
7/29/2016 17:06 – Facebook Post

1:04 p.m.

Sacred Portal 104…”Crossing Elegua -Death”

10-4-28… This is the Date which Erik Ebright became my 5th Face Book Friend.

104..J.D… Jonn Blackwell Donna O’Sullivan..14..N..E…
26 (A-Z) Erik Ebright “Portal”…MI AMI…Florida..
N.E..= 14-5..E.. then 19..S..Supreme.. *147 The Bean…Ist and 9th…19th July to 4-19..G.S-D.S..9 months… 5-17 to 7-14..E.Q-GN/NG..Full Circle yesterday posting from The Bean…
E.Quantum Gate…

Height of Face Book friends.. 730… Current Face book friends -Paused at- 726..725.. then 724..now..
Z.X.Y… X and Y chromosomes 23-23…46..32/32.. John Weedseed 64 is Jonn Blackwell..5-8-64…

3:20 p.m.
March 20th 2001..
Arrival in New York,
Columbia, New York.

How I loathe what this play has become…
Yes, the date we have reached is July 3Oth…
Which is tomorrow… And my last facebook friend was Avery Colobert…

*Please if you do not wish me to tag you, please let me know…I do it to simply make each Facebook friend that their name has and its meaning has come up in this now “Grotesque Play”…

Grotesque because it was never about who is the ONE, but rather the O.N.E.. A portal through to Eternity Infinity, which OPENS at O the arrival of the Full Circle of Natural Expression..
Not the O of Natures Expression which is really Nothingness.. For that is what Nature was before the One expression proved that within the Nothingness was Somethingness..
Link code Orien Laplante.. O RIEN..La! (6th Note) Plant (Plants Green, Plant Generation X, comes from E…Expression.. not Silence)

It was never meant to be about Competition to prove who is Superior or even the One.. to save the Species..
It was.. is about the Evolution of Every Thing, Every Where, Every One.. The E..EE Two in ONE.. which is represented in this play by Eri-K E-Bright…
Who is so natural that he was moved by the E line as well as the Spirit Mind realm.. but in a play which fills me with contempt that anyone could act such a part… (No offense or blame to Erik, he played the most difficult role.. of Duality Two forces in battle which each other, which represents the horror of which the entire species was going through…
Duality.. Fighting their E-Spirits..
Their Voice of Reason.. The Holy Espirit…
T.H.E.. Beginning..
The Voice of the Eternal Truth..

I observed it in Eric Eposito today.. as he told the story of the deliberate defiance to the Voice of reason in his head which led to the theft of two of his phones today- Communication…
And then turn around and blame God, Energy.. even though he was fully aware that he had ignored the voice so clearly expressing love inside of him.. and outside of him..

“You have a gift” I had told him..

“Yes, I know,” he had responded, “I have had this since childhood and have been surrounded by people who confirmed this voice of reason..”

And yet, even prison, the loss of his son, loss of wife, family, everything and ending up in a shelter.. Then the gift of having me, there as what he called “The Full Stop- the Period…”
That he was and is fully aware Fa.. just as I had determined Erik E Bright is, did not stop him from continuing to do the exact same thing…
What is the definition of Insanity..?
Stoopid…Stupidity is Insanity..
Doing the same thing over and over again..
Battling with the Eternal Truth in oneself versus the “False Ego” those projections of self you wish to imposes on others..
And as Kristina Michelle Womack post I shared, “What if your idea of Self, has nothing to do with Reality?”

I am in a shelter for a different reason…
I never came to fight for the Homeless…
I came to find The Elegant Nomads..
Energy Spirit Physical Energy Embodied In Being…Exemplified Naturally because it is who they are, they have Nothing Say, or to prove…
But in their Natural Being, Everything is Expressed..
Which I have found myself Exemplifying..

But instead, I have found myself passing through reflections in the mirror of Corrupted Ego expressions of Self, while the Beautiful Truth of which is my Mirror and their Truest self is constantly betrayed by the Corrupted Ego, the one in Fear, Distrust.. that their fraud will be uncovered.

