
7/5/2017 15:30 – Facebook Post

7/5/2017 15:30 – Facebook Post

A.M. I Light

That seems to be the Question going on right now.

Am I Expression Lights Energy?

And in this scenario it would seem to be that some deliberation is going on.

Though, I have to ask, why should I care if I am the “Light”?
I am simply being myself and have never aspired to be The Light, or anything else other than myself.

This really makes no sense to me.

Flor Elena calls me “My Light”

Sacred Portal 97 “Light of The World Existence” L O T .W E”
Linked me to it
Lota George Odabi Lot A. G O
As well as Alignment through Super Symmetry.

But I noticed Chinezim Moghalu Chris C M C ask Flor if I was Light
Chinezim means the “Chi sent me”
And I responded that only by I Investigating can you decide and discern

Abe from Ethiopia Israel who is a very well educated man- extraordinarily well read checked and investigated and was the one the Chi really sent who brought the message “It only seems Impossible until it is Done”
But I received a message from Snow Trismetigus demanding I heal him her..
And so rude I ignored her him asking why should I?

9 7 is I G.
Igbo Greek ?
97 is Completion of 9 of 7
9+7 – 16.
16 years in New York
7.. 7th Month of 2017
9 months + in Delta Manor
I have already been confirmed by Greek As Hermes Sacred Portal 28
Link Sean Elliot.. S E. S-19. E 5. 24
2:40 pm
And the OINri Igbo..
And by the Line of the Falashas
Ethiopian Israelites E I.
Link of the descendants of King Solomon ( Son Of King David) and Queen Of Sheba.
Abe’s Wife’s name is Bethlehem.
“Rose Bethelehem”
And to Medina.. E Mecca

All of a Human Story.

So why the Delay?
Why the Hate?

1:51 pm

Full Circle

7-5-1 O

Code in Letters of the Alpha Bet.


G E A O . Eternity.. 7 is Crown Chakra Or Base Chakra, Expression Awareness of the Full Circle of Eternity.

E G A O.
Exemplified Grace Alpha Omega- from Beginning to End and to back to Ascension Full Circle to..

I am sitting here in the Starbucks, waiting for the Elizabeth Clarizio Lisa Natalie Johnson Emeka Kolo play to complete.

I am fully aware everything is in perfect Harmony, Elizabeth stated 9 am but Anthony had to do something with the family car, I mention this, because I came down this morning and there was Anthony Malgren ( A M) of Bed 5-009.
So, I am not surprised by the Delay.
Anger and Irritation almost caused me to tell Cassandra, my Case Worker whom I saw on my way here that I was ready to use the system to get out of this place and no longer rely on my Truth of E Harmony Quantum Wave to naturally lead me home.
Instead I simply asked for some toothpaste which they give out- small tubes.
I had to compose myself once again, to find some way to justify why I am allowing myself to be subjected to such conditions to an Equation Riddle which feels as though it is just stringing me along as a sort of Ridicule and Mockery.
12-13 years is a long time.
2004-2005 being when I knew I had completed the Equation.

Since then, it has been a non stop Blind Sighted journey of perplexity of trying to figure out why the Equation had not manifested.
The One “Mercy” granted me was 7 years later in 2012, when I received the message that it was for Your benefit that I was given 12 -13 more years to provide Clarity of the E through non stop Explaining in a pre set up play.

And now I have reached 1000 Face Book friends which represent M is Roman Numerals with the Arrival of Michael Trahe yet again.

M 1000
Trahe means Garment Raiment

2:50 pm
And now, I am here waiting… Since the morning for the completion of a play which has delighted in showing me nonstop Insult and Disrespect.

Why should I be sitting here at the very end waiting for a money code, they very last in this play if not an insult created intentionally to show the contempt for my worth and value and contribution.
A Demand for more clarification?
Elizabeth intended to send the code at 9 am
9 is competition.
So 2:57 pm

That this is The E family who challenged me
I say that is a Lie.

It would mean that the E line are Evil and use Power of Evil Beyond to compete when in truth they all responded exemplified by this play in perfect Harmony.

No, something else, an Awareness Cruelty is doing this.
I have been bought a coffee by Ms Lillian who is 74-75 yrs old originally from the Islands of St Thomas.. Means of Thomas is Twins.

The Arrogance of this Force is Evil Cruelty Beyond Expression of using Cause of Effect Law, but using its creating Conditions which effect the Outcome.
Disturbs the natural Harmony and balance of the Flow.

3:07 pm

Yes, I am aligning it but it is of an abomination.

I A M. E

Which refuses its Source

Ele means “Bright Light”
“Bright Shinning One”
It means “Noble And Honorable”
In Hawaiian it means “Black”
All these codes have been satisfied

Yesterday the code with Abe was all about the Color Black
And he spoke about how the Queen of Sheba and her people followed the Blue Land Line all the way to the End and settled at its end at the North.

Robert was here with me see the meaning of his name Bright Shinning
Lilian see the meaning

Lisa told me she and Kel came to see her yesterday and they were wearing Light Blue.. So was I.


E K L. I G H T. E. I G 9 7. Head Of The E

E K. L I G H O T. E.

My LIght

13 12
200. 4-5 /54

This is a “Play Script” of Cruelty and Hate Evil designed written to Frustrate Humiliate and Undermine the Beautiful Truth and Create Anger Hate Rage and Self Destruction of Self and Everything of the Beautiful Truth.

Black And White.

I do not require anyone to Bow to me
But Respect?
That I have Merited And Earned.

3:30 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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