
7/3/2020 23:31 – Facebook Post



Soignee S E L F.

8:58 p.m.

8:59 p.m


As most are aware, I have no desire to speak about that that which will be left behind in this Evil Empire World Room.

Nor focus on that which has been identified as Dante’s Inferno.

The truth is yes, they forces of the Eternal’s and the Extra-Terrestrial move through me, as they and something alien and foriegn was moving in you.
This is I had sought to bring to your attention for so many years, and then another force which literally took me over, did this to me to get your attention.
And which finally led me here.
And it is no secret that I despise this play, because it is not the way of the Beautiful Ones, and the plan E.T did not consider giving anyone such a role, in this 20th Century to play, enact and spanning 27 years.

Code 27 8 D 90. Morgan S E A…

in such a manner, for 19 years, spanning 64 portals until this last one.
Use such as this can never be forgiven, an such a script, set up.. riddles to solve….?

I found myself watching the last episode of Empire Season 4 which is the 1-4 dimension.
The last Season 4 Episode 18

“The Empire Unpossess’d
Empire: Season 4, Episode 18″

4 18.
D R… Death Ray… Sacred Portal 49.
D R/ RD…… yes me on South Road yesterday.

*Atlas was a leader of the Titanes (Titans) in their war against Zeus and after their defeat he was condemned to carry the heavens upon his shoulders. According to others he was instead (or later) appointed guardian of the pillars which held the earth and sky asunder. Atlas was also the god who instructed mankind in the art of astronomy, a tool which was used by sailors in navigation and farmers in measuring the seasons. These roles were often combined and Atlas becomes the god who turns the heaven on their axis, causing the stars to revolve. ”

Yes, the intel from Liberty C Liscomb
The Intel sent at 10:51 a,m.
Atlas… 13511 AE.
AT ( 316 33)
A S…
T… Jeron… T J…..

The response from the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix as the E Behind the Veil, Computer Screen Earth SCH 53 101
J A… 10 1
1 01 A “3301” Stephen Johnson “Attained Perfection” his Espirit and Self rose up to confirm.

101 Beds at Delta Manor… Dark Matter… Mental Thoughts…

A F A… 161.

Its True.. the play is done, but still i am being used to complete the Script which was interrupted for so long.
Because of the Human Judgement Day aligned to our Examination Test.
J D… E T.
And the Body.
Attain an Energetic Body, Self Generating.

I do not wish to go into any details with Fahad Hassen is the E-manual which Liberty C Liscomb sent him- it explains everything.F H.. that was the time I saw this evening after the play with My self Arden Jerron this day, completing when Arden returning with Morgan from a preset up play
It was 6:08 p.m when it completed
11-22-68 David Roman Nicholas… D.R… Yes Death Ray / Doctor Healer

11-22-47… Onuabuchi Cecilia Kolo…

There is enough data in the 8.7 year Facebook Tomb to answer every and any questions and believe me those behind this play made sure.

Sacred Portal 47 should give you an indication as to where we are and what is the last of these forces of Two Men….Moving through a Youth and a Baby and I to complete its weave.

And which confirms Arden’s play of weight.
1.7 85 71 4 29

Galactic Ava is the response to this Evil Sado Masochistic play of Use and Abuse of the Illusion and lie of the matter based world, and myself being forced to travel through Time as Mind “What On Your Mind” Face Book. F B ( 62)
( W O Y M….. / M Y…O W… Morgan Youssi… My Youth.. My Y Chromosome. M Y F W… FEW….. F Double V V.)

1.7..85 71
G.A….. D 29… David A MAN…. J D.

Galatic Ava…

God created all things good including the Galaxy. It means held within God’s hand, God’s creation, special to God. Famous real-life people named Galaxy: Galaxy …”

A variation of Eve. May be from the Latin “avis,” meaning “bird.” It could also be a short form of the name Chava (“life” or “living one”), the Hebrew form of Eve.”

Latin : Blooming
Latin : Birdlike
Hebrew : Life

What does Ava mean and stand for?

Ava is a name that dates back to medieval times with Germanic origins. It is an abbreviation of a Germanic name containing the first element aw-, of uncertain meaning. It also has Latin and Hebrew roots, meaning life. The Oxford Dictionary of First Names deems it as a “new” name, presumably as a variant of Eva. It also believed to be a variant of Eve. ”

Now.. Recall this play, which has boiled down to what and who is the Origin of Life.
“O O L”
LOO… Bathroom in British means Toliet or Bathroom.
Please Recall the play of the players in the Bathroom Toilet here…

Please recall sacred Portal 20 Lady Echo has a Bird.

I asked Arden for a Lighter which he gave me a black grey one, and Liberty C Liscomb gave me two lighters one with Beach on it and the other a two birds on two palm tree branches.

See my Festival of sharing Friday which celebrates “Freedom Liberty Equality…. Bird Of Paradise.”
The Image is two birds positioned as ying Yang 69.

Please recall the play I recounted yesterday of Liberty offering me some Gin which she had offered Arden- she sent me a text and i had politely declined, only to find that it was called Bloom Jasmine and Rose.
I was aware that Arden did not know what her play was, nor did he have a full understanding as she had of the codes I had spent 24/7 for 8-9 months mostly against my will after I began to see what this was really about.

