
7/31/2020 18:52 – Facebook Post

AT 44743 Sonata. JOE.

AT. 316 33. Chevrolet Liberty Arden.

C 158561 Red Truth Chris Arden Ferrill.

15:44 Hundred Hours

3:44 p.m


I began a post at 15:22 Hundred Hours
3:22 p.m
O.V. A E
C V. Linked to Fahad Hassen and Chukwuemeka Victor..

* I tried to watch a movie yesterday it was called Crown Victor..
But the sound went off and so I ended watching a movie about two young men who fall in love with each other, one was married with a pregnant wife.

I had just finished yesterdays posts about the absurd pervered translation of the Original True Story of two men and the idea of Gay and Rainbow which defines and limits the Truth of Two Men.
And no such thing as Gay or negation of desire of woman.

I just stared at the screen.
I chose each movie randomly to distract me from this play.

I rose from sleep, took my coffee outside sent two messages to Tree Sage then to Athena Sarah Kaizer.

Only now do I realize it forms the Code T.A
( Kim Athena K A.)

The quiet.. The Silence all about me, was as quiet but the Silence was not filled with Peace and Serenity as it once used to be.

My body reminds me of that the moment I wake up, and when I go to sleep.

I sat on the red plastic crate “P.H OOD”

Arden had come to my mind once again, as if a Wave Length.. a frequency of his power of thought had trapped me in his frequency.
I know we have been connected but it has become itself a torture and torment this connection meant to be of Peace and Happiness.

I sat musing quietly, knowing I had nothing to say.. Quietly reflecting of the imposition and if I felt ashamed humiliated embarrassed at how this play, this force had made me expose my entire life and existence on this Facebook Page.

I mused about the messages I had begun to recieve like transmissions when after 61 days on the streets of New York Manhattan and on the 61st found Generation X Gardens and an older man Sage, and Albert ( Edmund but every one called him Al his middle name) and Isaac Calvin McCullough in August 2006.
” Do or Die.. suceed or get out… ” these were the messages transmissions I had begun to recieve
Seeing them everywhere.
Even Albert expressed these words to me, giving me an Arm Band which said words in that vien.

16:16 Hundred Hours

But I tried to leave my body…
No suicide.. just to leave this play,
I couldn’t.
I am a Lover of Life and my body sacrosanct..
And besides this force did everything to make sure I wouldn’t.

Now is different I mused, I have completed the play the testing, my mother C was my closest friend only 19 years older than me..
Nnamdi.. my Best Friend Lover had left.

There is no grief in me, no sadness..
I am feel no shame, embarrassment or humiliation at what I was forced to do- going so far from my true nature to respond to a force which without having had to prove it empirically, with Logic and reason for 19 years and directed to Facebook where it was I discovered, the designated interface to prove I came to undertand The True Conversation between Energy E and Ahtom
by moving through a similation of Earth and Heaven represented by People..
I was led to meet and live with and facebook friends.

The Awakened One, walking through minds of people dreaming sleep walking in a Matrix of the illusion of non existence as Mind Brain not Mind Heart.

Until I had walked through all human illusions until reaching the true Milky Way..
The Creamy Way .

Expression, I allowed myself to muse as I stared out into the sky, seeing with a sigh, nothing but the Sky..
16:33 ..16:44 hundred Hours

Peace.. but the Thoughts Reflections rose..I knew it was not me but Thought Meditation Reflection, Itself .. my Doppelganger Twin, Impulsing me to the play I knew felt was about to begin.
And steer me once again, away from my quiet Harmony Peace and Bliss l..

Expression, constant talking, posting was the fuel, to “prove” that True Conversation between Energy E and Ahtom ( Twins)
Talking To The Silence ( TTTS) to move People and Nature, ( P.N. 16 14) full Circle O. Back to Origins E.

Then I felt him rise Thought.
4-5- you know who that is…

Yes.. The Body.. Spirit E..

Quietly, I observed myself being Spirited Away..

A.T. 3 16 33..

I left Arden Gemino after attaining C 3 as E = O8

I met him age 16.

I was 16 in the age code of the illusion of my age, 15 in its play 14 in its corrected version attained as my code age 11-28-1967
when Nnamdi crossed over, telling me via ESP that our play had begun.