Chris Franco once expressed the agony and torment of this journey which I was forced to go through..
Knowing that a person was not in his or her Right mind, and having to pass through that portal, to witness ones Energetic Family, the Evolved aspect of Humanity rise…
Beloved.. Ah you have no idea what Love, and Eternal Love which rises naturally in me, you when we greet..
And then the False Ego rises.. that illusion of Self, the Body armor we construct to not feel the Hurt we felt as children, the spells and the Dis-illusionment.. the broken dreams..
But they are not dreams, as I have proven from my being a baby to an 7- 8 year old boy..
That those Dreams Visions where and are the treasures which remind us that we are not from here…

And so instead of finding my Family of E, through the Natural Expression, I am led to Non Existence..
Where I and the E Consciousness are told we do not Exist..
That the Evolved nature of Man does not exist..

And the challenger was the Nothing…Nature.. Who said her name was WOMEN.. WOE-MEN…
But we know that the 4th Dimension is itself an illusion.. just as the color Green is but a wave length.. just as we know that Nature-Green as the Source of Life is a Lie.
For we come from a place beyond Nature..
We come from a place of Naturalness…

And this Play Theater..P.T.. And all the players, All of the people I met and lived with.. 53rd being Eriks Home, the 54 The Bean Cafe.. And the 55th Being Franklyn Freemans Mcguiness Shelter at Green Point as being the Point of Existence…
Biology- Nature..Izzi Creo..I.C… but it is not, and in the stubborn will of an Illusion of the 4 Elements as Physical Material challenging the Truth of the Fifth and One dimension..
The Plane of Existence where Everything Everywhere, Everyone manifested from, making the claim of being the Source and origin of the KOLO…
And watching in a play (In which everyone was set up, to act out their lines and part in this obscene play in that contest between Energy and Spirit.. E.S… O..N.E…S.P..I. R..IT -Istanbul Turkey.. CLIO..C.L.E.O correct equation as to who is E Mama)
How could it have gone so far..

I watched even the betrayal of the E for a lie,out of fear.
I watched Men turn to Women whom they did not secretly trust, whom they knew were witches of manipulation and not true, and stand loyal to them based on comfort power and gain because the E could only Heal, because the E brings only the Truth, brings Love.. Eternal Love..
But even that was not enough, because they could not understand why the E had no power in this material world… Why it had no fearsome power..
I watched this play of the World… the World in the beginning when Man began to Worship Woman..
Trust the Mama..?
Trust AM.AM…The Awakening of your Heart and your Mind..
Trust the Epiphany which was granted to you..

Mine came in 1992…

George Phillipe Roc-K just texted me at 2:55 p.m..”Congratulations on your completion!”
255 is B.E.E!

Code Sean Bono Erik Ebright.. to Edwin Albert R. Santana X-To Jonn and Donna Y.. J.D.. 104…to 14 5.. N.E..Miami…Z..to Room A in the Shelter.. bed 007…(A.G…E)

He was born May 21st 1992…
Most will recall the awful play and test of patience..
And how we met at 1 58 Face book friends in 2014.. T.N.. In the play of True Nature…

5-21…passed 5-20…
Passed Boom Boom..
E.T.. Eternal Truth..
Through the trial of my having to represent Eternal Law.. E.L..
Eternal Lighting…
E.T.L…E..20 12.. 32…5..E..
E.E By passing successfully through the last portal of Erik Ebright.. 53rd Move but 55 code in his name portal to the Eternal

4:20 p.m.. *John Weedseed 4:20 P.M Re-Born at this Time..in Spirit
Same time in actuality that Joseph Carey was born…
But EE is 55= 10…J… Which moves Erik backwards forwards to 5+5.. 10..J.. Jonn Blackwell J.B…(007) As well as J.W…
See how he changed his tag name to a Character…
Notice that Jonn Blackwells name is really initials Haun Delguidce..
H.D…this is the car license of Erik G.H.D…K 47…Kolo 11 28..
E.E.H.D… both taking the name John “Grace of the Creator Eternal Ruler” undercover as J.J…10 10…20…
20..Letter T..B..O.W.. Bow Arrow.. B.A Shelter Room B then 1 Full Circle later O (one year)..at A

