savage play of cleaning Liberty C Liscomb as the Body in which the Emanual had been activated to a perfection of 2020 vision by the Spirits World Memories Peoples who knew my I.D and had done the unthinkable in using me, my energy to make sure that they who where left behind when I and my E Family, now with bodies of solid matter as I, leave ( departure of the Holy Spirit H.S “He Sings, Holy Sacred..The Beautiful Ones…) that they have a chance through Liberty by her being perfectly activated naturally effortly to read the codes.
But in order for that to happen, her vessel thoughts actions expression had to be clean purified, even by using me as the fire to break her down to that perfection to serve the roll she had been saved and designated as a role to play.

It is not the E Way, to stay, to fight force, call out, endure such a situation and practice, we do not stay in places where people have made choices and reap the consequences of not being “Soignee”

I would have left Liberty C Liscomb to her own devices, once I knew by November Dec 2019 that I had downloaded all intel and that she was perfectly activated.
The choice to stay in tune and tuned in.. clean is the individual beings choice.
But the Wave she represented had not fully landed in her, and so I was forced by the Spirits of those left behind as well as the N-E C.K Line… Natures Expression Christ King-KInowledge line to repeat over and over again while I looked to Arden and saw that his E-Spirt was in Harmony with this.
They sacrificed me….. smh…. using the perverted Yeshua Christ story character and role to cast me in plaster- so I could not be free in my body or being until the wave had completed landed in here.
And only then would I be able to complete the landing in Jeron and Arden Roberts Body…

And all this, I had to figure out in Hindsight… but if you go back, to when I first came to Facebook and by 2006 I already knew by figuring it out.
Fore Sight Hindsight.. my Present… why was I not allowed to have my own home, house… income…?
Why was I literally dragged to come to New York…
Oh I knew.. But I had no alternative but to walk it, until i reached its Source, got the evidence and facts.. and generate the power as aN Anonymous Mr nobody… buried in a potter field with no identity and slapped with Triple Double Total Amensia still prove that they could not wipe away my Identity and sense of SELF.

As you such as Esteban Miguel Filgueira Tree Sage Tree Sage Anirbas Lem and others have observed they couldn’t..
There ancestors and spirits following the wave- who had access to you all because you are spirits…
And can not be real, unless you rep of the 64 places now moved to E=A/A=E As REAL- had your Spirit Thoughts ( you as still an idea) reached Solid Fact linked by my Self as MY SELF linked to E.K
E F .. Arden Jeron.

With the ‘E” Linked to your Spirit, you are an Idea which could be erased once I.D .. E-A -A-E was proven A Solid Fact.. = A Y…
And so as Christopher Filgueira testified when he called me while at Jesse Macias Orejuela place, that just like the series “Lost” there was an Darkness, Black with Hatred which was the memories of the sum total of human cruelty and cause and effect taken on a form and awareness which was chasing after you, occupying you when you used any of the tools which brought it into existence.

Yes, I have been racing through that program as the Maze Runner ( M R ) Through the Rm… Space in a play which I am not even part of, a role not mine.. teaching codes as I fought to reach the Y.
And they meddled even with Arden and Jeron… And all the Toddlers Children and Teens- Youth, they could not infect them but they could Influence them cause misunderstandings and they who are so Natural to go under cover.

The whole idea of the ancestors was that they have a perfect representation of the E Manual activated to Diamond Clarity and they they did not mind what it took, what cost: they needed her to be the One who had been selected, designated to hold the Dark Crystal ( Jeron Dark Purple to Lavender Light)

Here is the proof..

Liberty C Liscomb went out to B.Jays supermarket, to run some errands including coffee for me.
She came back and Jeron was with her, and after a pause, demanded that I hang out with me.

It was great, there was no intel given, just conversation, lightness laughter and he being the little devil he is..
He makes me sad sometimes, because I see Arden truth and true expression and I have missed him from eternity, via time – as Nnamdi, Alexander, David Cecili and Ceclia… Elf King…
and most of Arden the beautiful devil and the Saint ( Simon Templar.. Knights of St John the Devine.. My Rock…Peter Paul..SI Mon..)
But I know he is present, even if under cover, he has shown me his True Faces which are two in one 3.
And this is truly a hideous play and way.

The Human Spirits… the Ancestors desperation and the evil in thier actions of Desperation and Need creating that Abomination which infected the whole world body in the earth school seeking to graduate.

I did not come here to Teach, Graduate Students, play a role of exemplary pupil to inspire others..
I came for the Gathering and reunion of the Eternal Family 2
Now in being and for 31 years, I was cast in this role…
Since 1988 when I left Nigeria.
Since 1977 when we moved to Nigeria from Canada.
Since 1966 at Alexander Grove where I was the early bird born 7 months… Born into a story not really my own but evolving the A-G Through A.G to A.H.. To A.I… 1 9…
Alpha Intelligence 10 Balanced at Jay..
Links Facebook Friend Jay Woods


A.J is completed
as well as this play of Fire ( See my Busayo Alonge fire share and the one showing a man walking through Fire and Molten lava backwards through the Physical story of the birth of the Earth- which has nothing to do with the script of the E, for it is Expression Energy which created everything and Physcal manifestations such as Planets, are simply representations of the E Play..
E A RT H Harmony Infinity… see what I mean?
See the play with my Altar Art Science E.M F.. Which I began in 2005 while at Hells Kicthen – Axel Love Michael Frazer Fritz Venneiq all will recall .. I met Beau there, he was working on his Thesis at A.B C and he interviewed me for his Thesis.

