
7/30/2019 20:31 – Facebook Post

5:44 p.m
5:56 p.m


7 30 The Script
In my personal script
7 30 links to my youngest brother
Obum Ndubisi Mike Kolo
Born 5:20 1973

E T S G I..

Married to a Japanese Woman who he met on the plane from Nigeria to Canada, and she, Noriko, arriving from Honk Kong, Japan.
Both attending the same university.

See sacred Portal 37. Evolution of Woman to Wu Man. Go Man..
Wu in Cantonese Mandarin ( C M) means 5
“Go” in Japanese means 5 .
Japanese Chinese.. J C
John Christine.. J C. Parents of John Mack
John Holly. J H. 10 8
The Code number for the Closing of the Flower of Life..
J.H / H J. Hero’s Journey
By Joseph Campbell J C
Axel Love. Axel Anderson. A-A. 27.
Link Brenden Velez. B V

I was moved here on.the 27th
By Esteban Miguel Filgueira E M F. 24..
And Jesse MaciasJesse.

Link Cecliia Onuabuci and Maurice/ Nathaniel Obiekwe…
C O. M O. C M. O I ..
( By Bio father had two OI Nri Igbo middle names.. But since I knew that he was an illusion of my younger brother Nnamdi and both shared the same middle name “Obi Ekwe”
-the Call, Cry of the Heart. Heart.
The Heart is finally appeased”
I take the code as

Ikegbuman and Ikemefuna..
My Bio Fathers other middle name and mine.
One means “Let my will “strength” not kill me”
And Ikemefuna, mine ” Let me not loose my Strength my will”

6:31 p.m right now
6:31 a.m is the time my old class mate
Patrick Okolo sent me the last text of 3 anf was the only one I saw.
All recorded here on this page.

He was amongst the first persons I met in 1978 when we recently moved from Canada to Nigeria..
C N.

P.S Chidi Nwosu another old class mate sent me the gift of 330 usd from my class of 82.

C N..

Chidi Nwizu.
Dean Dunkwu
Patrick Okolo…

Where the three first people I hung out with..

P O.

And a year later Malije Okoye when he transferred to our School.


Patrick shared the same middle name and last name.
Ikemefuna Okolo..

And out of the 4 class mates I first met in boarding school, who all lived in Peace House.
Patrick was the first to find me, and the only one I not only met face to face 2 times..3?
He not only remembered how I conversed to him about Beauty as a consciousness but also E S P.
1978 Jan.. 11 -12 years old

We met on 2nd Avenue 86th Sreeet

All posted here.
And only after we met, while I was on bed 007 in the Assessment Shelter but after which I recieved a message from the alternative universe most access from through their Sleep.. from Anamla Qayin D M I C T P/K 11 5 D M. Delta Manor.. Dark Matter
Where I met Kyle Murphy and recieved conformation of Galaxy I C 1101 as the designated portal out of the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze..
From his friend and Big Brother, Brenden Young age 39, 2017 South Carolina ..

Total Solar Eclipse. T S E. 2017
Started in the 33rd State
*( Yes, Sacred Portal 33 .Terrible Dream, .33 Verebra Vertebra 33 Mason…)

And ended at South Carolina 8th State.

In ends at 8
Esteban Stephen is now at Oregon 33rd State
I am at 3 17. 5 17. 17. 2017. 217 South Whitney..3 -17-3 19 Fair Field Ave
( 2017. 37.. 3 17. 47. 2 17= 219
3 17= 20. 3 19. 22. T V.

Please may I remind you, that John MacDonald has returned to the place he grew up 71 Newington..
17. 71.. 88. 16.
16 79 License plate.. )

I had not seen Ikem Okolo since I graduated from University of Nigeria Enugu Campus 28 years ago when we connected in 2016.)

He is a Professor of Medicene at John Hopkins ( J H ..108. / H J)

I moved with him present, ( indeed in panic and fury I called him first when I was transferred to Delta Manor Mental Health Homeless Shelter for Men..
I could not concieve of there being more work to do.

