
7/4/2018 20:32 – Facebook Post

5:11 p.m.


Independence Day… I.D.

But not in the representation of this World perception of it but in the unraveled script on recorded in my page.

B I B L E…

Basic Instructions Before Living Eternally.

Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.

Bible literally means Book.

The Book on my Page called E-Manual.

The Summation of a Journalistic Log Book begun in 19790-80.
And then reprised as Talking To The Silence- a Log Book of Records.

Is the Earth and Hevens a Record and a Library of Accountability and Book Balancing.
Of all that took place in your life and Lifes Line, from this current life time, linked to the beginning of your Time Lines existence on Earth..

And that actual head of the Line who linked to All because all came from this One original being, whom the script on my page has determined is a Man of Y chromosome.. A-Y…
As well as a secret weapon. The Z which is the ability to Knock Out from his Tree Of Life, anyone who does not make grade..
The grade of the addition and gift only he can give all his descendants.
to rise from Z to A-E…
From Death and Death of Existence.

Imagine that the Earth contains all the records of every Action- Enacted by Everything and Anything which ever existed and walked the Earth.

And the Heven are the Library where all the Volumes of Book of Life are kept and recorded.

Imagine that one Spins in one Direction and the other, in the Other.
Earth Atmosphere Hevens Space Silence

And that the place of resolution of The Spinning of one in one Direction and the Movement of the other in the other direction are resolved in the Space In between the Two…
The Ground.

Imagine the World…
And it spins like a Turn Table-
* Link Anthony Bienke Bruce Lee Post.
Link the code D.J… Dee Jay…/ J.D…Jonn Delguidce, James Dean.
And Donald Letyon Turner D..L T… 4: 12 20… 32…

Flip the Script..

(Flip J Hendrixs)

And or, Turn The Tables on the Truth…

20 20 usd Anthony and Kyle Murphy
20 20 Vision linked to what Micheal Belle age 70
*( but so spriitely he morphed into a youthful looking 30-40 something man last night before my eyes)
and his eyes…
And then the meaning of Osiris and Hela.. OH..
Strong Eyes… S.E… Supreme Existence…
* Kyle Murphy has a Eagle Lighter…
White Wolf Eagle Serpent… W.E.S…
“Sol! a Needle Pulling Thread” Laufey! Loki’s mother…
And add the T… Truth.. who became the Tyrant because of Its exigence which people resented and constantly sought to Twist, change, transform…
Tyrannosaurs Rex… Dragon of Existence…

W E S T…D….

W E S T E N D ..E…

That is the Equation In the Art Installation in my Locker…

/ E ..D N E….( A R I A D N E) T…S E W….

Ah… 7:04 p.m… 74…
It is a riddle…
Yesterday I discovered some drink left over from the B.BQ at the shelter, it had the name “Rainbow” on it…
Rain Bow… R B… O R B…. / B R O…
*Schumann Resonance S.R… Rainbow Spectrum.
It was the color of Purple/Violet/Yolanda… P/V/Y…. which is seen from this point of view as 7th Color… can equally seen as the 5+1st…
Blue Red… which creates Indigo, P.V C…I V…I P.. I Y..
I V…then would be 4 as well as 6 in Roman Numerals.
but basically 1 and 5…Which makes I…P/V.Y…

I P man yesterday…
I.V..4/6 Play 10.. 1 O..One Full Circle..
I.Y…I Yellow Man… Golden Man Y…

I took the drink knowing that it was part of the play…
Kyle Murphy told me that he was with his friend “Slow” whose real name is Hose..( Jose)..
Jose Clara
That he kept seeing the color Blue everywhere…
i asked him if he had read the post of my seeing blue everywhere the day before when I the ESpirit literally made me bend and read the code 08918 on the Water Cooler called “Sky Water”
He said Yes…
They had watched the Purge…

I went down stairs and there was Kirtan standing where I sit…
then there was Curtis and then Daryl ( two creatures whose like of Self Respect makes it difficult for me to sustain their presence..C D..i noted)
Eventually they left, my E-Spirt Dragon was begining to literal roar and growl at them.
Eventually it was only Myself then Kirtan who moved down a table and Omar who I had sat besides for a moment.
I marveled at how quickly that had manifested .. I had just written the post a moment before…