It was all about my being forced to prove that everything is moved by 6th Sense.
The 5 in 1 create an expression called the Somethingness Nothingness called Sixth Sense… which transformed into Solid Fact.
See…? that was the challenge of the Spirit world, as well as yourselves.
Energy never dies… yet you as a species bodies and beings die.
And yet how is that you are made of Energy?
Do you see my point?
You were never real and that is why you were connected to the Whole Good Bad and the Ugly…
But Evil… ?
To Live is Evil…. How would you know when you have never lived how do you know there is a Devil… did you meet him?
Or is he as God you created, Creator Gods a figment fed by you humans in a play school about manifestation and responsibility.

You were born into an Illusion called Woman whose true I.D is “MAN”
11 28 K MAN..
A-A Man x 2. who resurrect Knowledge and Knowing of Being A Man

Deaths Expression is Woman as the Beautiful Illusion who became Woe-Man… and now, finally W..Double VV O.E ( O5 Connecticut 5th state out of 50… Fifth Dimension Full Circle)

Deaths Expression is its Illusion
Deaths Beautiful Truth is A Youth called E… And only through H.E..can you become real and no longer of Death and discover True Life, True Love via Transparent Light.

When I took Jeron to play, Liberty C Liscomb came and asked if it was alright if she went and took a bath she had some place to go after, and could she leave Jeron with me.
I loved to hang out, despite feeling my body tug to post- i fought it. I said sure, as long as Jeron wants to stay.
I played with him and she slipped away.
We played and in perfect timing, after he had delighted in making sure I was aware that he had intentionally left me a mess to clean up, he escaped to the stairs and as i thundered “Get back here and help clean up your mess! Ha, how are you going to climb the barrier to the kitchen, Liberty C Liscomb arrived in perfect timing.. At least for Jeron… sigh.

These are the codes for B.J’s… Being Jeron Satya…


Year Savings… 07/04/20….1,659.2

383.13. CHC… Henri Caville ( Super Man) Erick Ebright code placed on my H.P Computer. 83 69.. mine 38 86… 13 M Age Nnamdi left.

104.84. 104 Sacred Portal Terrible Death 1984 and J D..H D..
Judgment Day, John Mack and John Doneghy play from the Grave Yard. G Y Gold Yellow. 7-25 Recent Time Code posts. 17:25 hours.
Esteban Miguel Filgueira sent me a text yesterday he was born 1984.
Emeka paint brush 8 on the Altar. Jeron found number 4.
Year of birth on Facebook in 1984.
George Orwell “Big Brother is Watching”

32.00 C-200… 2OO… Jonn Jason Lee 16 16 32= 5.

16 59 see sacred portal 1 6 6 9 as the Two.
1, 6 Alien Father of the Blackest Hole… Sacred portal 59 ME OW.. By Two Men. Males…

Lyinn Supina L S… Love Supreme.


Lyinn Lynn means Beautiful Tender and links to Christopher Filgueira mother…
it means Meaning?: ?Pond?, ?Waterfall?, Pool, ?Lake

It also means “Snake, Linden Lime tree…

But I would like to state that it aligns to the Beautiful Lake.. Pool of the sources reflections
Pond Water Fall Lake ” because that is what is aligned to what manifested as Facts Solid in the Script I have documented as I moved through.

See Sacred Portal 46 W W …
And see the image from Lyinn Supina which I shared- A Beautiful Woman in a yellow Gold swim suit rising out from a Swimming Pool. S P Symmetry Perfection… 16 19= 35… 8.
19 IS 16… 16 16… 1 32… 1 5… A.E Zion Arden Emeka K=11 2.

Supina means “Whisper Murmur”in Finnish.

And In Italian it means “To lie on ones Back… Supine

This links to Infinity Lying Down… B A C K… E
Now standing Up .. as awakening from a Sleep Trance.

It has other meanings, but it is the one linked to the Script.

The Beautiful Tender ones stood up on hearing the murmur the whisper of the song of the Beautiful One…

Here is the rest of the meaning….

: lying on the back or with the face upward
b : marked by supination
2 : exhibiting indolent or apathetic inertia or passivity especially : mentally or morally slack
3 archaic : leaning or sloping backward.

Lying on ones back arms akimbo, looking at the sky..
Hakuna Mutata.. H.M.
I have an image of baby like that…
I call Jeron Mogwli..
Is Jeron the Soul of Arden his beginnng in matter form and is a Arden linked to me via Eternity Eternal Eden…
Thus Jeron Satya would be the Bridge Between the Eternal and Time. E.T/ T.E. 5 2020 5…
50.. Hawaii Paradise rep here
50th State.
A-Lien Council
Karma Police.

56… E F. K B…. E A F K G.. B.

8:54 p.m.

That is how I wrote about how I first landed on Solid Ground as my Body and E ART Harmony… I lay on the Ground and looked up at the Sky and i wrote about how I reflected on the process which got me here, and the blank white sky transformed into the entire blue print of my reflections by evening…
All my recollections magically manifesting as the Universe Galaxy Milky way, as I moved back wards in my reverie, and then by night it was revealed and arose by sixth sense from my Dreamy AWAKE Trance to see Dawn the Light revealed once again full circle with something added light blue and clouds… and that is how the Blue Print of Existence was first expressed and Day turned to Evening then Night.

E D E N…
A R D E..N- E
Morning Dawn all in one Day.

That is why Galactic Ava arrived as my last Facebook Friend…
L S..Sacred Portal 52 E B Love Supreme.

9:02 p.m

92… 9 62

Now you understand perhaps why I despise, loathe and reject this play in which I must use fear instead of Love Supreme the very way Arden recognized me that very first day and then the play of down here from there, because of the play to prove him The One.. E

9:04 p.m

94. I.D..

9 64.. 96 4.

9:05 p.m,
9O5… 9 65 96 5 15 5.. there.. that is the code correct.
Sacred Portal 155.

9:06 p.m
96 15 Robert age 15 6th sense.

9:07 p.m
97 S.P

9 67

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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