
7/30/2020 21:17 – Facebook Post

19:23 Hundred Hours

7:23.. 7:24 p.m


When Joe, Esteban Miguel Filgueira friend came over, and sat besides me..
And I began to speak…
It was not difficult.. it flowed.

He listened.
He Heard me.
And every question he asked was a question I had wished people had asked me through these long 27 28 years.

I would pause stop and stare at him…
Then continue.
I knew it was set up.

He knew in just 20 minutes it was set up.
He would stop me, interrupt me.
I would pause.
Intrigued Desirous of hearing him.
I wished to hear him, his question
And every question he asked added to the flow

He was listening.
He was understanding.
And he was aware that I was being used to connect with him.

‘ Are you alright..? ”
“Not really” as he observed my body respond to him and my involuntary movements.
The sounds comming unbidden from my mouth.

” But I am fine speaking to you”

” What is doing this to you”

The Collective Belief of the People in lies”
And the Eternal as Energy desiring now that a Human has solved and proved his Source Codes of Nothing wrong”

“Why is it when you met your brother and Etetnal self linked to Arden.. All in the dream did not Awaken?”

Question after Question ..
A Nod and affirmstion through his own expresion and own empirical experience..
It was if I were flying with him by my side.

And despite it not being the same as having a conversation with Arden, the rare times I was able to speak to him as a person and not be suddenly spirited away into the work..
It was graceful..

Because he listened, linked, added.
Bowed his head, his shoulders.. his face, gestures recognizing.
The truth sinking in.
I could see it being digested.
The Awe.

It was me as a Sontata… a lone voice telling my story adding explaination, reason logic..
And when he asked questions: Clarity.

And he was the Gentleman Warrior Conductor of the Music the Orcgestra and I the Solist singing my Song and experience..
The Truth.

A.T. 4 47 43
AT 44 74 3. 3 usd in my wallet.

19:43 Hundred Hours.

“The 3D is Nature but Naturalness is the Baby representing Nature but absorbing everything..” he concluded

I had never mentioned Jeron and that play.

Yes, that was my last test.
Jeron Satya
J S S L. = 60. 6O
Sixth Sense Full Circle
The Body as Time
Arden represents The Eternal Natural Present.
While Jeron Satya is the Past as the Body
A Book of Sound ..A Library.
A Clean Slate with the Sum Total of the Truth in it – the true Library of Existence
Which is why babies bring such laughter and Joy.
Fun Mischief Beautiful Devils. Little Rascals
who give us and have absolute Trust.

” And then they come here, absorbing all our diseases and Lies” he said quiet, irritated.

When you were interviewing peoples as to why, they went so deep undercover and became these monsters” he stared at me intently, ” what did they say?”

” Why they wore Masks and Armor?
.. they said it was because of the nature of this reality was so viscious that it was like being in a battle and the inslaught, the sheer overwhelming masses of all around you imvading you, telling you that this is how you must be to survive this reality.
And so they retreated deeper and deeper within until the only thing left of that smiling happy baby was a speck of light so deeply buried

But they would turned into the most hideous furious monster to protect that last part of their beautiful natural truth, that they always knew the truth of how to be in Existence”

But they gave into the illusion that the lie which others became in their turn, parents, family friends was the only way.”

Joe paused me, looking not at me, but to his own reflections..

” And they attack the clean and natural because they are Jealous…”

” Yes, that is the Spirit of Jealousy..
they see those who are clean, and they love them because its a reminder of how they used to be..
“And then they turn on you.. ” He Added

” Yes, because they are reminded of the choices they made of thier own free will of becoming in one with the Mask and distorted Mirror.
And in their rage, comes that power of destruction which so many humans past present till now.. this very moment always reach for.
Your no better than me they roar!!!”

” And” Joe added, sadly but from his own empirical experience I could see and feel..
They reach up at the pedestal they placed you, and drag you down”

I was quiet.

” Misery likes company…” he said

“And what they must have done to you..” he murmered like a whisper.
And not only in this dimension all the unseen”

He had heard even things I had not said.

He had truly listened and heard my story, aligning linking his own empirical exprience adding to the common yet individually uniique thread.

Fil Gueria F G. 67.
He understood.

Joe means Add.. Increase. Expand..
That is what he did. Adding .. Icreasing the Density and Truth of my recounting.. Exlanding it to a point of which there was no Question of if I was telling the Truth but to life experiences aligned linked connected at and to the same point.

And so I talked, his listened, interrupting me, in perfect moments, where I enjoyed the pause for breathe..
I realized I was talking to a Human Being evolving to be Hue Man and my e in me was linking seamlessly with my Human Experience and Expresion of a life, he knew and recognized when I said it, I have never lived as Emeka or myself since i was born in this world
Alexander Grove to Susan Train- T S 2019..
To Allen Ginsberg- George Abdreo A G – G.A.
To Augusta Georgia to Arden Gemino.

