
7/5/2019 17:12 – Facebook Post

7/5/2019 17:12 – Facebook Post

Time and Date… T.D. 20 4. 24


2:05 p.m

25 Y.
B E.
John Mack
Brooke Lee Lemery
Emeka Kolo

Brenden Velez

Tree Sage…

Add Cartney J. Bazile

* McKayla Rays is Harmony
5 3= 8

G E T. S. I.T.


For years, I stated how much I missed my Sister because her line always ” Gets It”

G I. 7 9

Last night at 7:16 p.m.
Grace Perfection
Good Point!

Brooke and Brenden V. came over..

Esteban Miguel Filgueira sent a text saying he too wished to come over..
Have not seen him in weeks, but in Perfect Timing he made contact

Yesterday was 7 4… Independence Day.
I.D… 94. / 49 .. the last two digits of his phone is 94.
I started this last End Game, 2015 bed 49..

We did not get to connect because the play with Brenden lasted until 10:47 p.m

And by Jove! I was exhausted, and my body was insane with discomfort and a quiet pain.

I already knew who Brenden represented, and to make sure, that I was aware, just as I had found myself watching The Outlander, series and found myself staring at Brooke on the Screen as a Woman Claire who is able to travel back in time through a ring of Stones where she meets Jamie McKenzie
* Belle McKenzie. B.M
Mckenzie Donna. M.D.

J A M. I. E.

C L. A I R. E


Which aligns to Clan MacDonald
J A M. His Father
Christine his Mother

J C.

Holly MacDonald
John MacDonald

H J. Hero’s Journey

The first code Brenden Velez mentioned
Linked to Joseph Campbell..
J C.

And O Sullivan..

( Jeff Sullivan
Tony Sullivan

Robert Ruth and their Daughter Donna O Sullivan )

And their daughter, Rihanna of Two Worlds Past and Present.

It was the same, the night before when I found myself watching a movie with Orlando Bloom..
O B.
O.B I.. means Heart.
Starred in Pirates of the Caribbean, but in this movie, he revealed his Dark Side..
Day to Night.

And so a play began of S.E X and Heart…of Live and the proof that he was under cover was made so apparent witnessed by Brooke.

It was a play of Destruction and Beautiful rage and the True Meaning of Love..
Love is Conscious Love Considers.. Love is Courage and Cou- Cour- Age.

And the evil done to the meaning of Sex and Desire.
Book three of my Sacred Portals linked to Book V. 5
And that was the play which Brenden Velez represented..
A story which I knew too well.

See sacred Portal 51. And 94.
And Sacred Portal 24.
Brenden is 24. Born 1994..
Line of the Lovers and Father as the Wind and Mother as the Seer Supreme Vision.

The Hell we walked through..literal Hell Fire play.

It was as if I was speaking to Ares Mars -Mercury..
Beauty Lovers Liberated.

The only person’s I have ever encountered who listens and speaks to the Wind as Father by being able to read Its Harmony.

Mind as mine, so quick-Hermes Mercurial.

Mercury Hermes..
Marcel Heald
Marcel Heald

Reminding me so much of 22 year old John
And of course Emmanuel Nnamdi..

* Kelly of A White Raven told me a few moments ago that A White Raven has a son called Brenden and that is Mother/ Guardian was born 1933.

The End of the play was marked by the arrival of Jesse Macias and Zion.
And my taking both to see my Altar..

There was a Gold Chocolate ball placed on a black case of Dark Matter, dense Volcanic Mountan matter packed with minerals given to me by John MacDonald, and the Gold Chocolate ball given to me by Mckayla.

He stopped in front of it, and blurted out that he had a Vision Lucid Vision of a Monk who had given him the exact golden ball at which he placed it into the palm of his hands and it had transformed into billions of Fractals.
Light…C Speed of Light.

I asked him, if he could identify the Monk..
He said no.
I almost rolled my eyes..
Before replying it was me…

3:17 p.m right now
Fair Field.

