
7/28/2017 21:29 – Facebook Post

8:46 P.M.


“My Father Is Here!”


“Praise to the Creator, Doer of Great Deeds, Well Done”

Stevan Oscar Lawrence…

“Crowned the Deer, Dear Friend the Spear of God, Crowned with Laurels of Victory”

I just lost an entire post…

So I will not even bother repeating it..

Just to tell you what took place after the completion of the play with Ria Casey H..

Brenda arrived wearing Silver Grey Pants and White top.

We went outside and Brenda began to speak in such a manner that I could not help but link fist with her…
She spoke with such intelligence..

“He is Here” I told her quietly…

As she was speaking a young man who was accompanied by a young lady, across the Road from us where we stood on Wood Ave, we at Star Bucks and they at Macys, I observed take out a Rams Horns and began to sound it.

I gestured to Brenda to where he stood, Blowing the Horn, He was Olive skinned and she was white, and I could not help but see that it was the perfect reflection of myself and Ms Brenda.

I said that he was blowing Horns of Jericho – the Moses Joshua story, only it was a Lady besides him.. Truth…
Brenda Lisa Natalie Johnson Maat… T-Ruth.
The Entrance into the Promised land. and I linked it to my walls coming down- the Great Wall of Forgetfulness linked to me sacred Portal 115…Awakened Memory.

But Brenda Linked, adding that it was foretold that there would be the heralding of horns…
And my body moved to bow to the ground as a force in me made me acknowledge her truth.

“I saw her face become light and her body dancing…
“You said it, you said it a moment before that he is here… You just said it…”

I do not believe him anymore I said quietly.

“I know”She said, “But you are going home, he has come to take you home! Your going home Emeka’

At which my body almost violently moved me to the ground, acknowledging her, a force acknowledging her and even making me lift my cap of my head…

Then I heard a voice rise up within me..”He does not believe it”
I told Brenda what it said…

‘Yes ..’ but he is here and he is coming to take you home, you just said it a moment ago that he is here…” Her eyes twinkling dancing…

No one one else was aware of what was happening but the two of us, and that made me sad, and quiet within.
But I loved seeing her joy… Her Lightness as the streets became alive with signs codes confirming it

“Did you see the car.. “Chariot” which took him away?” She added. I looked I had not seen it..

“Elijah” I said quietly.

Yes and she danced moving with a bliss.

Her Friend came at that point, and began to speak of her grandfather passing who was 100,and how she had been moved to go and see him..

I listened with Brenda, who was filled the spirit of Truth.

We listened and then She had to go and feed her son.

I went inside and as Chris, at the counter brought me a 54cent coffee. I was contemplating Brenda who had told me how she had prayed for my release from these binds yesterday ( I did not tell her that only God -Father could do this to me), I thought of Lisa Natalie Johnson who had said to me if she had a place that … I said to her .. I know…
But it felt nice to be no longer invisible unheard..
Then Larry came over and told me, that something had happened to him.
That as he sat near the window, that he had observed myself and Brenda.. And that something had happened to him, that it was as if he was in a Vortex. No longer in this dimension and that he felt something beautiful and pleasant. That he had managed not to be distracted only seeing myself and Brenda but that he felt that he was in a another dimension and that he felt as thought he had not time traveled but as though he were in a place where he felt something Beautiful Pleasant had entered into this World.

I said, Ah so you have got the answer to your question he had asked me, experienced it.. How something from another Dimension could land in this World…

I am sitting besides 26 year old Reginald..
Robert came in…

Mighty Ruler and Famed Bright Shinning Light

Revelation: The Seven Trumpets and When They Shall Sound

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64 Bible verses about Trumpet – Knowing Jesus
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