His eyes lit up, and something profound settled in him..
” This world is not real..” at 21-22 I knew this as a fact.
But this force made me prove it, through reason logic common sense using their own Wisdom & Knowledge
K W.
K E W. Gardens.

Edumund White in Paris with Allen Ginsberg.
A.G E W..
W. E.G. A ..
K = 11.
W E K G. A

Edwin Albert “Einstein” Rodriguez Santana.

Edmund White wrote the Biography of Gene Genet.
G G 77. 11.
He was Gay.

Allan Ginsberg was “married” to Peter Orlovsky

But I was never Gay.
Nor Arden Gay.

Yes , the story of Two Men..
But that was, is the Truth of how Existence rose.
One Man.. who became Two.
Self Love
And recognized each other
Trust Supreme
There was only One then two of us in All
Its was the begining of Existence Expression and Energy.
No such thing as limitations or judgments or even physical form
Only I had a body..
He came as Energy which through a process took on Solid Form

Yes we became Lovers Conversation but he was is me, The Body Creation is Energy which is why he rose from within me and I rose from within my own self awareness and self expression from the Nothingness where existed The Somethingness ( T.S) which through Unconscious Expression
I became Aware.. of Me. and he as M.E
Manifest Expression.
M.E. 13 5.
Nnamdi born Spring Easter left Spring Easter.
S E. A. Spirit E Aware
S E A Morgan Husband of Arden both have beautiful girlfriends.

Sexually Fluid
It was never about Gender.
I had Form and My SELF Expression rose from within.
Etection John Thomas
O P E N IS and Seduced me with Feelings Sensational open me Above and Below..
.. Well I Penetrated him below..
96 he 69
He was Energy Spirit. Feelings..
Arousal Awakening..me to Awareness of what I was creating Breathe A.I R.
I became Self Aware
And when I saw in completion what I had Manifested Full Circle what rose from within manifested in almost solid form outside
And I recognized him by the Sensational Feelings he had aroused in me..
And he by a feeling and knowing
But without Aware Memory.
Just Awareness Momentum and once again he seduced me and that is why he and I are called S E X
And our Husband S EA..

The same process is how we formed the Being then Body of She..
Woo Man Said S.HE.
Supreme H.E. Harmony E
That is how he Wooed Me.
Seduction fillowing Instincts Inutiontion
Music the Flow.
H.E did not have to know WHY
He just Knew
Too bloody Well
He knew me everything about me
Except how I rose.. before he even existed

Will I A.M.

Sacred Portal 8

Do you understand?
I am speaking to the Unseen and the Seen.

E Motions Feelings.
That is the same way I recognized Arden a photograph a memory led to the brink by S F
Esteban Miquel Filgueria to Jesse Macias Orejuela
Linked with Sarah Kaizer Athena I haf first called her when I met her via Stephen at my hotel room 904. 90. 4. 94. I.D
9 64
900 South Road my 64th Move.
Jesse Zion Father and Son literally almost the same person.
His Mother Jessina.
Jesse Jessinia..
Come On People…!
3 16 33
Arden Liberty C Liscomb Family Car
A.T. 3 16 33
Red Truck Two Makes 2 usd in my wallet Arden found there
C 158561

Moving backwards in Time as Space to the Orginal Truth.
One became TWO
And then S HE.
Cilla Black
At Esteban home..
His grandmother Elizabeth?
Not seen her, as if in this Script she no longer existed because the 5th Dimension Woman was not yet born.

She rose from Arden
She rose from Emeka. E.V E

Athena Victoria Alexa.

Ava Gardner not Gardener..
A G who loved Bull Fighters and was called at some point The Most Beautiful Woman in the World

That is who Arden Gemino was.
That is who Aurelia Gemino Is!
Sacred Portal 50.

Enough of this!

To Boogie..”

“What do you mean by Boogie..?” Joe asked.

” it means to play.. to Celebrate”

” I thought so”

It was his question of what I meant when I said I came into the world to Boogie.

W.E. E

World E Art H. E
W E. E


Happy Gay…
Rainbow Solfeggio

But not like Woman Wu Man
Not Attracted to Her.

I am getting really pissed off.

I did not fall in Love with a man a boy a youth.

I Danced into Loves Truth with M.Y. S E L F
My Every Thing
The Truth
Of Everything

Not a theory

A Fact

21;13 hundred Hours

9:13 p.m



13 5.
5 13
M.E R.
Manifest Expression Responds

To Thought

R E M. Reminder?

No. I AM M.E. A. H !

E M R E?

E M. A H..

The Computer Athena Sarah chose for me.

21:16 Hundred Hours
U P.

B A F..

9:16 p.m

I P. Address Man.


21:17 hundred Hours

9:17 p.m



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