
7/3/2019 16:45 – Facebook Post

7/3/2019 16:45 – Facebook Post

From Gay-Marie Hollingsworth

Pls look at the codes..

140 us law… being violated

E H…

Then look at the Army Tank, Zion brought to the house..
M R 1127
Q 4 28

Recall the 10 u sd bill I received the day I moved to Jesse Macias home.
It had the code 140

See the d.p supermarket with the Diamond Cube with 3 Primary colors and White with the code 140

Chiefy.. Tree Sage severed in the Mitary, and out of the 5 Original Candidates and the three people linked at 219 South Whitney

Christopher Filgueira
McKayla Rays. M.R 11 27. 28. 29..
Mirror Reflection..
Tree Sage and Serenity only

* John Mack but he did not really live there but like me, was not really in the play of this world.

Only Kim Arthur Hines
Tree Sage. T S. 2019 is still on active duty with the Play
Linked through participation with Brooke Lee Lemery

11 22 47…

We are at 9 in the play
5 8

Recall the play of the South.

For 18 yrs, alone, and in private, and then publicly on Facebook for 7.6 years and now 3 days, I have been calling out and using my codes of Energy to call out and decode plays created by this world and in doing so, stopped all plays not aligned to E Harmony

3:17 p.m

I began being aware of the action one must take when I was 7-8 years and wrote the Story A mission of the Omission of action not taken to prevent the World from becoming an abomination and how using E.T Consciousness of Infinite Energy the World was destroyed and the Evolved World and Human Race took its place.

For this to be done action must be done, attention. Focus..

Taking responsibility especially if you have the power to do so.

I gave evidence for years of how by decoding the plays set up by governments and secret Societies, secret organizations who as in the Matrix, are also like the Mr Smith are corrupting and influencing and turning into Mental Drug induced Zombies whom the use as tools and slaves to their agenda..

3-23 p.m


I gave evidence, posted proof, and even broke down my science and submitted to my Equations and Truths being tested and that the transformation of geo political, socio economic, industrial and behavioural patterns were attributed to my presence, focus and actions of using my awareness and equations even when hardly anyone would acknowledge or respect what I was doing.

And to top it all off, I went through true existential death, and rose from it.

Sacres portal 66.. 49.

Just to share with you and prove to you the Art and Science of the E Kind of Ear, how the Evolved use their Mind Being to fight and destroy these plays.

And that this was a Video Game
G V..
Enders Game
End Game
5 7
Five Seas and 7 Continents
Representing The World.
T W. O.
And was allowed to take place as a Video Game Judgment Day to determine Humanities right to evolve..
By the E Family and all other possibilities of Being in the higher planes, using their Avatar Descendants as players

It was all about those given X Men posts Supernatural gifts, each representing a line or aspect of Humanity..
Who would use their powers, gifts to stop the Illusions shadows ” Bad Guys” ( also famiky undercover) from destroying this world in its last incarnation as Humans..

3:33 p.m

It was all about taking responsibility of something other than your Self
It was about putting your Truest Highest Self first and this reaching your potential and then entering the play Guns Blazing..
Decoding paying attention and then use of deconstruction of the Lie

See A White Raven appendix..
See Brooke Elizabeth Banwer and Isabelle Ilic


B I A.

C I A.

D I A.

E I A O-F. E

F I A.

G I A… Not G A I A .. G I Joe A

H I. A H..

3:39 p.m

C C I..

I often have to remind myself, despite my words demonstration etc..
That you so refuse to taken in the true reason I am on Face book and had been Deciding and coding publicly…

I have been changing the World, and doing it publicly Transparently, Supremely… using my Expression and Energy as Rocket Fuel..
so that you could see for yourself the process and how to “Get Up, Stand Up for your rights by being placed in a Video Game where you have literal powers to change reality..

But I have been decoding, reconstructing this reality on a daily basis…
And only stopped using the News Papers and watching the News, only when I was invited to Connecticut by Esteban Miguel Filgueira..

I observe the end play

M.R as Mckaylala Ray Anne age 19 is no longer attentive to the play..
M R thus is moved to its True Source
She linked to Flourish and she and John Mack celebrated her graduation at Flora Restaraunt
Where Myself Stephen
Then Stephen Sarah and I are.

