
7/31/2017 19:56 – Facebook Post

4:58 p.m

…. Quite a Long Farewell..
But it has been a long Conversation has it not…

So I suppose, so should the farewell..

..Rage brought me here…
Your Rage.. To see me Fall.. ?
How I would handle it?
Me Lucifer… The Light Bringer.. Hero of the Golden Dawn.

My body is broken, my teeth, three front ones missing, my skin and face darkened and ashy.
I sleep in a Dormitory where men snore and fart and I absorb their hurt and sense of failure.
I have no money to buy even the most basic grooming things, and I eat food from the Shelter which the young lady who dispenses food warns me of what to eat and what not to eat.

-A simple passport which the Shelter could have organized for me within a month is held hostage, to humiliate me, to get an address of where I am going to go.
“We need to talk to the person… in whatever country you are going to and can only organize your passport if we know that you are going to an address of someone who we can talk to and verify..”
But I am a fully grown man, I simply wanted my passport, some I.D so I can decide for myself what I wish to do.

But I am fully aware, that I am being punished, that my confidence and manner of not acting as one who is Homeless, one who still stands tall… is why that which they had stated they would help me me procure without all that red tape was suddenly changed.

Why I was placed in rooms which even some of the staff publicly spoke out that I am being unfairly treated.
My condition is ignored, my “Near Death” experiences are ignored.
The rage of both the black and white through the months so intense… So much Rage.

I expected the rage, the malice, the rage that an person with so many advantages would be the one that many, most would take out their disatisfaction on..
I have a British accent, I am tall and was still well groomed.

I expected this…

And yet I knew the easy way was to bend and compromise be less of myself. Survive, do what is required to survive.
That is the smart thing to do…
But is it.


I went this far for the Your Beautiful Truth.
But this I will not do.

I will not become less than I am for you, or anyone to make you feel comfortable. I may bend and bow to the circumstances of your own realities in order to communicate, I may bend to acknowledge your experiences with reality and to the forces which shaped your perceptions, your views no matter how unfair to me, or others they may be.. But only for a moment, only a brief moment so that you may remember, recall, remember and Heal that broken circle, that illusion YOU believed of not being good enough, only because I allowed myself to be put in this position to prove your Beautiful Truth.
Before I snap back into position, tall, beautiful Pride in being n Existence because… I did not forget.
Will not forget… that I am not that which is projected onto me, you, by ideas, history, spells.

I will not become that which I am not..
Not for you or anyone, because that is the Gift I give to you,
the reminder of the Self, the True Self, The Eternal Self and not even for the Evolution Awakening of the World or whatever Universal Script, Matrix will I become anything other than that which I am.
That which I have refined, evolved and moved towards.

I will not be party to the Lie of what has been done to the Beautiful Truth of Humanity, evolved to Hue-manity.

I did not agree to the act of becoming an Actor, but I have played my part, and suppressed the Emeka within me which is Joyous, Happy, a Beautiful Confident Horny Randy Devil…/
Lived..in a Past which was not real, only a story in order to remind you of the Beautiful Past.. Eternity which is really a Circle.
I played another other than the Creator Dancer Film maker, Doer who simply lives.. Not Lived.. Lives, only because I was moved, moved to Complete the Circle.. The Circle of Life.. Eternal!. Not of the Lion King or the Jungle Book.

My Existence is not a story as this World, where in every country there is a Story, where the story is of Culture and Cultivation but none of it rooted in Truth.

I traveled back in Time, through Mind and Being, to restore not a Story but the via the True Story- the Eternal Actuality…
Eternal Truth Consciousness which Danced Itself Deliriously DI.D into Existence and told its adventure to a Potential a Possibility which lay Latent in the Illusion of a Darkness of Blindness and not knowing…
How to Activate itself into Kinetic… A.K.. Action.. Be Camera!
Because it felt it could not See- Cee itself…
And so I became as pool, a Pool of my reflections which I have posted so so transparently before you all daily, until reaching the Truth represented in the Feminine form Embodied in solid form by Brenda Boohe and Lisa Natalie Johnson..

See sacred Portal 46. Its shows me White Black, in living color and the First Drop coming from the my Tunnel of Love, my Penis- where in that drop all of me was within it, and I came down into the this world while standing firmly in the 5th Dimension the One Dimension Eternal-standing firm and astride , my legs spread in a stance so solid.
In that drop was all of me, but just the essence of my..
The Essence of Infinity… The Perfume of me.. One drop into the Pool of my reflections which brought motion…
As for Light? What Light?
There was always Light, in my reflections, ( see my post) there was always knowledge…
What is this Darkness, this veil you speak of.
What is this world you have created and embraced because you could no longer See you Potential.