I noticed that there were a cup of peanuts left in the table like an offering.
I knew it was for me, because I had been eating peanuts every night for two months.. P.N… ( Planet Nature.. NIBRU… / UR B IN…T U R B I NE…E..N…B ..R U E… )
16 14… 30…
*Saw Peter Nyarkô today- he had come to my mind earlier this afternoon.
*I had loved him, and though I had released him as well as all others to their Truth and by their choice of enactment and response to my revelations and intel.. gift…
I had stored within be their True and Beautiful Essence which I saw, experienced and harvested.
I carry that with me in mt sort of Noahs Ark.. N A…

Turbine/ Enibru

‘A turbine (from the Latin turbo, a vortex, related to the Greek ?????, tyrb?, meaning “turbulence”) is a rotary mechanical device that extracts energy from a fluid flow and converts it into useful work.’

Hmm from a Vortex… and yet it extracts Energy from a Fluid…from something which exists…

Yes.. I know this riddle is moving me in so many directions, but I am aware that it will all resolve itself in perfect Symmetry of meaning. In fact I already know where it is all moving to, Orbit Motions and Stillness being the same and they do not cancel each other out but rather they resolve back to Origins..
Eternity Space…
Eternal Space at the Point.

Alright let me complete the Riddle…
I linked the Pea Nuts and the Rainbow Purple Drink
to the understand of 1-7… G=7..
Ground… Floor… F…. 7 is 6…as well as 4…
74…Todays Date…
That the Ground is 7 as well as the 4…
Violent Purple Green…That 7 is the Hieght yes but the Height is to Ground… and to Ground is to Stand…
And to Stand and Walk is Sixth Sense as well as a Fact.. F A C T ..F..ACTION…Doing… in the Square Root- The Voice Box the 1-7 Combined.. Which all comes down to Expression…
7:50 p.m.
Grounded Facts … Present in the Room a Square box from which comes Expression is the manifestation of All Creation…
The Room already has Expression because it is filled.
Fulled with Expression of Rainbow and Expression.
Existence then would really be a Story of Filling the Gap.. The Void knowing that there is no Void, Abyss.. it just seems that way because you are yet to fill it up.

This is what I recognized myself as doing as the gap between my expression on my page here, and its manifestation has reached a point of almost Instant Manifestation as was seen by myself last night when I wrote the CODE K.O… AT 1:10 a.m.
and they players where all present there when I went down stairs though I had to eliminate two people present Curtis and Daryl…
and not through conscious expression- but by a natural enactment.
This led to both choosing to depart and the E.K.O equation formed.. But I had had to express and then the positions and equation aligned and then moved naturally into position.

I preformed a ritual with the peanuts and the Rainbow drink…
P .R…
Know that in the 1-7 Leads to the Ground.. Grounding…
Here in the present…
And then that is when the place cleared and they left.
I was alone…
The E.K.O.. Knock Out equations was manifest by a person having to be present E.. The Blue Man ..Expressing an awareness from the 5th dimension the 1st which is the 5th.. and the 7th …
8:00 p,m.. right now..
But basicaly since all is already at 5.. Expression and Harmony to Infinity… 5 8 Is the Equation which mirrors the age code of Donna O Sullivan… D O S.. D S/ S D… Santana Dharma… Satan Devil…S D…19 4… Bed 4-019/18… April 19 Donna’s Fathers Birthday Robert…
9 months to the day I moved back into the Shelter bed 007…
9 months after being assigned bed 49 ( 77=49.. D.I)
and moved through 17 months from bed 5-019 Room 5B to 4B the bed 4-019.. Now 18… The Reflection… Rainbow… of Spectrum.. S R… Delta.. E I E.I ..D E S I R E. I D E S I R E I…
/ I E R I S E .. E I D… E R I S E…@ D…

Back to the Music.. LP… The Library Museum…

Dee Jay and Librarian…

And Imagine that the Orbit of the Earth is like a Turn table and Sight- the ability to be Conscious of what you are Seeing and Perceiving are the Expression of all who lived.
The Dead. Records Memories.
D R E… A.M…
In the Room … Delta.
And the ability to be conscious and see what the L.P playing and is saying- allows you to correct and align all the expression of the Species which cause a Dissonance instead of a Resonance.
Expression Aware of the Cause and Effect of the Dissonance and which is through “Santana Dharma” ( Constant 24-7 awareness of the everything-
Link the Vision I recounted of myself standing before a large Disco Like Orb Spinning and rays of light broken like Fractals, Photon- Photo bursts like threads spiraling from it outwards, and my having to link the images flashing on the ball and link the fractals back to the correct sequence of images reflected on the Ball until the more I solve the Jig Saw puzzle, the slower the spinning of the ball..
( And the twisting of my my body.)

