
7/27/2020 22:29 – Facebook Post

21:00 Hundred Hours

9.00 p.m

I notice that no one else is adding or making use of the Codes I have been compelled to teach every single person I was led to.

I also notice that I am down to 14 91 Facebook Friends from 14 92. = 106. 16
And 166. = 13. 67. 22.

14. 91. Sacred Portal 91 is Ms Manners Hell Fire

92 is Brother and Sister Fountain Head

Does it mean that there is no true Value and Worth at what this Force did for you at my expense?

That the Knowledge & Wisdom of which it compelled me to share is worth nada.

I am in Esteban Miguel Filgueira home and I am calm but quietly inwardly incredulous that once again, I woke up, and my body.. it was hell and next thing, I am posting…
A torrent 2 post pages..
In a home still not my own.

I have not eaten, all day, because I was Spirited Away.
I was aware of it, and once again used all my self discipline to be calm and focus.

I could not stop it, and only when I paused after completing the second post, did I realize once again, that I did not post the sum conclusion of A Man being Reason Method etc..

It was like this at Liberty C Liscomb portal.
All consuming…

I took a walk to buy something, trembling inside vowing to end this, but also knowing that I was helpless and still going through the Impossible nightmare.

21:16 p.m
B A.- A.F

Outside was the code A.Y…
I don’t want to read.
I could not walk straight.. but I was rising flinging knees bending them..
Ah, its my knees..

I could read everything, right to my buying what this distracted state had me buying, that which I did not want..
Colt 45. 45 was everywhere today streaming out of me.
April 5th
4.5 billion years old planet.
And a small bottle of Brandy.. E.J. E J. A Y

6.25 usd.
Then a few things in the dollar store
” Sir you need a mask”
My manner distracted made an unintentional gesture which said ” Please Don’t bother me I am going through… Hell Fire still..”

4.60 usd.

F Y. F B E

460 Sacred Portal 46 O
23 23 Chromosome
64 move 46 full circle.

Yes Eri .. Ripples.

I am literally the Awakened One no boast no bragging.. it has been a curse, just being me and being loyal to the Truth and my promise I made not to betray the Journey Mission given to me.
Mission Accomplished
M.A is on the computer box given to me.

Mission Accomplished Harmony 8.
Mission Impossible 8 link Tree Sage
11-4 Nathaniel Thomas Bywater

8 H A M. P. S. Hire bay 1972.

Stephens cooler is set at 72
Sacred Portal 72
I am still in the Maze Labyrinth” I mused
” of course I knew that.. I am obviously not free”

Appreciation Gratitude A G
Appreciation Praise.. A P
For a Job well done…?


Take Take Take..

I hold no grudge against you, truly, you did not take my body my life everything from me.
Or force me like a Doctor Healer Professor X
Forced to make house calls..

6 25
4 60

10 85.

64. 25. 60
My 64th Move 19 years aligned to my sister fake birth.
First Born.. Like Ferrill Gemino F G 67.
Me 1967.. 84..
25 Arden.F K G
60. Jeron Satya S Lang = 60

Movie G L A S S. H. OLE!

How is this possible.. that it could go this far.
Be used abused so and go on even now?
This is what Desire has transformed Existence into..
That this can be done..to anyone..
And its true I am who I say I am..
Yet I am still without Home or Income in my own Creation after solving all my Once beloved brothers codes.

Its not the public, not you I blame or hold accountable its that Voice and presence in the Darkness the Black and White awareness themselves an illusion
There is only Integrity Transparency Integral.
I T I.

I carry the Entire burden of a play which does not concern me, woken up, flagellation rituals of sexual abomination and molestation which I am forced down to my knees by this force
” we need your Sexual Energy”

There is a painting here by Jeff Sullivan
On the stairs- a Praying man
He Sings True In Thought Speech Action Expression is being fucked by a Devil while looking to another painting of Green Life and the 3rd eye open and the World Globe in his throat like an Adams Apple.. Appel.. Call
Help each other solve my Brothers Father Lover and now Sister Lovers code.

I told him in 1992 No.
In 1991.. No..
I would not do this you ask of me, they will not heed.
I had seen, understood recorded enough of the world people mentality, experienced and read what they do to ppl who gave and gave…

No one was that much of a fool especially in this day and age of materialism

But see…
64th move

10 85
T.E N. H.E.
The Elegant Nomad.

Your preoccupied
You have other priorities
Its easier to say that it has not manifested
But the signs are everywhere.

But it’s your free will and choice
I begrudge none of you your choices.
Its your right
But not your Response..
No because there is a greater authority which all must answer to.
For this Gift.. I was made to give to you all.
Fair Exchange.

It was never about Money Food or Shelter.
They EE just wanted your Attention Focus

The greatest way to have shown me Appreciation was to Pay Attention and then begin to link weave and code publicly, so others could join in and you would have contributed to your own Evolution Awakening

Every thing you felt, you had given to me
My Father Brother Satan Devil you call him and the She’s….provided it for me, through you being given added blessing.

Anne McHugh told Liberty when she sought to be reassured before I arrived, that I would bring Fortune and Blessings to her world
She told me she and Chris prayed for an Angel and I arrived.

But I am no Angel.
See the story of Sodom and Gomorrah
The Two Men
Two Beautiful emissaries from The Creator
Y A. H W A Y.

Its alright..
I understand your right to hear what you wish to hear, see what you wish to see, do what you wish to do.
But since you made this burden mine alone to carry, it also means that only I and my E Family
But I become sole Author, Authority and that All is E.K.. P.
And so only I have the right to who can be in side of E K P E..
My Eternal World.

That I own everything Beautiful True and Real because it is All Mine.
As it was when I made it rise from “The Nothingness” out of the Blue
Throat Chakra -Sound Colors.
And my 3rd I. Via The Sound of Silence and True Vision
Inner See.


And you of course, will understnd why I will not share.. for Good Lords.
A S. S. H. O.L.E…OLA!

I have shared enough with all of you..
There is nothing you could have given me that was not already provided for by S D S
Satan Devil S .HE.
Except your Attention Focus..

I never required your Acknowledgment and Praise..
Its a natural response one never asks but one questions when it is not given

Was it not clear or good enough
I go back and check…

22:22 hundred Hours

Its Beautiful Perfect Harmony Symmetrical
In a language all can understand
Universal W H O L E

22:23 hundred Hours
10 23..

So there can be no surprise from my response when that long awaited truth manifests
And I play the Door Man and Bar Man of the most exclusive Island Party Realm in all Existences now merged into
E.K P… E. K. P E. C K.

And choose who gets to come in

After all its mine.. Merited Earned Again.

22:27 hundred Hours

10 27 ..28 p.m

22:28 hundred Hours..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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