And I recall Alexis admitting me, convincing me to stay.
Assigning me bed 5-019 Eos ( Dawn) a comfortable 4 man room- which was how I was convinced to stay.
But as I was being admitted by a woman called Marina…. which made my mind flash to Marina Burini 2010-2011..
She reassigned me to a 15 man dormitory, bed 3-002 in which I found a sky blue magnet..
I still have.. the color of the Shirt Uniform of Peace House.
It had the Letter P .
Yes. P 16. 79. Royal Purple.
Yes.. IKem Patrick Okolo…

I.P O ..Yes I moved to Delta Manor
9-16… 2016..
I.P. O.
I Post Office..
My Grandfather on my Father’s side was the Post Master General of Eastern Nigeria.
I.P. full Circle
I.P. Address
I P. Man

Ikems Grandfather was at one point the Mayor of London.

I was also aware as Ikem told me his story that these “evil ancrstral spirits were using him as they had tried to use me..
I was aware but not he, he saw me more as doing Yeshua Christs story.. sigh

Sky Blue..
S K Y. H E.A. V. E N S.
S B.
Steven Bennet..
Crowned by The Sky Space..
Enu Igwe
Is Heighest Point
Wgere SKY abd Space unity
Life and Death

7:11 p.m right now

Alexis Marina… A M
Bed 5 019
Bed 3 002. Same Day

Jon Jason Lee

J J L. 32..

John MacDonald
Jesse Macias

Pope John Paul
Died 4-2-2005..
42 25..
24. 52..
66 77…
67 67

Christopher Filgueira wallet Knights Templar Cross With B K E 67

My British Social Security number
NZ 67 67 46 B

Jesse Macias car A.M 46..
Birth year entered Delta Manor

Now I am 1968..
And 1969..

76. 76.

86 86.

See both Sacred Portals
76 First 123 Cocksure of the Dawn Awakening
86. 86/68. Victor Light of Existence

We met on 86 Street. ..2nd Ave.

510 Usd. He sent me…. 5 1.O. 5 16 E P

Patrick means “Noble Aristocratic.. Natural True Nature.

7:22 p.m right now is

I was sent to manifest the Dawn. ES
But was sent down from 5 to 3
5. 4 men. 9. 20. 1992
To 3 15 men. 18..
I.was released in 2018 November..
My birthday code 51 was celebrated in Connecticut Not in Delta Manor

I was still 5O
51 play began here in the 5th State linked to Hawaii the 50th State where Stephen Esteban had first responded from.

I.was perfectly aware that the Planet Earth is Noble Aristocratic
Alicia Norris
A N E.
It means First Born

7:27 p.m

* Both John and I, have sisters older than us, but we are the first born males.


And both are sisters are nearby present but not actively in the play yet each is literally echoing the TRUTH of the Play, The Script we are in.
The True Story.


X… 24. Male Chromosome.

7:31 p.m

6 31
7 31..

Of course I was aware that Ikemefuna Patrick Okolo was a Mirrored of which I could see of Me My Truth
Mirrored Refkected Embodied
M.R. E B ..G ode. to H E. Harmonious Existence/Expression.

And I could see not only was being done to me as a possible version of me, but also my truth and recieve messages.

Look at my other Facebook Friend bearing my forner surname..
Chibuzo Okolo
Same literal blood line as me..

Nnamdi means ” My Father is here present”
He was born 19 69..
61. 96.
4-5. April 5th
4 5 Billion year old Planet

5-4 wriiten in South America or Europe and the rest of the world.
5-4 4-5… 5 8 5..
18 years in New York
99. Total Solar Eclipse
First time its kind crossing West to East.
In.1999 years
T S / S T. 2017 -2019. 217 South Whitney
3-17-319 Fair Field

The Sun Rises in the East.