Recall the play in my room at Jesse Macias Orejuela portal with Brooke Lee Lemery and Brenden Velez whom I called Orlando Bloom… O B…I… B O… Being OH.
And his observation on my Altar of the Gold Tinsel chocolate Orb.

And recall my Sacred Portal 43 Door of Life” D O L P H … Poverty Hollow- I N ( 9 14… =23…2003… 23…. 5 E)
The Gift I had given Arden from Christopher Filgueira Yellow Gold painted room?
And the opening Scene of the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy.

Why is there still a battle of this Truth of Two men versus Woman as the Source and origins of life.

The play which the Baby and Youth which has been taking place here, under the surface of my posts tells and reveals everything.
A Mother Love…
A Womans Jealousy…. Temper Tantrum, Temporary Insanity, how far will you go if your children want to acknowledge The Creator recognize the Source, E Family but do not have memory, how far will you prevent them from being able to access through him undercover as a man the same knowledge given to you to my amazement ( i made it clear that I came here, was brought to this portal for the children, not to be a nanny or hired help, but the source recovering the lines of the Eternal Family undercover in 5 Youths and Children who required simple activating)/
Would a mother, given evidence and data and intel so that she would know that which she already knew that her children are safe in the hands of this person, overwhelming evidence and facts made her privately and publicly acknowledge me as The source and a Man by evidence facts confirming everything I said to he coming back to her the same day or the next day.

Or would you go beserk at the idea that your children have passed and gone way beyond you, while you have failed, again and again and again because of reaching for Anger Fury Rage… the Devils tools which then possess you to act in extreme and forget everything or which allows you to forget everything and get revenge.

Sacred Portal 13.

I am not interested in speaking about Liberty C Liscomb personally or anyone else.
It a play about who is real and who is False… and Faking Pretending.
The False… is a simple No. You can never rise.
The False Pretenders… F P.. Well they must give us a reason why they have to Fake and Pretend.
We or the force moving through me, does not listen to what Humans say ( nor do I… instead its it their Action Thoughts and what they do and .. the result and the intent which we.. they observe.
Alien Council… Awareness Consciousness in Body and Being aligned.

The Orange Ball Jeron and I found had the letter M.
Male Man…
E J… two males.
The play with Arden so meddled with is linked to code M… Morgan is one of his best friends…. M =12+1=13.
M… A C…. 1 3.

10:20 p.m.
J T.
T J John Thomas.

But the question most worrisome is “I am here for the Children” sounds suspiciously like Jesus Christ.. Yeshua Christ and the abomination done to children.
And if I was made to play “Holy Spirit” in this play of Time.
Jeron Satya S Lang…
“He Sings… ” “Holy and Sacred” – Jeron.

Satya (Sanskrit: ????; IAST: satya) is the Sanskrit word for virtue. It also refers to a virtue in Indian religions, referring to being truthful in one’s thought, speech and action. In Yoga, satya is one of five yamas, the virtuous restraint from falsehood and distortion of reality in one’s expressions and actions.”

Read the last part again…

Refering to being Truthful, in ones Thought Speech and Action… ( S-T S A…/ S A T Y A…. STS A.

And the most exquisite play of Jeron last night as I sang alone in the kitchen while he was upstairs with Liberty and how he came downstairs and went straight for his Rainbow colored Spool shaped Toy which he rolled and it made noise, as he turned to me in delight and if enquiring gesture of if I understood.

is Third S means “Mage” M A G…E

“mage. noun. A magician or sorcerer. Origin of mage. From Middle English mages magicians variant of magi ; see magus .”

see my sacred portal 121..
It has the Infinity Sign above it,
See the Card for the Magician in the Tarot.

He an I discussed the code of Infinity and then he went down stairs on my invitation to review what I was aware he had moved me also to create and then went down stairs again, insisting, until i carried him.
I wanted to Sing with lightened heart at the play of a 17 month old Baby… the Joy the humor and the wonder of it as everything came converging into meaning and expression but yet again I was forced to turn my attention to the Savage primitive brutal violent evil way of the play of Truth which all of you witnessed the Ancestors the 4th Kind as well as yourselves put me through.

I sang, a holy sacred song which moved him because he is a baby and despite his awareness of this world he was still fearless and unfettered by the spell of a Mother, or a World view which says “I feed you I cloth you, so you had better obey or I will make your life hell…”

Despite me proving that he Ex Husband and the GEM IN O family sponsor her, allowing her a life without having really every having to work.
And that Christopher is linked to Christopher Filgueira and Christ is Yeshua Christ… and name means Word Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme… W A V E S..
Particle and Waves….

Why is that I have been contained in a role of that i never created and a version which is a Lie.
i came yes to defend and correct my Father ( Sums Suns) Truth but not to be in a False and Fake incarnation of him and a story which IS ABSURD…
“die for your sins.. my ass
Died because he underestimated Free will choice and the species themselves still evolving to Heart Compassion.
Which many chose not to have as reflected by the portals I was made to walk through.

