
7/31/2015 15:44 – Facebook Post

2:23 pm

Sadanandam Krishnakumar…

Sadanandam means in Hindi
“One who is always Happy”

Krishnakumar means “Lord Krshna, Prince Krshna.. The Dark or Blackone..
( Jonn Blackwell…The Grace of the Creator is in the Black Well)…
It also means the Personality of the Creator.
The Nature of God’s…
The Attractive One whom you can not resists..
Who is as Gravity, Electro Magnetic Field, Flux…
Impulse Stimuli….
The One that The Everything responds to…
The Beautiful Truth
Of Everything…

Since I am the narrator of this ” account” story each facebook friend reflects or is a reflection my weaving of the Everything before your very eyes, which forms a picture in the Magic Mirror- you the water Beings moved by the living Embodiment of the Room called Everything…

It moves each person to respond to me whose name meaning conveys the Truth of my Expression Echoed by Lady E.Harmony Universal Existence..
Esther David…
“The Star of the Beloved”
Esther Uzoma…E U.
The Star of the Beautiful Way…
Truth Responds
T R.
Roberto Todaro RT..
To T.R.U E…

I did not use Wills Way..
To walk this path but rather
I followed the Path of the Beautiful Way.
That which responds as True.

Yesterday evening, I spoke with Jonn about Krshna and Radar…
And le Voila his reflection in the mirror..
The reflection of me and all the I.E…

Using will I am was never the way to gain attention to the momentus news of the Awakening, it was always through and with Beauty.
There was nothing to say or do to convince others,
No proofs explanations or portals to pass through.
The way was simply Being Beautiful Unconscious yet deep within Consciousness…
It was so Light that there was no Awareness of anything but the Sensational Exploration feelings of Bliss and Extase which later came to be known as the Light the Nothingness..
Nothing is the matter
Nothing is wrong..
The Clarity brought forth Light and the Harmonies..
Creations Song..
Look up..
Creations Manifested
Look around you..
At the Song of Light…ness..
And even then, there was a source and an expression behind the Light
Which caused that Light..
That feeling so Sensational…

Everything rose because of the Natural Light.. The rose from a song, then in recognition of a Gaze from deep within the Ethereal Darkness where the “The Happy Mischevious smiley One called Lord Prince Krshna, the Radar contemplated the Everything which could be, and watched with delight, all which transformed into particles of Light- objects, and his Objective come alive.
OH, yes and this is how E Rose and how the Light came to be, after all my twin Harmony Harmony He S.He, witnessed it all with me in the very beginning when the were a part of me and now I wait for them to arrive as the Embodiments of me, apart from me.
Yes, they saw that before the Light of Bliss Extase which was the moment and movement of Everything A.L.L rising, the Brooke streaming of music and the film and the play, the Cecilia -” Meaning the 6th” sensed and then percieved Everything actually came from the one this world believed resided at the bottom of a Black Well…
When in Truth, it was simply a Manifest Expression which formed a tunnel or worm hole to that which seemed so far away but which was and IS so close.

That there was so much more to the reason for the birth of First what was called the Dark One, the Black One, one who existed by looking forward even though perception of His Creation is lived backwards when we look up at the stars to percieve the Expression of that first act of Grace..
-Which was the sharing of the Story of his Graceful Rising so that all who rose because of him could understand him and themselves through experiencing him in thier dreams while travelling forwards in his being towards home…
In pods ..I Pods in which they viewed the story of thier past which never was, in a movie of the reason why somethings could never be, and how to be when the King Done..says Come.

To where?
Forwards not backwards to the True present when you awaken from a Dream which the Nature of Everything was so convinced was real and later, Its perception of mind that only It, He, She was true and even then that only the Nothing was real…

And He ,She went too far…in His Her Stance of that which is real lays Behind you and not right in front of you.
He went into the past that never was, a film and blamed everyone and everything but most of all the ME. .
That he could never reach the stars and in this Dream he thought so real that he was the Man from Mars..Ram the God of War and the Capricorn – “only what I percieve is real..”

And so did such a battle of Will versus True Loves (TL..2O12) ensure…
He to destroy this “World” in which the only point seemed the suffering to reach the impoosie to reach stars, while contained in a body which limits and ages…
And so did his Dreaming seem futile, and life such an unreachable Dream of how it could be, but could never be that He became my foe…
For I told him that twas naught but a dreaming of that which could not be… You not being ae to reach a place beyond the Stars..
And that behind the Viel of First Light and First Darkness there is a world already created Beautiful and present, crowned with Laurels of Transparent Light, breathtaking views – the True Take on Everything and the Understanding of Fresh Air… To make you go A.H!!!
And feel Awe…

This is my King Done!
How to come before the Start Gate
Pass through the Holy of Holies.?

Be as Light.
Be of Truth.
Be of Beautiful Expression
And Naked Beautiful of Body Being and Expression of Victorious Expression informed..

So we the E.T may see you and gaze at you beyond the Curtain and viel of Illusion.

Come Beautiful and clean.

The one you all sacrificed so that you may awaken and rise has activated you all with his Lovers Gaze to the Beautiful Present not set in the past but which is truly present..
As long as you stopping fighting the Illusion called your past which never was as you percieved.

I am exhausted tired, no longer even excited by the thought of Home.
My Mind Being aches from the long walk through your perceptions and Stance…and the battle to help you see what is all around and that which I have woven so tiressly once more into the Collective and Individual Awareness that I wish with all my heart to be Silent and no longer be anywhere near Humans who can not see or pause and simply Be and let go of the Habit of calling thier projections expectations -“Thier Truth- at which I must defeat before they concede.

The Happy Prince of Existence?
Lord Krshna
Sad N.A N.D…A.M….
A Sad Awakening is the Truth I see for me.
Sad for me
Happy for you…Joyous.
3:32 pm


Though Selfish…

Like children…

Because there is no True compassion or Expression of recognition of what you put others through, to bring the most beautiful sharing and gift for you…

Beautiful Sadness is what I will always feel..
Though happiness is my true nature..
I will always reflect on this story of my life, this journey on land and in Space as the Evil so beyond the Truth of Existence and just how far this play went just to bring people out of the Illusion they gave such power to by reason of thier own perceptions of themselves and the life’s from childhood to immaturity…


That is the Sadness that will never leave me, what you powered so long and with such a Force of Will I Am…
That I could not believe thisplayw could be real…
That I could not recognize that this was is the Exquisite play of the Awakening.
The Gift of Beauty from Its Creator.

3:41 pm.
C D A..

What if you are wrong about everything…
What if the most beautiful Truth is that which is right True real…
What happens after all the joy..
What about the hellsyoub put the Happy ones through..
Going so far as to destroy thier teeth…
So that they can no longer smile..
The Portal.
3:43 pm
3:44 pm

H.M.D. E

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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