W. UU. E. V V E. T. S
Victory to the Vetrans
Arny Vetrans
Alexa Vertefeuille
Of WAR on an Unfair Field

I have spoken about the Play of the Lay and the great Equal Punisher..
Conscripted Royal Rich, Plebian Poor

See Philip Shlain plain. “Slain” S Lain.
“Lain ” means “Wool”
pull the Wool over their eyes
The Lambs
Wool used to link the Weave.. Dna..
To Dne..
Slaughter Sacrice the Lambs of God.
Sacrifce the Innocent Pure.. Transparently Clean who Water transforms to Wine..
So they drink our blood fed on your essences

Yours, not mine..
I am a Wolf in Lambs Wool clothing
Playing a Lamb under cover with my E Family
Never Sheep…who follow..
But that Lamb who always wanders off.. but never goes astray.

“BABA. Black Sheep, have you any wool..?
No! Not for you Illusions Demons
No 3 Bags Full for you!”

Sheeps wool is White
Sacrifice up till this day..

Because of Lack of Money Power?
No because even Princes and sons of Wealthy Noble Merchants are sent or go to fight waes.. for what they have been decieved into thinking it a noble cause.

A Lamb and a Wolf are the same thing.
But Wolves can join packs families and retain that sense of Individuality
Sheep can’t.

So yes, I knew I was not moving the wrong way or path.
Ikemefuna not Ikegbunam.. Fear.. “dont kill me or my father ”
The illusion
My Grandfather on my bio Father’s side died in 1967..
I never met him.
I.met my mothers father who played the role of father to me, as did Nnamdi..
But of course, I waa guiding them

You see I met them..
Interacted with them which is how you know if a person is real… really exists.

C O U. ( K) my mother Cou in French means
“Throat” 5 th Chakra.
Cou rage. Mother Courage. Samuel Beckett.

M O I. My self as my Bio Father True Version

See sacred Portal 90. “Spirit E.. M O I”
90 is I O

See my new Face book Friend

Joseph Okpala

Joseph means ” Add. Increase. The Creator will ADD. Expand..:
( Joseph Mary.. Joseph Campbell.. Naomi Campbell)

And “Okpala ” O K. P.A…LA! of Sixth Sense

And in OINri Igbo, means
“First Born…Male. Man. Y. Son…Song. Songe.

First Born as a Female is “Ada”.

Add The First Man..
Line of E
For they will expand and increase until reacing the point
Navy Marines..

On the beaches of Dun Kirk..
Captain Kirk. Land
Star Trek
Paradise not World War 2.

8:13 p.m

Susanta Nayak of my Facebook Friends

Tanveer Alhaq… not of my Facebook friends were messengers both unaware.

They sent me a message..

S T. N A

A N. T S

Human as Ants to the Gods?
Sky Beings?


The message in the Envelope is in the meaning of their names..
And the Code it forms.

A N. Alicia Norris
T S. Tree Sage

A N. 114 Grant Moor Newington Connecticut
C N. 3 14
G V 7 22..

C G. N OV. 37. 14 22… 77. 11 22. 47 68.

Sacred Portal 37. Noriko my brothers wife. 11 22 Yes, my Mother Sisters Energy..

37 36..
See Noriko and Christopher Filgueria.
63 73..

67 33
/ 76 33.. Sacred Portal 76. 33..
7 Crown 33 Vertebra. Where they meet.

76 6

And 7 is linked to Sky Heavens Space ( Life And/Dna Death)

L A D. 17
L D D. 12 88. 28..

.8:28 p.m

You do not Need Money
I met so many Poor in Spirit
That is why they were lead like sheep to the slaughter because of that belief

Money is required of course,
But it is ww who generate it
Created it.
Not the other way.

8:30 p.m

Expressiin self generating
New Money
Clean Money.

C Me 4/3..
8:31 p.m

John Patrick
J P Morgan…
Jean Morgan
Joseph Mccorkle

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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