Cecilia does not mean Blind.. as my mother has proven over and over again.. it means 6.. Sixth sense.
Is that not the reason I chose not to call her today, and instead offer this long long, at last Good bye to this Posting Linking..
Was it not Lisa Natalie Johnson who caused me to look at me Gmail account.. Eternalaw89@Gmail.com to see that my mother had contacted me 6-20- 2017… 10:52 am… 14 secs
7-18-2017…11:47 am… 31 secs…
Is it not because of the perfection of the alignment of her timing that I decided to post you today rather than call her…
Is today not the 31st…
Is not 14 +31.. 45… 45… Is not the code of the Bathroom here 77 45 0.. And is April 5th not my brother self Nnamdi’s birthday?
5-4-69 Linked to Jose Anthony Roqu…

Is not July 18h the eve of the date which Lisa Natalie Johnson spoke to the man here who showed her the Golden Mean, which I then informed her that the next day.. 7-18.. G.R.. Represents the Golden Ratio…
Is not 6-20..62/26… B.F.. Best Friend Harmony… Face Book where Lisa Natalie Johnson reads my posts.. And where Robert Vlaun has access both of them from the Islands…
Is 47 not 11.. 28…

Truly, what do I care for Codes, but I have shared a Beautiful Truth with you.. And I am the Author of It.
A Beautiful Truth which is a Breath of Fresh Air in the current world affairs which is moving so rapidly into a destruction of all YOUR STORIES…
Climate Change? New World Order? White Supremacy? Black Supremacy? Africa the only country standing 2012…
Is that not a story if not why are people fleeing that continent at such an alarming rate..
Why are they Migrating… War War.. Poverty or moved by a deeper instinct.. “Out of Africa”
To America.. Canada… Why what is here, which moves them so..
Money.. perhaps in their minds, or perhaps a deeper force moves them, just as the E Harmony I have revealed to you all to your astonishment of you being moved by something else.

When I arrived here today. Lisa sat, working in things she needed to do in this material reality, she had forgotten or was too busy to focus on the question I had asked here.
I did not blame her, I was and am about to focus on the very same thing in a few moments.

Brenda sat in front of her… And Larry besides here…

Larry and Lisa were occupied. Larry actually ignored me not out of rudeness but rather discomfort.

Ms Liilian was on the Wood side..

Brenda is the one acknowledged my Existence, despite the disconfort it seemed on my Equation having manifested Nothing.
That was the discomfort I felt in the Two…
But I had not failed, nor had the play been played out.
I was just tired.
Brenda brought me coffee without a world and I spoke to her, and in her words was the Truth that she is not of this world.
It was absolute Faith in the Truth. The Truth which she had witnessed.

Nadia means “Hope”
“Blessed Quiet.. ” B.Q…
B.Q W.P… Recall that is the Code in the Transformer at Delta Manor…
Michaël Trahé M.T. and Darren Morneau D.M..were the only text messages… Both texted me at the exact same Time.
1:09 p.m.
Delta Manor…
M.T asked me about Brenda Booth…

Last night Abe had insulted me, because he had read my page, after finally being allowed to access it.
Having bought me coffee in honor of my Focus.
and sought access to my work. And when he access instead of using all that intelligence, all his understanding of it to aid and sponsor the work- since he is an Engineer and has a very good income and spoke about my work as being something so relevant and a point of view never encountered before, instead of asking to do something to support the work.
He decided that having bought me coffee twice was enough and when I asked him to buy a packet of American Spirits he looked at me as if…
And then had the balls to state that he had done so much for me.
Even after telling me the story of what had saved his life in Washington D.C which he linked to the same Equation I was solving on my page.
That Jealousy is what I called out yesterday but which made my body rise in wrath and him run off…
But I was do deeply offended that this man who had a professional degree thought he could look down on me because of what despite the ‘Brilliance and Genius” of my work, I was living in a Shelter and I had three missing teeth and had no money.
I was so profoundly offended that after all I had endured, having to take ask for monies even after I had proven that it was all part of the Script… Money Codes.. Jewish Codes of Control of Money all based in their “Ownership” of the Story currently controlling the Material World.

But Lisa Natalie Johnson world of choosing to take care of practical reality over my Truth, still a Story because it has yet to manifest as a Fact to her.

