
7/5/2014 16:59 – Facebook Post

July 5.

The F.B.Experiment contd.

Code 5/7.

Which was Ryan Kelly.
The Michael O’Hara…H.O.M.

We left this venue spirited away with the help of J.C and Dawn on May 7…
Where I met my 157 F.B.F in.the rain after walking all night waiting for the reason I was locked out again of my own home…
The World and Planet Earth.

Even anyone quietly paying attention to this play will see that not only are we repeating last years play from Elizabeth home in Jamaica Queens ( where I was meant to put my things in storage yet again instead of going home but it was blocked by circimstances not in.my control nor in Iateaka Lizardo control).

And that if we are now once more moving from the 1 56 play * we were at 1 65/56 yesterday with Kachy Ihems and are now at 1 66 F.B F with Mira cle Miracle Mike Aghimien.
Mary Magdelene A.
A.M.M.A. Who I.met.urged by Geoff LaCour who gave me something to imbibe.

M.M.A…is A.M.M.

1 66 is me.
Sacred Portal 66.

And thus, we see that in the 7 month and now the 9 month in this venue of my host at 4.. That we are moving through a corrected version of the play which stalled at 158…George until the Y.M play was completed

1 58 is
Even as 18 28 38 48 58 -68 78.88 98..
No date day or time…it is all a moment.

Anyway, for many these posting may seem like an epic fantasy but it is real and Truth.
Examined by an a lien council of Babies and Spirits unseen in the invisible realm; and were unseen in this material realm until a few days ago.

It became a cold discompassionate experiment, instead of the Beautiful, Beaitiful.Script written by my truth in the very begining of how All did first rise.

Instead of doing just that naturally in my own way I was spirited away in the most hideous manner to answer challenge to Existence by.my own Reflection who thought for a moment it was the Creator…when this play has proven that it was the Created…Creation.

And instead of asking the simple question to clarify so that last speck in its eye would clear, cleanse.
It kept quiet until that doubt grew and grew and then turned round to attack him and all Existence

And full of fear, Creation did the unthinkable and possessed its source to be its slave to clean up its mess to which till today, at least in this play in this realm it continually looks for another to blame even the very Source it called out to to rescue the world but was really to rescue it for all the evil it brought to.the world and the Being of Existence.

But even that was allowed to be used- this force which.became the Spirit of Jealousy, Satan, the Devil, the Great Witch, The War Lock…the Tester….
Who was given the role in the “End of Days, the end of the play script of the past as Earth School..It is written” Tester of the all Beings in Existence especially the Tester of me.

This is not the way of the Beautiful.Ones, we do not set ppl.up,.entrap them, back them up into.a corner lile trapped rats or mice.
This was the play of little sister Harmony 78…Mother and Father force who direct the Animals.

Who became so.enraged by.mans cruelty to animals and animal experiments that she set up a play.in her dreaming that put man in a lab to.be experimented on
(thus, all those Alien abductions scenarios- they are all true but not.real. They are projections from a Dreamers A.H…not H.. A.H is the line of Juiliet Dallas who thought she was Miss World but was really dreaming and allowed to go too far im her dreaming of rage of the world.
And her Twin My reflections did the exact same thing in refusing to contemplate pause and check (P.C) if the cause of all the horror could be him.

Something he had overlooked.
Something he did not see in himself on his journey created for him to learn how to be an Individual apart but linked by choice…to be besides his beloved rather than set himself (and herself) as Gods to be worshipped cause they could do no wrong.

The Source makes no mistakes but even he has to check how what may seem like a mistake reveals its true harmony in the end.

My greatest test of self restraint is not simply getting up and walking away.
I am free despite all the traps.
I am free to go to the wilderness and never speak to another human being.
I am free to leave this world and go home that way..for Death has been conquered and I have proven that this world we live in is a Matrix, a lie of life.
So those who commited suicide bt only after realizing this come straight home…bc they pierced through to see the Truth.

I am set to leave her Monday…I can leave today.
Only thing is my bag.
My host extended his invitation to stay until monday..bt he too is part of this play.

I do not think one can ever recover from the bottomless depth of the.insult done to me, my.offering my truth…And so it is I who.is the bottomless pit.
The Black.hole in which none but E can ever fathom the depth of.the insult.

But I always rise in J.O.Y Bliss Extase J.B.E…I simply understand and then forever go away.

If I am still.here, talking to you…moving the play to 158.
Spirited Away the correct way…It is no longer really for me, nor will I ever Trust again…
No it is just so at least.all.of you can see the Beautiful Truth.

After all the Ugly Truth had such.a sway..to assume the worst.
To Judge and.assume without studying.the evidence.
The do nothing.

I simply stay on to prove the Best always “Wins” and the best is always yet to come…
Because it is already here.

And once the Beautiful Truth does come..
No longer stalled by this evil.called Blame Guilt Shame.

Then I will go away.
And I Dance.
Away Forever.

And only.the Beautiful.ones will see my Face is much.more than a book.
It is the Truth of Amazing Grace.

The silver moon in my eyes undercover in disguise.


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