3 16 33.
C (P ) A F. CC… 3/3 =1. A.

I was 33 when I first came to the U.S A.
I met Esteban Miguel Filgueira who is now in Oregon the 33rd State when he was 33 on my Facebook Page.
33 Vertebra
33 CC. Carbon Copy of the Original Origins Expression Manifesting Energy.
Carbon Copy C C of Energy is the Body.
The Completion of Expression and my its younger Doppelganger Twin -Energy Manifested Body Baby Human Beings the Response as Fact Solid.

I am posting, talking, non stop . Proving this fact as Truth in the True Story of One who became Two.

My mother C .. everyone called her, was Child like and Wise as time itself, used to say my sister is the master of talking, but I the master of how to communicate.
She can talk… whoa!
But I she would say ” Know how to talk”.

I was never a big talker..
But in this play of having to talk non stop I used the program of my sister..
I had it in me too..
But its really not my chosen nature.
Cecilia C is my Mother Onu her OINri name

My OINri name is Chukwuemeka
And Nnamdi my brother was the my past self reincarnated from my E-Spirit, my first Expression who became Energy.

He is me, and I am him.
Awareness Focus
A F… yes K.G. K H ..
Guide Father
Awareness Focus Guiding Knowing Expression Energy
E/E= 1 A
5/5 =1 A. 10. 1O. 25 = 35. 36

52 Age code-17= 35. C E H.

Its has been my greatest torment of constantly having to explain.
The Awakened One Walking Talking through Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme
W A V E S. Of Perfect “Satya”

Fighting Battling the Entanglement and untying the knot of Expression Language of peoole asleep, in non existence who I never required that they know my name.
To reach… move out of this Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze to the true 3D Nature of Naturalness brings Consciousness via Awareness Hindsight ( pay attention and focus on what you mean to say) brings you into First Contact Full Circle in Perfect Symmetry with the E Orginal First Family beyond the Big O
The Big B A N.G ( 2 1. 147. S.P 147 B & A) as Humans like to say.
No, I was never Human… Hue- Man ( Color Lightened up to Hues. HUGHES P) is the truth of who I have always been.
A Man
A Young Man.
An Eternal Youth

And then Beyond to O to the Eternals
And Finally the I of the Individual
First Individual
Father and Source of Infinity
Snow Flake
S F .. Y.
S F B.E.. C 3 E. Eternal Harmony.

17:29 Hundred Hours
5:29 p.m

Arden is not a Boy.
He is M.Y.
Manifest Youth
As A Young Man .

I have explained many times why I have no age.
Why and how I have always existed outside of time and could not come into this World- my Beautiful Harmonious Twin Doppelganger version of the My True Story of how The One is A Man.
That I have been walking since birth on his True version of the Original Expression in which he knew the Truth, that Creator, The Maker is A Man..
Its so strange is it not, he came into this world creation existence to proove me, his brothers truth, and yet it is I who is explaining it, proving it walking through the perversions diseased infected versions of my..and our original truty.

Nnamdi! / ID. M.A. N N. ( N/ N. 1 A. 28 B.
H. 10 TEN. The Elegant Nomad – 1 O Circle
1 O. Alpha Omega
1 15.
1 6

My Father IS Here Present
M.F. IS H. P.

Symbol of the Fish
Sacred Portal 35. Visica Pisces. V P
Sacred Portal 57. E.G.

Father is obviously he referring to me
We have no such thing as Father or Mothers in the Eternal Energy Realm
No one was Born…
Just Borne within the Original E ..

Father is the Harmonious Guide..
I guess that is why I am always Hugging Arden.

What kind of play is this when a young man and his siblings must choose between The Source his big brother he ..He ..they know instinctively and his Mother in this who brought him into this world.
Raised him when he they were never born and not of this world.
By a play which does not manifest the Truth demanding constant Explaining of that Knowing as Knowledge & Wisdom.
Through Arts Science
A S..
O 8 proven.

17:58 Hundred Hours

And via the Perverted use of words in this non existent world.