I had watched another movie the night before
Martial Arts

* Brooke link White Crane Martial Arts “TAO”
White Raven..
Erek Eclass Mateo/ M.E. E.
And Michael Crane also linked to Erek
Who I met 2002 and is the only one who ever rose and witnessed me rise.

In the movie, there is a Martial Arts Handsome but Honorable vagabond who left a High ranking position and his close friend because he refused to give up his morals and sense of injustice he saw.
He meets some children and their Teacher

( Line of my Sister, Noni Proinse Life rep of the 4th Dimension and principle is the Teacher of Life, protector of the Children
She is Shelter as the Tree of Life
Tree Sage

J B ( T K ..O. Tree Kim. )

He decides to protect the Children who call him Monkey Lord…

Hunamn in Hindu Philosophy.
Strength Humor Mischief and Laughter.

That was the play of Human Children.
And my post yesterday.

The Human Children ( H C) are not Selfish, thry are Truth, Flow with Stream of Vonscioisness 5th Chakra wide open… have you seen how children sing?
Angels and Devils = Beautiful Devils ( B D. 2 4… Brenden is 24..
but Human Children as Adults is another matter all together.

They left me to carry this entire play alone for 29 years…
As if it was my job and responsibility.. my purpose of Comming into Existence, to serve them while they daily crucified me.
That was the play which Brenden and Brooke witnessed the Truth of yesterday..
A set up where Brenden was USED as it Actor and Brooke the Witness.

On my coffee table, directly in front of the T.V is the Crossing.. to my Left, The Entrance into the Black Hole of Non Existence..
And in the center a Crown with two axes crossing, given to me by Jesse Macias with the 6.8 Golden Ratio T.Shirt.
To its extreme right, is the Dark Green “Foundation Stone ” Sue of the Green House in Soho said I had to find in 2006, which I eventually found while visiting Albert Santana at 268 East 4th Street.
I eventually found it on E Street in Alpha Bet City.. Lower East Side, which I publicly recorded on Facebook.

On it is the words “Amazing Grace.. ( A G. 18 Alexander Grove.. I have been in New York for 18 years .
The code at Jesse is 18 years..
Allen Ginsberg who discovered my Journals with Susan Train/ T S
A G/ G A. 1 7/ 7-1
* John found got new Keys made on 7-1..2019)

3:43 p.m

Amazing Grace
How Sweet The Song. ( A G. H. S T S)

Behind the Foundation Stone I placed the Keys and it’s World Holder besides it, and a bottle cap with the letter H on it.
And a Leaf.
And underneath it a yellow strip of paper which had fluttered out of the book, The Field ” My Lynne McTaggart, which Jesse had given me.
On it the number 555.. in Yellow Gold.

“Hello Brooke 555”

Both had experienced the word “Grace ” appear before they arrived, and had traveled through “Great Zion” street to get here…
G P is God’s Perfection.

So the play was about the Planet teetering on a Black Hole, Waiting to J.M..J.L..Jump Man.. Jump Man .. J.M.. 23 ( 14..N 19. S) 5. E
Jump Leap… J L 22. ( 13. M. 28 B H) V 5
Isabelle Ilic Intel. E N 665 V E

22+5 =27.

Day I arrived here.

That was the play ,enacted by Brenden and I witnessed by Brooke
And Jesse Macias and 17 yr old Zion present.

Jesse J. 10. 1 O. =6
Zion Z. 26.
36. 27. 42…. J S M =42.

* At one point in the play, Brenden took his glasses off and saw my face ..
He was startled but strangely not surprised on seeing that I transformed into Youth.
” Whoa you look mad young ..
your true face.
Then as I continued doing the decoding of his characters, he took of his glasses again and let down his hair and I saw the True Version of Orlando bloom
Beauty Lover..
Strength like a warrior my beloved line I had recognized

This time he stared at me, with Brooke present, this time he was surprised, you look as though your 16!!!”

16 is letter P
The Highest Point

4:05 p.m
Only Nnamdi could do that
Mckayla Ray Anne Burgos would do something similar, she would take something off in her vision and see my face…

Albert Santana and Ritz Montez, remarked the same thing when they said I slept I would transform from a tired face man into a Youth even a Boy.