Flora Flourish…
Fair Field where she led me, but she waa not aware of the reasoning behind the play
M.R is here code in the play..
Not M.B.. Her initials
This she was R M… Room .Univese seen as Feminine but is not.
Then with out her doing it, it moved to M.R
Mirror Reflection not Reflection Mirrors..
Mirror Reflection is 31..
Sacres portal 31 “Ressurection Erection Rebuilding…”

See it manifest in the people being moved by the play or their emotions so they are simply pawns..
31 13..44. John Ian Andrey Klebanov – Mikki linked there by John.

4 8 16 20 24. 28. 32…5
8 5.
2nd 8th digits in the sequence

8 51. 86..

3:58 p.m right now

* Yes I am indenting thriugh the Game- Perfect Timing to the Point
Sacres portal 35.

That code links to Brooke…and to Brenden..

This the M.R play ends at there being no more duality Reflection and Mirror, because they are aligned now to 31. 4/4. 1.
8 Harmony Balance

So that which seemed appeared dualistic is one.
It is as the Particle and Wave returning to the Source

John Mack codes timing every thing links back to E.K.
4:02 p.m
J S M.
I recognized him.the first day..
Just as I recognized Mikki I as my little sister harmony from the Library in Space..
Is really Mikky?
No she was a player acting her part, the original one would have by now come out from undercover..
That is how you know who is The Original and which is a Descendant Avatar Messenger Pawn or Zombie..
Milky had qualified as a Descendant who could if she and her line could rise to E H but they chose to simply be moved and not follow the N E W S…

4:07 p.m.

So many, did nothing
So many used their powers for selfishness and, or ignored the True Present and Script

“Look at what is happening in your world”.

And this play was to show and prove that you are not powerless that as Evolved Humans you can transform it but not until you qualify which is more that getting a P.H.D..
But rather now you have it, what are you going to use it for…?

And that is the Test..

And your full power of your Flower Flourishing and Blossoming comes from reaching the End Completion of the course, with No Universal sense or guide reminding you to pay attention and stay focused..
Or constantly hacing to remind and prompt you that This is Real..
When you know that already
And to do such means that you are making the Universal S ensie your slave that he must bear the burden of the work while you go off and do your own thing

That is Evil Personified

4:14 p.m

John Mack I ntel 4 14 Graveyard…
Terrible Death.

D N O. Delta 14O

I saw this code of this posts from Gay-Marie Hollingsworth
G M H…/
Holly MacDonald Grace..
Yes, if you do not complete your course, another will replace you.. the one Original line

Jesse Macias Reason. J M.R. R 18.. 2001
Brooke to Brenan…

J J M M. ( Z – ) A H.
J M R B .V.E..

E N. 56 6 V E..

That is how to play…
Link the Thread and continue it till completion if some one drops the baton, the Phone Communication the Transmissions
Looses keys when his friend name means Mac Kayal child of the Keeper of the Keys, but the Key is actually in you J.M.
To be as I Be..
Responsible because you have the power to change the world by simply what you choose to focus your attention on..

And the M.B equation is completed meaning the power now has arisen in Humanity but only in the E who stayed the course..

They are the ones who have proven that they have merited and earned the right to have these kind of True superpowers
That they will always be impeccable, constant and take responsibility of situations not because they are your slaves but because they can do what you failed to do, because you did not stay the course. And such power Gifts Gifts can never be yours, because you are not consistent nor constant, and as such can not be trusted with such power rising only in the E Embodied E in the Playing Field.

J A M I.E.
M.B. E. Manifest Beauty/Being. of E

The Point.

Stay the Course..

And may I remind you that I am still here picking up the slack, the gaps of expression weaving decoding..
And this has nothing to do with me,
It’s all for your benefit ..

You see,
The Awakened One

I am already evolved
From the first moment of rising Erose..
Constant Consisent
Time or Space

T S. Serenity
20 19

C. Chiefy..


Is the One present from the original players..

2019. 39. 12. 3.
C. 3
K. 11..
E .. 5. Linked aligned to Brook

E T C ( I) K. . Extra Terrestrial C-L-ark . Kent
Chukwuemeka Kolo
C K. Kael…
K A. E.L. means” Voice of The Creator”
See sacred Portal 74…
E. Brooke

And yes, Tree gave reasons and evidence why he decided that I really am
The Source
T S ..20 19. 39…12 12 (24) C I. Six Ten.
S T 19 20. 39.
19 2 O. 21… 27

T S. 39. 2 O 19. 21… 2 6. 19. 27
The day I moved here and the day I last saw John Mack…

He lost the Keys to his Army colored Motor
Because this was really War
In a Video Game
End Game

Yes a Play and Test.

4:45 p.m right now

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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