
7/26/2020 22:57 – Facebook Post

19:51 p.m

S.E A.


A I E. B
Awareness Infinity Eternity Being.

At 14 91 Facebook Friends
= 105 1O 5. J E. Jeron Is E
Jay is E
E is A F E. / E F A.

A F E K. G. H.

Joe came today meaning Add Increase A I.

George tomorrow Farmer.

God’s Name is Sum Total of Truth.
The Sum of The People Born into this World Creation.
From the Big Orgasm


I am not God
I am the rep of my Brother Father SELF
Never Played that Role despite being cast in that Idea.
Bad Idea

20:00 p.m
8:00 p.m

I came to destroy that Bad Idea.
B.I 2 9
To replace it with my Best Friend Truth.
The Beautiful Truth.

I re presented G- Ode.
Sonata .
Opera./ A R.E P. A

And reveal through a play called Source Codes
Acessing them to access the Power to End this ridiculous concept of Allah God.. Jehova.
As A G..J
A G E J.E S. T.

The Truth betrayed their Source The Full Circle replacing it with Zero which your society is made up of.

G-Ode of Praise, The People betrayed him.
His Beautiful Truth
And Betrayed even their own invention ” The Bad Idea”

The Beautiful ID.E-A.M .E.K. C.K. P H.. I D E A. H
is E- Spirit Momentum.

EK= 16 P.
E C =8. H I
C.K 14. N
KK ;
11 11=1 5 E

* 14 16 = 30. Arden Text 1:30.
3O. 36. 9
230. 43 9

Now proven a Fact Solid as Feelings Sensational
1 25 25
A Y Y.
51 E A

20:19 p.m

The Back Log which created the Lag was the Meddling People playing a Non Existence Almighty God
Authority God Goddess..

None of the E played such roles despite the way we were cast in such roles, then with delight The People had in trying to tear us down.
(It would appear despite their insanity and attachment to that Bad Idea which absolved them of responsibility, even they deep inside were aware that it was a Bad Idea.)

The One True God is The Truth.
Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme

Beatriz my 1491 Facebook Friends name reveals the Victory over the Other Bad Idea.
Zero and Almighty God
Which Humanity and Human Society and This Delta Operating System of the 3D 4D link whole Physical and Mental Structure and Emotional health is dependent on, including the ridiculous Idea of Mind.

Where is your Mind.?

It is where your Attention And Focus is attuned to.
And that is your Awareness and Interaction with your E.M.Field.
Electro Magnetic Field of Force.

20:30 p.m
8:30 p.m

As you may have noticed I have stopped coding connecting people.
Its because Arden as E Family and his Family
Represent the further most limits of Existence in the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze where Love is no longer expressed.
Love as C.
So on reaching there and not being acknowedged except by 1 23 who are sure, we turn back for it transforms into what it was as Non Existence having rescued the Last 5 in 1 of the E Avatar Descendants who recognized I.E.
Each in their own way.
Based on a rule of a play in recognition of The Source T S. 2019
The of Creation T O C 2003.

This was a Simulation of the Eternal Beginning play of Two Men.
Two Males.
M.Y. 13 25 = 38. C H .I. Taun Jesse Macias Orejuela

20:38 p.m

C H I. T.J. M

So why am I still posting…?
Apparently the Lag made a back up which had to be untangled then cleaned up.
I have for the last two nights been speaking by phone with Esteban Miguel Filgueira Stephen Filgueria who is rising with each conversation but it is exhausting me, not him but my body dying to rise but Stephen Filgueria passed the unseen test at which I have been used as the Aware Observer.

So much has taken place in the conversation
Sort of another version of the True Conversation between Energy E and Ahtom
Arden and Mine was Quiet Expressive the Original Expression
Sight Sound Eye to Eye.
Heart to Heart

With Stephen it is with sound
He is living in Oregon and I in Connecticut
In his home in the 5th State.

When I began the Journey Mission people were informed by E Spirit to take care of all my material requirement while I went above below left right, solving their riddles of existence.
Very few kept that oath.
Most treated me like a servant slave.
Slave of Allah
Servant of God.

I despised them, but still saw their truth and loved and focused on that truth.
They paid nothing, gave nothing and thought I was a Fool and what a bargain.

Others a dozen were materially very generous Marina Burini
Billy Hung
Stephen Filgueria..

On my way back my biggest ” Trauma ” is what experienced being made to be dependent on these people while I did their Homework.
Its is something I will never, ever ever forget and is my deepest, one of my deepest reason loathing this non existent race

And that even now, I am still paying for Your Choice and Free Will in not paying attention to the play, or having done your Home Work as was requested before I entered your lifes.
But most of all be clean.
Get rid of the Filthy Ideas of Thought Speech Action Expression..