Truth Manifests
20 13= 33
Sacred Portal 33.
Oregon 33
E.M.F age code 33 now 35 almost 36.
33 squared is 9
900 South Road
33 is 6 6th Sense..
To Fact of I.
8 88 is 1. 16 64.
Harmony Alexander Grove.
Harmony Arden Gemino

H A G. A Hag? Old Crone..
Liberty C Liscomb is a very slvette 44.

Garde De Nord.
Paris 1992
My Apartment I shared with Stephan was directjy opposite.

The Astonishing Genius Extra Terrestrial of Arden ( and Aurelia) was his ability to understand and Navigate a play in which he should never have been involved.
And sustain with me Harmony to the moment I was forced to leave by The Truth refusing to Manifest because it denanded that after over Ten months I recover the Family of TEN
The Elegant Nomads from the 13.8 and 4.5 billion year non existent past and fill the Gap.
9.3 Billion years
With constant expression expending expensive, expanding energy.. explaining embodiment Exemplification
Naturalness Unnaturally of a Gap that never was…?
Just its illusion created, interference meddling by non existent temper tantrum angry enraged babies refusing to take personal responsibility.
River Phoenix?
No.. Public Relations, became Propoganda Gossip..
False Accussation
Set ups.
Pointing Finger
That is the Hag
The Whore of Babylon
The story of the Lay Men and Women children who chose the wrong way. To play
Anger as Power.

Insteas of Attaining Perfection
Already in them from conception and birth.

18:18 p.m

This is not my Expression
This is not my Voice
This is not my Life
This is not Love or Life.
This is my me walking the True Story of my Father Sister E.
The experience lived and that of all of you.

See my back posts going back 8.7 years.
Emails 19.
Truth 27 years all the way to Alexander Grove and to St Marys Hospital London England
To birth 8 pm.
And the story my mother told me of a woman who saw me and sought to kidnap me.. because I was so fair.

Its always been His story.. Her story..
And all of the things he endured life time after life time.. reincarnation here over and over again.
Energy can not be destroyed.
Nor can its Source Expression
Spirit Of E.
S O E.
1905. / E O S. Dawn.
860 804-5. 1905
Spirit Of Loves Expression
S.O.L.. E.
S F. L. E
Sensational Feelings L.E.. ( 17 Q.. H )
S F L. E Q. E.H

18:29 Hundred Hours
R. Response

6:29 p.m

Sixth Sense.. A MAN.
F. Body I.

And so as the play and thought rose in me

The Awakened One Walking across the universe to arouse and awaken his S E L F
M Y. S E. ( A) L F / F L. ( A) E S…P
From the MostTerrible Dream

18:33 p.m
And then sent back down on achieving that to retreive the Fetus Baby Toddler
proving even they as Flesh Matter from the Big O where also Orgins E.
All Flesh Matter Manifests Expression Energy
Stephen Filgueria E.M.F.
Jeron Satya J.S S F. J A F. ( S/S = A.

Jay Arden Fred (Freed)
K.G. 7. 11. ( 77)

Me at 16
15. Really 14 in 1982 when Nnamdi left
P. ..N.O.

AT 31633. C A F CC. Chevrolet
C 1. 58. 56 1. A. EH. EF. A.: Red Truck

A.T. 44743.

How can I ever forgive

I was… am about to write Arden
Letting him and everything everyone go.
Yes, my Body..
All of my Being is saying forget them..
Forget my Beautiful Youth
M.Y. Youth
This Silence
I understand your Silence
Its not Communication
I release you.

I do not choose this connection anymore
Let it be cut

Athena Sarah called me at 16:12 Hundred Hours
4;12 p.m




This is not of E
He is
But not this play

18:50 p.m

You have no right to Test me anymore
Not even you.

Test me. Or him
16:52 hundred Hours
P. E B
Perfection E Be
P.R I.D. E

That is when as I began to post..
noting that I was at 14 92 Facebook Friends
14 ( 1992) 92 -29 41. ( 19/91)

And immediately Malinda Elsa
M.E. 13 5. 18
Manifest Expression


Chelsey Nina
C N.
3.14. .Pi. 17

18 17. 35. 98. 17. 8.

Now at 14 94 Facebook Friends

18:58. 18:59 Hundred Hours

19: 00 Hundred Hours

You went too far

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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