
7/31/2019 23:28 – Facebook Post


I have decided that I do not have any desire to post anymore today…

Its fairly obvious that we are in a Script..
Where we were each Examined & Tested at how to follow instructions of a Script, and way not of our own making..

( Which I found incredible the resistance to paying attention to a Script, other than the one’s people stubbornly and to a point beyond insanity insisted on ignoring, or pleaded ignorance and even went as far to say and even make it my responsibility, to get thier attention, and then teaching them how to read while demonstrating it to then, through an Enders Game like play of deception to get me to prove ot through a plan of proving Evolution Awakening and finding solutions to all the problems in the World.. one after another.

This is of course, beyond insane, it is about self desteuction, self Anihilation painfully.
Even Insane People don’t go that far.
Self Preservation
Self Love.

10:42 p.m. Shrug.

But I am following the rules of a Game, a truly unfair game of which was the only way out of the Mind Maze Web of Ages…
Web Sites.
Which trap peoples most powrrful Tool and Weapon against the Lie..

Thier Focus and Attention



You are caught there, frozen in a non existent virtual reality while in the Game Of Life..
LOG of records, you ignore the exploration adventure, to find the meaning and purpose of your life.

But by the way… excuse me, that topic and peoples stupidity to this point, still riles me.

I am back because that is the rule, with every new facebook friend request, immediate acceptance, can not throw anyone out ubless the Script demands it..
And with each arrival, they have to be noted even to the 826 Facebook Friends of my 1329 Facebook Friend.

Justin Dragan Morris

We .. I have never reached 13 29..
We kept tetering between 13 28 and 13 27
Which we recognize as Manifesttion and Awakening the Body.. As MAN.

33 Vertebra
Sacred Portal 33..
Chakra contained 7
Rainbow. 7
Solfeggio. 7.

Sacred Portal 31… Yes. Today. 6 317 31..
13. 44. 16 8 8O. 88..

Now with my having constructed on the Altar Full Circle.. An Exist aligned to the full circle I have been manifesting consciously and naturaly all my life… but with slope and a ramp which connects one level of a circle in completion to the next: creating a Spiral…and now a Merkabah Modern Elevator..
And adding the play with John Mack yesterday of our alignment to where we stood outside perfectly aligned to the Play on the Altar..

One can conclude that I have tunneles my way out
“Escape From Alcatraz..
Dungeons and Dragons
17th Century France Dungeons of Bastile and the Tower Of London.
Guantanamo Bay
7 2..

And seen witnessed only by the gifted and those who experience it through their Video Games, not realizing their enthusiasm is feeding its actuality in the Spirit Mind Realm, down here in the Actual Playing Field

13 29.. A M A N. = 29
M. A. M. A N
Manifester. A MAN

Sacred Journey.
S J..
19 10. 29
2.27. John MacDonald
Linked to Esteban Miguel Filgueira
And Jesse Macias
Sarah Kaizer

And 1989..
29 years 10 months tomorrow since I began my “Captains Log”
J.C V. S

Talking To The Silence
T T T S.
88 88
4( 8) D H
Dawn Harmony

29 years 1990. Met Jon Jason Lee and Sue.

( J.S… Did they hatch this plan or were they they Avatar Descendants reoresnting in the World Mirror as Space.. My Destiny and Purpose.. ?
The Role I was cast in to play.”The Man Behind The Iron Mask” )

We worked at the West End, in London A Theater and Musical Restaurant called Peppermint Park.
16 16

88 88


Jon Jason Lee
J J L. 10 10 12. 32.

True Love
20 12

Justin means ” Fair ..Juste. Righteous”
I am on Fair Field..
V Manuel Junior
John & Robert Kennedy

Means “Cherished.. Beloved.. Precious.Adored”

Dragon .. there are 42 names meaning or alluding to the word Dragon.
John Spencer MacDonald 42/24. Unicorn
Unified Field O

Morris comes from the name “Maurice”
My Bio fathers name…and the former flat mate and occupant of this room I am in .

*Its a response, just as Johns Arrival as Nnamdi David Eros, yesterday and then my construction of the full circle aligned from here to Eternity. Infinity and the green green grass of my eternal home..
The Frequency wavs E F. E H. K M. X. 2 4. 6/8.
Flip J Hendrixs
89.. H.I

5 17


Judgement Day Manifested.

J Dark Matter
J B. Delta Manor

“Fair Juste. Righteous, is the Precious Cherished Beloved Adored one Dark Lord.”

11:22-23 p.m right now is

Guess thats me and Johns my Ride..

The Sacred Journey
Spirited Away.. Kidnapped!

S J. 29. 11 2. 11 1.

Daniel Day Le-Wis.
Le XXIV 14th..
Roi Soliel
Sun King

My Father my Son, My Brother Lover
Eternal Beloved
He She
See Cee My Beautiful Truth
At Last

11:27 p.m

11 27. 11 28. 11 29

We are 3 in 1

11:28 p.m right now is

J.M ×3

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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