Holy Spirit… H S…comfort… H C S/ S C H…O O L…/ L OO.
Loo Toilet…
Home School….?
Her Five children are Home Schooled… Are they?
Their brilliance is not from the lie of Home School it is because of who they are .. E Line Avatar Descendants.

Esteban Miguel Filgueira knows the meaning…
and all saw the play of how Jeron met john John Mack 11-1-2020 who was carrying “Satya” incense when he arrived and the dance with him.

G A…

Galatic Life… G L… Light Green Leander Gemino…

The Christ provided…
Original Yeshua Christ…
O Y (M) C…

The Comforter… T.C
And is not the one unforgivable sin, in that Human story of Christ New Testament.. N T/ TN 20 14 34 Yes 17 year old 17 Month old sacred portal 34 W E ED Mari Juana ( Juan John)
17 17 Zion Arden Jeron…. 1 34 35
The One Truth which nearly all know?

E David Christ… and yet I have had to watch and endure, treason, betrayal, lie, faslehood….over and over again with the Karma, the Eternal Law giving pay back.
As the offenders got bolder and bolder, once terrified, like demons of inked darkness, like the forest once tamed, becomes an embolden invading force….
Until people start to mutter that his Truth does not manifest.
He has been betrayed by his brother… or was really the Illusion of Man as a Child.
And 11 year old dragged into play by the whispering gossiping mother Holgrame sacred portal 12.

What has this got to do with me?
Your games, home work school work, and me used against my will to do all this coding, day after day for 27 years..
8.7 Years publicly in peoples houses who all know that they have decided to from the onstart…

David means Beloved…

And yet what I have observed only a program of fear and forced silence as the Mother of Fear and Intimidation is allowed to get away with twisting to the Truth to her, their children behind my back despite my hearing it clearly and seeing it in the silence responses of the children who do not even speak any more.
Freedom taken a way, shock and horror because if the Source can stop these Monsters, and they they do no get their comeuppance, who can we rely on?

Oh yes, I am aware of what happened and the motives behind the delays, and delays and delays… yes for the people a test but one that was also for me… to loose confidence in my self, my truth – that which i see i am manifesting for the last 17 years…
The use and abuse meanwhile until I get to the finish line.
And even then more.. because you think you are part of me…

Humm Oh yes, i am aware.

Did Arden betray and go to the other side…
Chuckle… Please…
This is a play….

Galatic Ava..
AVA Gardner…
She Loved Bull Fighters…

Galatic….A GA LA XY Life Blooms one of Freedom
1.7 85 71 4 29.. 4 29 leap year day Quantum Jump but the sources of the Script and the Mind and being which made it and forced me to walk through it, I send out of existence.

I have gone beyond Energy, i can sit here and command it..
I will All, even the ones once true to begone.
Yes even you, you cease to Exists.
Only those who evolved to I.
E Family.

And the Humans evolved to HUE MAN Beings.
Harmonious Beings who have respect for that which came before you, that which created you, taught you schooled you…
And those who do not…. Burn, Burn…. not physically that is over in a moment.. Now Blue Flame, Orange Flame…
Burn in you mind head thoughts.
Burn with every action step, breath
Burn as you quantum jump into Ancient Sumeria Babylon..
And then face The True wrath of Existential death, each life you lived peeled of you slowly layer after layer…
i .. we desire you suffer… truly unimaginable suffering which you will experience and live to tell no one.. that such a thing exists.

11:15 p.m.

Observe the true Hatred of Existence Eternal for the lie which is you…
And the Higher Beings, Creator Gods all charcters in this play up to Alien Father, Alien Council… Burn…
And let only the Truth remain Standing.
Infinity Standing Up…

the E Family… 11O -111.

As I stated, came here to destroy even you who called your Selves Gods and the Supreme Creator Gods…
You will pay most of all in that your arrogance that you as Energy could not be destroyed.

11:19 p.m.

Yes, I am a great actor, told by some many during my life, but I do not lie even when i am acting, i am telling the characters Truth and bring his her, their Fictional Existence and aligning it to All
Everyone’s Experience of Truth.

No, i wanted to destroy that which connived to make this play be so prolonged the wrinkle in Time…
The one who called himself and her self indestructible…
I simply call The Corrupted, Decay who had no idea that they too were in the play of Everything Evolves and Everything Else…
Burn in Hell… of sacred portal 47 miss 48 and straight to Sacred Portal 49.
You will never have an I.D but you will remember the one you named Mr Nobody…. 🙂 when ever you look at your body and see nothing there but empty space… No Body and yet you will feel all.

Oh I went through it…

Don’t believe it?
Well you will see when you feel it as Solid Fact…
SF = Y
And the best part Ghost of Memory not true…
You will have a complete memory and understanding as to why.


I will never forgive Man… the one who usurped me..
A MAN… and the E Line Family..

11:28 p.m.

Look at that.. its my birthday…
AK shucks..

11:29 pm

Aclespius Ophichus
Kasien Thompson

13 Gate… Astrological Sign… e

Energy can be destroyed by the one who brought it into Existence and Creation…


11:31 p.m

A man…
who does not need or require your permission and can make you Be Gone.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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