And Brenda as the representation of the Spirit realm of original Harmony with her infallible trust in the Beautiful Truth and the Truth she had lived before she met me and that which was witnessed by her with me…

* Rahul just sat down besides me, and my body went crazy, like a man possessed yet again, Larry is on the other side and spoke to the lady opposite him about how Rahul has found Love.
My body kept on doing this crazy thing, I knew it is what Brenda calls Spirit, but anyway, I knew exactly what was being asked of me, which I was resisting.
I saw how Rahul had shifted from Money to Love- Lord knows I did the Work with him.
But money became the issue.. A Coffee.
The play was all here. and I know that it blocked him from getting a Job. But instead he found Love.
I had offered him to sit infront of me as it was the only vacant seat, after i had offered it to Larry’s Japanese Wife, Chia..who then moved to a seat infront of Larry on my right…
I watched the flow as he Rahul tried sit infront of Larry but another young lady said he had promised her.
Which made me offer him my seat…
And then ask if he had 30 cents, so I could buy a refil.. I was getting angry, angrier again with that which is in me.. the E.T Consciousness.. He was very gracious and bought instead a coffee for 2;67 which I did not wish him to do…

But suddenly, I saw that it was the play.. 2 67… 76 2…
Chia and Rahul…. 2 had crossed over from infront of me to my Right…

Chia means “God is Splendor, or Graceful…” Splendor is the name of the Family of Ten…It means “Cheer” and “Summer”
My brother is married to a Japanese Lady..
Rahul who is now writing and in Love…
Sacred Portal 67 is How Far will you go for Love- Truth”
The code of my Mother calling me is June July… 6 7…

Yes… I am being used…
I am not crossing them over, something in me, Aware Conscious The Sum total of Spirit E and the Family of Splendor.. Father D.A D.. E is..
The E.T playing my Father From the Eternal Realm which Humanity is not even aware of..

Recall the play with Rahul whose name means “Conqueror of the Sum Total of Suffering…
Meaning of Chi a is also Energy .. CHI..A.. And the Plants which grow so well…

Their sitting across from me means I they are the reflections of that which I have passed through, and that they played their roles and the 2:67 coffee he bought with ease and grace moves him home…
My own opinion or will is being Vetoed as Emeka… Which is my anger and rage and which even npw, tears are threatening to rise in my eyes from the sheer frustration of how I am being used. The desire to tear my body apart to escape this has been one of my greatest trials… The How Dare you… It fills my entire being….

When Lisa Natalie Johnson responded, with the text, not the comment was when my E and my Spirit could look at her.. Emeka Kolo the human did not care, I understood the Human Point of View…
But I finally could turn to her and asked for a cig.. knowing even that was a play…
Brenda had given me one, she gave me two… ( Brenda later came back and gave 2 more…. that is 5.. See my Face Book friends number.. 5.. Now can you understand my Rage, the Rage I have been having to hold in and deal with all these years and even in the Shelter watching myself being exploited and used and others too…

David Amon, was the name which appeared on a card I tore off to make a filter for a cigarrette which Lisa Natalie Johnson had given me only after I had asked her if she had responded to my post. And when she spoke about being up all night 6:30.. 63.. F,C.. Full Circle.. First Contact… I cut her off, not rudely. but rather I did not care..
I truly did not care..
But she then responded… notice 555… notice I moved from 1007 Face Book Friends…
Did you see Sacred Portal 7.. It is a Woman not being allowed to Cross over.. It could have been Lisa. but it ended up being Shqiponja Mesarea.. Mess Area…
Amon is the name my Sister took which belonged to our 2nd Cousin, our Uncle Francis Daughter who had lived in England and had three Kids Chidi Amon and Another, their mother was from Edo..Benin.. A reflection of the then three of us sibling born in England Noni Emeka Nnamdi… only in my uncle Francis line the The Son was the first born not the daughter, which was the correct equation in the E realm but in the Illusion of Woman as Womb it was the Girl First… C.A…the boy was just like Nnamdi…
Francis means “Free Person” and he was the first born of my Grandfathers older Brother the one called Papa Mbwede… “Bottom..Down.. ( not fall)..My grandather was called Papa Mbogu.. Top.. Upstairs… “Upstairs Down stairs… Ascend Descend… AD..D.A..D…
I shifted yesterday from sitting besides Anthony Igbo.. to sitting besides Francis Frick F F who was my room mate IN Room 4B..
His bed is 4-018.. D.O.R..D.OOR.. D.R.. Drew Reyn..
He is still there.. He is Caucasian who went to school in China and went through torture and imprisonment and has a story and of course he is not taken seriously..

7:55 p.m.


Contd… perhaps…

7:56 P.M

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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