Alexander means Defender Of Man
D O M./ M O D E. Fashion Vogue
Defender of Children..
D O C. / C O D. E S. P

I do not defend illusions
I send that to the Black Hole

And so I knew, that since Brenden had himself linked and noted, that he Brooke and my self formed a Trinity…
555, I was aware of his Harmony but first the battle to get him to let go of the Character he as contacted to play as a Spy and what had been to Universal Mind…U M..
Really C I. S U M…/ M U S I C..
He gave Intel about seeing the code 8 8. 16 or 17 on his way here
7 17.
I understood why we we had not moved to 8
It required 3 8 .. 8 88. 24.
And he represented the Truth of the Beautiful Harmonies as Children the True Christ Consciousness C C 3 3.
Unfiltered Access
Truth T R U E.

4:17 p.m
4:18 p.m

And their Quantum Leap to Youth
Eternal Youth Expressiin.

E Y E.

Jupiter Zeus.

And the Cutting away of the Lie.

I am not a Monk nor a Priest- despite that beung the role I was forcibly cast in my the Evil Selfish Adults really aberrations-children playing badly.. Evil.
Who do not care to Share in carrying responsibility and would even dare go so far as calling me their equal or even looking down at me who did the work for my entire life, while they abused and vilified me, until they saw my t truth manifesting, and then turn round and ask demand…take credit for what I have done with out acknowledgeding it’s Author and Source…

I.am no bathing Ape.

Or Evolved from a Monkey..
Neither am I a Monk

See sacred Portal 51
Sex God of Creation
Emeka Alexander..
The Lover Of Life
Lover of Man Wu Man
Mari Di of Beauty..

Creation on Planet Earth is
Creation as Sex and through seeing through the 3rd Eye.. A Vision.

And that is Mon. KEY!

M.Y. K E Y. E

4:30 p.m right now

Of Life.

And this blasted cursed play, of Human Abominations masquerading as spoilt ill tempered children cast me in a role through their lies histories gossip, idea of one must sacrifice for the All..
Because of the greatest lie of all, especially in the 21st Century ” That They know not what they do?”


They Chose.

And that was the battle I had with this idea of Jesus John James..
Usurpers of
Yonathan Yeshua Yoseph Yahweh..
Y chromosome
Y 25
2 5

They is only one Balance
As J.
Blue JAY..M.E S.

Eros Jupiter Alexander Adonis Yonetman ( meaning in Turkish, The Director)
Emmy Stephan)

Observe the two three Highest Frequencies left in the play physically present.

John MacDonald Aware
Jesse Macias
Brooke Lee Lemery
Brenden Velez.

And E.M.F ..
Esteban Miquel Filgueria

The moment I write his name Stephen sent me a text at 4:44 p.m
* That is how I know who is in the Harmony of the E Script.

So you see
J.B E.



E B Yeshua Christ.
Erica Krista

J B. E K.

Jay-MES Sage
J B 007

License to Kill.

The Man with the Golden Gun.

Please see my photos albums of me at locker 007, at Green Point
G P assessment shelter..
And the miniature Golden Gun I found.
G G 7 7.

Leticia Lucila. My 1284 Facebook Friend.
L L 12 12. 24

Asiegbulem Michael


1285th Facebook Friend

Aligned to Brooke 1285 1285 Facebook Friend
16 Mutual

B Velez… You look 16 years old.

A leap from a Black Hole to a Golden Orb and finally through a play, 555 landing in Amazing Grace …through A Song…
How Sweet ..The Sound….T S


Laeticia means ” Joy & Happiness”
J H..
H J. Heroes Journey

Ref Axel Love called my Journey…
In my article The Elegant N omad

Lucia means ” Light.. Lightness. ”

Lucifer Lucy…

My Grandnothers “Mamas” Name.

Lucy Mamita..

And Asiegbulem
Means ” Let my Lies and Deception not kill me..
or let my Lies and Deception not carry me away”

Micheal means “Air Water Energy. Expression.”


He Who is as God .

5:11 p.m right now


Emeka Kolo.

5:12 p.m

17. 8


J.B 007

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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