T.B..O…Double Vie (Life.. leading Double Life’s..4:32 p.m…4-5..April 5th.. Undercover or as Duality.. Only the one Undercover is ONE because he remembers, why he is in these situations- he is not acting he is adapting to an environment to understand something, he is a SPY…While the ones who is in Duality has either forgotten or is playing sides of the fence.. dancing in the edge of a Sword and a Blade…Which is Non existence by that stance alone.. because there is Only One Stance..
Eternal Truth..

Love.. People call me Love.. and I laugh and would really like to Spit in thier faces… Love? because I am forced into a role to put up with peoples crap, a World in Duality, to be coddled and pacified like babies in a Nursery.. Green House.. Plants not Human beings…
I am not Love.. and if Love is this experience given to me which the only response I can quantify and measure which was given back to me (Even if inside they wished to really give love as their intention) what it correlated as was my being in a shelter and they all being in their homes safe.. After I was made to play the role of the “Homeless” man to show the way out of such Mind Traps..
When my role was and is The Elegant Nomad, TEN..10..The 55.. Expanded to 25.. Letter Y.. 25=7..G.. and Back to 10…1O.. John Jonn… And Ariane Oates..

No, the only response is to such a response is Non Existence..
A Fury of Destruction and an Echo response to the Narcissists of this World.. Egoists Selfishness- at least what their expression or lack of it has caused to form on the World Screen..
Because of the GAP In Expression at the Exquisite Grace accorded them..

No!.. Ha.. I am not Love.. take your Love and shove it where the sun does not shine…
I curse that very word and those who use it…

I am Eternal Law… L.A.W..E… L.A!..W.E… VV.E..
And I despise that which Humanity has projected as themselves on the World Screen Mirror.. and then refused to correct it when it was pointed out..

Their ultimate destruction is all I require and that of the Lie done to the expression of Nature.. Truth Nature which Humanity distorted to turn it and themselves into Gods with Clay Feet..

L=12…1+2=3..C… Life is Consciousness..
What is this Lie called Love.. Evolution yes… but Love..
What a Lie…
Ifunnanya is the O.INRI Igbo world for Love…
I See You!.. I.S..Y!..IS .G..OD-E
I Consciousness You… I.C.Y… Yeshua Christo I..=9

And to Cee and See.. is to do, to make the L’Overture..
Toussaint L’Overture.. make a Gesture.. which indicates you Cee and See as I have exemplified over and over again…

Not sit back and watch the Suffering and misery of another, and wait to take advantage, wait your turn to take and give nothing but your whines complaints, lies, denials when the very voice of reason who is in your head appears outside of you.. expressing the same thing.

As you can observe, this is not a play about me, or Erik Ebright…not even a Energy, G note, or Even Expression…
It is about Evolution through Expression,and De-Evolution to Nothingness…A Nothingness which never was..
Just as the Expressions not in the Frequency of E…
“The Highest Violin String is E..”
Never really Existed..
And this play being about how that which never was.. The Body, becomes aligned to that which Always was and is..
The Universal Bodhi-Being…

And that only by the two being linked Body as Matter and Being as Energy can the Eternal Ones, the Enlightened Ones…(T.O.E) can manifest as a Eternal Beings in a Temporal Realm, by proving that all are one E… Expression Energy…

Myself and the line of my Brother Sister ( Link S.B..to E.E.. Sean Bono-Erik Ebright… S.B.EE..Meaning Brother Sister are both Male-Female.. but fist appeared in male form…)
are merely representing or Exemplifying the place of
E.A.C.H..I.E…S… -Which Human Being must pass through in order to Evolve to the E.

