
7/27/2018 23:54 – Facebook Post

L M….

See Leo Mannheimir- from the book of fiction ” From the book “The Girl who takes an eye for an eye..”
by David Lagergrantz .. D L
I posted page 90.. Linked to Spirit E… Aspect of Awareness 1st of the Expression of the Family of TEN…5 5…
1 8… A H.. Link Arthur Hur. AH.

Link the play of the Leo.. Lion L ion… of Judah..
Edward Eceinco E E
Klein Alicia. K A…
I O N S.. Noetics… Dan Brown ( DB) Novel “The Lost Symbol”

Fiction aligned to Fact…
E-Spirit ( E-spirit has been confirmed by this Script my knowing the Soul is the Well in Being- From which flows the fountain of Life.. Auto-Matic writing.. ( A M W) Stream of Consciousness…
Natural Expression links the Soul.. E O to the Fact Face Boo…

All who are not aligned to the correct Meaning Wave of how each portal represented in the Matrix as Numbers and in the World- Letters Logs- Logic..
To Meaning.. L M… Y…. 12
Micael Wheeler had 12 Facebook friends when we connected.
12 is the Completion A-Z.
Linear…Existence.. Life and Death.. Dual..

The Soul – Inside- Links to the Soul which exists outside.
I O…
S S… 19 19… 38…11 2 B. 1..A H.

When the Wave of its True Expression Moves through all who are not aligned are vomited out..

See the letters caught in the Frame spell out..
S and a Circumpunct as an L..P.. Album Record.. A R..
A L L… A…
O R I G I N.. A…

C B S… 3 2 19… See the play of today… 19.. About the S.

S… Point …

L E O.. M ANN… HE IMI ( “Imi” means “Nose” In OINri Igbo.. Nez in French…”Knows)
H E.. I… M I R R O R…

It is the Sum Total Existence Omg…C I.S UM…/ M U S I C.. H…
acknowledging that I am fully am “Aware and Know” that Mann..
A Man is His-Her-Its Mirror..
I had the conversation with Jace Kareem Horstford today..
He was fired today from his Job, 27…
and he noted all the links between myself and him on that number including the number in line he was in when he was initiated into the fraternity Delta Mu Delta…
He spoke now about how he realized the logic he always knew, that The Creator had to be Man…
I elaborated as how I bought H-armonies God Family into Existence Creation through Expression and then went up – Astral Projecting myself through the Music and intent- creating the Family of the Two 5’s .. TEN.. The Elegant Nomads and then moving into Space as E-Spirit manifested a play to make the Real Fact.. Solid Sensation- Personalities and then repeated the process in the Elemental realm.. light and dark.. Light and Day.. really Day and Night…
E N D E…
That I had been proving this and when Challenged by the sum of the Gods and the Titans.. G T.. To prove it to
11:48 p.m.
To Transform them both…. 1 48…1 48… 2 96….. 1 96…
215… 1 1 5…
U E.. K E..
B A.E… A A E..
8 7……

15…O…NE …
6.. F A C T..E THE ONE FA TH E R of the two..
Supreme Expressions of Existence and Their One.. Feminine Form now in Existence…

L E S… M OO N…. Victor Emeka Stephan… is Me

11:54 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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