If all thoughts manifest in a Room with a view- which lets say the View is the Silver Disco Ball which is Spinning with with the correct and original picture… The Truth…
Which must be transformed to the “Belle Vue’ by correcting the “Dissonance in the Room and linking it to the Truth and then transforming it to the Beautiful Truth which creates a Resonance..Reverbration Resounding Response of Yes!
That is It!…
The Music Restored…

I know it is Vision because even the Scripts Enactment and resolution to Kyle and Micheal and then to Artie.
It is all about being Consciously choosing to be aware and what to focus on.. what you chose to link and add to your Open Mind ( which Artie represents.
*Link 7-11 when Kyle Murphy get his New I.D.
“O P E N… SEE SAME ME… Sesame…”S.E..S.A.M.E..”

And the Heavens is the Library where you can research and investigate the details of each life and its cause and effect to the Dissonance.. or to the Resonance…
That which is swallowed is eventually swallowed up and once resolved or digested because waste, while the Toxins are flushed out into Nothing…
And that which Resonates is accepted aligned and added to the Universal Body… its Being, moving it to Its Evolutionary Point.
The Original Body and Being…

* Dear Lord, T.J of bed 4-009 was just here, begging as well as getting a coffee….

Thus it means

My coffee 27 at Arab Bodega… A-A… is B G…
At Starbucks… 265…

Last coffee at A.B yesterday 12.. today 27…
Last coffee at starbucks 266… today 265…

39.. C.I..
26 6… 26 5…
*I am using 26 because that is the number on my page 2 9 and it has not moved since I opened my computer…
2 9 links to Robert “Kyle Murphy”
He is age 29…
Randall Michael R M is Bed 2-009..
Thus one is representing the Body as the Room and the True System … Linked to Micheal Belle…
And the other Randall linked to T.V room not so much any more- links to the outer world System of the Matrix World…
A System of Numbers…

8:17 p.m.

That was the number which appeared on the cashiers machine when I went to get my coffee…

Thus 39… and 26 26.. 6 5…
Coney Island… C.I… 12… 27… My coffees yesterday and today.. The numbers are going backward again…
It resolves Ends at 39….

22 66 65… 26 26 .. 52… 7… 65… 11.. 1…
I saw Artie today .. He and Kirtan were the two, the only two I interacted with this morning…

I am not sure what this really about any longer…
The questions as to whether I am know what I am talking about?
That I know that according to this Script and to what I am seeing manifest all around me that it is done.?

I saw last night that a person wearing Red came to the table and that he was acting as if he were challenging my authority ( on a higher play) I then responded-
they always like to challenge to fight…
Erik The Red…”
E.T.R… That is me …
So I allowed the Dragon to rise and the Magician Wizard in me and I said so give the a Fight, cut them , let them fight on the streets and let their blood went and stream down the street..
Street Fighters… ?
Ah as you wish…
Link Quanma’e Lewis play and stance.. so let it be…

the person left and I woke up to see him having taken the table Ii had suggested he take since it had been vacant and that it was 3 in morning and anyone outside atthis time wanted space and privacy…
He had refused last night lightly, but still a refuse…
SoI accepted his challenge..

I always do…

Red and Blue… B R… B RU… B R O… B R E W…
8:27 p.m…

R B.. Rainbow… Ground… Ground yourself with Facts the Anchor…

11 60 Facebook Friends…
A A F O… / O F A-A… Full Circle is 1-27… Completes 12… 3 9. C I… See I… C. S I I…
K F O…/ O F K… O L O…

I.P man 2 was dedicated to D S…
Darren Shahlavi, a martial artist who appeared fighting in such works as the “Mortal Kombat: Legacy” TV series and “Arrow,” has died, his agent has confirmed. He was 42.

According to his agent, Shahlavi died in his sleep Jan. 14. A cause of death was not revealed.

Shahlavi recently finished shooting on “Pound of Flesh” with Jean-Claude Van Damme, and is also known for his work in “Ip Man 2” (2010), “Watchmen” (2009), “300” (2006) and “Alone in the Dark” (2005).’

8:31 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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