This 4.4 year, 8 year play was a shock to me, because it was not in my original memory, of beyond this current Temporal Time line..
And only in 2004, (24, near Baruch University, did the Energies of the ‘Family of TEN” rise in me and that is when I discovered the change in the play of ‘The Correcting” of the mis-interpreted Light and Blue print of Existence..
The Light and the Blue Print, are of course the Heavens…
Space..Background Blue and stars..Light…Blue-Light and Light Blue..
96…Night and Day…N.D..(N.A.D…N.E.A. D.E.A…correct numerical sequence…and 108, 18..R..I… NEAR..DEAR.. Near and Dear..

1:21 p.m…
See sacred Portal 121, so you know who is addressing me, and flowing through me…

69 Day and Night…D.A.N…Daniel/Baltazar..D.B..42… 42/24…

*1:23 p.m.
Not anymore..
A.W.E… Erik was always wearing LeBron James 23 Jersey… He is 32… 23 is letter W..Double V.. not Double U.. because the U is Unique…Like Snow flakes.. thus one can not be a “Peoples” if you are not an Individual first.. Unique…And a Collection of Individuals which creates a “People”… and a FA.MI.L.(EE.) Y=G…E.G.E..Of Beautiful Ones Zorro…
And it begins with One Man..M.A.N.N.A.H from H.E..A.V..E.N.E..
And the Story of Two men T.W.O M.E.N…(T-WOMEN..)..M.E.N.N.E.H..

1:30 p.m.

and from the three.. M.A.N and M.E.N….ANNAH And Enneh
came the Beautiful illusion of Women..4th Aspect…
Who in this play represent the key to the Evolution of the Species through the Male and Female creative expression to (not gender) to the back to the 5th Dimension.. The O.N.E Dimension from which all originated..

The Play hot its peak at 730 Face Book friends…

1:37 p.m right now…
73/37…Please see both sacred portal 73 and 37…
37 is Sensei and 73 is birth of the Embodiment of Man and Men..

M-ANNAH… and Annah…”Mannah from Heaven”..
Meaning Supernatural Power (S.P) In Hawaian (50 State) and

“Southern Italian: topographic name from Sicilian manna ‘ash tree’. Southern Italian: from a feminine form of Manno. Southern Italian: possibly from La Manna, with loss of the definite article, from Old Italian Alamanna ‘Germania’. Dutch: from a personal name derived from the Germanic personal name Man(n)hard, composed of the elements mann ‘man’, ‘human’ + hard ‘hardy’, ‘brave’, ‘strong’.
MENNEH.. and Enneh means…Menne comes from German Men.,, which means Kid or Goat..(Goat O) used to denote an agile person.. Youthful male.. it also means strength…”

Anna means Grace and Favor… G.F.. And in O.INRi Igbo it means “Land-Ground.. L.G.. 12..7.. 19 84…)

(Fantastic Four.. and Victor Van Doom.. and Franklin Storm.. 5 6..
Sue and Johnny Storm…
Best Friends Richard Reed and Ben Grim… the 4-6..all 10…1.O.. Erie..Eri-K..Eri Kolo.. Erose K..)

MENNE means Menn in Germanic and Norse…
ENNE means ” Admiration Praise’..
Apollo Perez

Emeke Emeka.. Means “Praise”

Mannah is the Supernatural Power from Heaven is the strength of the youthful agile “Sum total of the fantastic 4-6…the 007 Code…
which is the purity of the Stars and the blue print of Existence who as the story of Neptune and the Apis Bull finds its Equal reflection in the physical world.. Sea-Oceania Land Gay-AH!

GO..1212…24..X…SS..38. C.H.I…E..A

John Weedseed E.A…Electronic Art?
E.A is 51.. the same age of Jonn whose birthday is 8-5…64…


Each to his own… Love does not protect anyone from consequence because the meaning of love here in the west has been proven the Ultimate Lie.. U.L.. Large Up… L.U… “Read” French in past tense

Universal L.o.ve/ LU… Read…

21 12/21 12…

E.K,E.. Oyogbo…

Eternal Truth Eternal Law…

E.E.E… 555.. 15..o

Gap E

Aria-DNE The-Zeus..


5:05 p.m.

1 E..


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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