
7/28/2018 1:42 – Facebook Post

7/28/2018 1:42 – Facebook Post

Igbo Anthony Ottah is back and once more providing intel from the Spirit realm…
Okuo Mmuo… O M… The Hell Fire of the Spirit Realm…

Orange Flames…
I passed through this..
See sacred portal 3..
Color Orange… R O…Y-G…
I have been wearing the Orange band and yesterday I discovered a Orange Belt like the Karate Black Belt.. but this was Orange…
Heat of Hells Kitchen which I passed through beginning 2005
but was aware of my 1985… 1988…

12:48 p.m.

I am not really interested in speaking any more about this…
except to point out that that is when I began to create extensively my Alter Art Science..
I built as I passed through Hells Kitchen and every space I slept or lay my head down since then..
13 Years, I built at the Green House a giant one as the one in Hells Kitchen..
I rebuilt the Entire Universe evolved though the Human story…
I built in the Alleys,
On the streets..
16th Street..
Every place.. and what I built was Art and its break Down of a beauty which made me rise extase.the beauty and meaning were so beyond anything I could have ever imagined.

I would be on the street.. in the most terrible pits of Human existence and experiencing…. truly..
And then the objects would begin to appear, as I walked the streets looking for the portal…
And then I began to build… and each time it was completed I would find a portal.. the next and pass through.
And the entire process would begin all over again.

But the Beauty.. the Exquisite Beauty of the Installations the Meanings…
the Story they created. There was nothing I had Created not even Eternal Beginning could match the creations.
There is nothing I have ever created which can match these Installations Maps. cities universes which I had created…
And which would vanish after I left…. Vibrating manifesting into Existence because Ihad activated them all with my own Focus Attention, Love Devotion.. Humor as I laughed at each story, and imbued them with life… though imagination and realty. Juxtaposing them two realms of Eternals and Humans People I had met and linking them to the codes I had manifested as themselves evolved to even a greater Being.. Extra ordinary…
I built them up alone at night as I contemplated their meanings…

13 Years…I built the greatest worlds, stories of a future present…
My present and gift to my Family and the evolved world…
I knew , and know that there is realm of the Eternals because I Built it…

Step by step for 13 years right to my locker here at Delta Manor…

And I walked through Okwu Mnou.. The Belly of the Beast… the 9th Circles of Hell…
I walked through that Hell of Mind and Spirit where your body begin to scar bleed from the intensity of the torments..
49th State of DI.. Is transformed into the most hellish imaginations Nightmares made real..
Nome Alaska the 4th Kind.

“Babylonian religion. Babylonian religion is the religious practice of Babylonia. Babylonian mythology was greatly influenced by their Sumerian counterparts, and was written on clay tablets inscribed with the cuneiform script derived from Sumerian cuneiform.”

Nome Alaska…

..”Such an explanation raises the question – is Bughuul a real Babylonian pagan deity? For those hoping to switch to the church of suit-wearing, mouthless consumer of souls, unfortunately, Bughuul is a construct of Sinister screenwriters Scott Derrickson and C. Robert Cargill.

*ictitious as he may be, Bughuul does share qualities with many real-world deities people have believed in. He shares similarities with Moloch, a pagan deity venerated by Canaanites and Ammonites. Moloch is Middle Eastern in descent, thrives on child sacrifice by burning, and possesses demonic attributes.

Sinister…. SIN-E IS T E R….O R..

1:19 a.m.

Consulting a local deputy (whom Ellison nicknames Deputy So & So), they discover that the murders took place at different times, beginning in the 1960s and in different cities across the country. He also learns that a child from each family went missing following every murder. The deputy refers Ellison to Professor Jonas, whose expertise is the occult, to decipher the symbol in the films. Jonas tells Ellison that such symbols are that of a Babylonian deity named Bughuul, who would kill entire families and then take one of their children in order to consume his/her soul. ”

The portal..?


M- ASK.. Alicia S- Klein….

Jim Carey…

See Page C 18…. New York Times Arts Section
Yes… 18…

“Mask of Royal Power and Cultural Sway”

See sacred portal 149 (19)… He who holds Sway…

Joe Carey has a Mask I bought from Go Antiques Daniel Maman.
It looks out in total stupefication of You DARE?
He is also Holding the Green Jade Elephant, the original sacred Portals…
Holding them hostage..
“I Dare” he said.
I warned him…
And no… ah too late…
1:27 a.m..

Do not Fuck with me…

“Freedom in the Fantastical…’ F I T…F

“A graffiti master turned astrofunk storyteller brings letters to sculptural life..”

Yes I did Graffiti…Art….

Page C 14

*See photos..
From “R-AM ME LL Z EE” The Equation”..
Racing For Thunder”…

Please see the poster of Bug HU.UL.. Moloch…
B M.. ( Big Mouths” -it is stuffed with Ashes… by Moloch)
The poster shows the image of the Leviathan Symbols which were on Edward Eceinco page years ago…

Its real…

‘Love In a Time of Science”
Art and education meet, and passion ignites…”

The Rediscovery of a Light Pioneer..” T R… O A.. L P…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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