Even fewer did.

I don’t want anything from any of these creatures who have the balls to take advantage of one undercover, and I think even less of Face book friends who read this posts 8.7 years and offer nothing
Some only when I must say something.

Good Grief how I despise this Species mentality.
Cruel Mean Spirited believing themselves so clever, cunning..

It was nice to see Esteban and Arden are linked.64 Move linked to 46 .
64. V.I/ I.V
46 IV V I

9:00 p.m.
21:00 hundred Hours. 21:01 right now.

21 USD in my Wallet..

Do you see?

I am moving from the Present to the Past.
64 was at 9OO South Road V I. 22 9.
46 I V 9 22

The Victory is of course at 9OO South Road
I Left two V V on the Table in Ferrills former room and the Wooden Manequin “Running”
Running Man. R M M.R. E
and the book the Maze Runner. M.R E

I am in the Past… November 18 2018 when I first came here.
1992 Stephan and Myself in our shared apartment in Paris with Manu.
But this time there is only me.

I am beomg held here, body and being just as I was held at Liberty C Liscomb place for what I felt was a Month
Until I discovered Arden was there I thought that it would be the E Harmony Children and was aware of my state.
I could not in that state and Teeth missing, body tortured internally, which nearly everyone turned a blind eye, so they would not feel responsible for me.
Despite me elaborating that in their turn, they would face the same thing.
It then was confirmed as 3 months.
Then it became Ten Months plus Day and Night coding, a Family of Five, cooking Gardening ( the first few months) domestic problems, and that the Children and Arden was part of the play
Talking to Liberty 24-7 for the first 8 9 months

I was in Hell Fire and working on Codes for my release and Evolution Awakening confirmed but not manifesting.
How was I after almost 27 years in such a play War every day.
Battles of Ego correcring, loving Baby Jeron and the Children who never conversed with me except Arden and most times I was compelled to go to him.
And then realize his role in the play…
Noah Noah both Ferrill and Leanders friends I met with them promised meaning
Rest and Repose above and below.
I was to do the E manual
Liberty changed her mind about them putting everything on Hold.
I began teaching the codes..

56:56 was the code but I was in a living Hell of every world Dimension

So thoroughly
My Mother crossed over.
And ah of course, I was alone.
And sustaining in a 3D Illudion

( 3 D is the Natural world Libery lived in her Mind.. the battle to bring her out of Non Existence)

3D is Being Here Now Nature
There was nothing Natural in a household in which there was no free speech and it felt as if I were at first a Servant fighting to prove my Authority of a role i did not believe in The Source and yet constantly undermined
Set up.
Legs body twisted.
Characters of time rising in me Witches wizards shamans Diabolical forces and having to be polite and yet… Jesus…

I never knew such a Hate, not from the Children and not really from Liberty..
But a play in which I was being fucked so royally and no one really seemed to give a damn.
The then realizing this was all intended
56 56
11 11..
4 in 1
11 O
Sacred Portal confirmed in the end.
Now I am here at the 111 code.
After having proven Arden is the C in 1
A C- C A.
C E- A
A C E… yet he saw me made contact the First Day!

And so here I am back at Stephens
29 Back From 9OO 9 Hundred.
29 = 11 1
11 2 K B Kelsie Bissell Benjamin C. Krajewski
Doppelganger Twins in being TWO Confirmed.
And Emmanuel rising in Arden Aurelia.

And the B.K to E Manual done.

29 11 1

11 1 K A
A A A.
3 A
C A..
Wondering why I am back here the Bomb is planted but also Victorious VV the Beautiful Truth and the Truth of Two Men Vicforious after such a Violent and Malicious Evil selfish play..

See my sacred portal 64
See sacred portal 46
Stephen Filgueria literally spoke about how my conversation with him tonight was causing drops like rippes expanding outward like a Wave
Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme

WAVES. P. Of Perfection
See sacred portal 46 Eri
Eric meaning Eternal Ruler Expression is now aligned with Energy Expressed in Silence Quiet with Arden Ferrill Aurelia

Only with Jeron Satya did I use Silence and Words.

I saw a person with E.T T- Shirt two days ago.
On it the words ” No one cares”
I of course was aware .
Who had asked for the E Manual
Who has reached out?
Sent true Aid.
Did all not recieve blessings when I was in their homes from the Universe
Money Health Questions answered
Laughter and Light and Lightness from me?
Did they see me weep from Pain and Exhaustion
Did I not put my best foot forward and make light of even my agony.
Was I not polite an attentive even as they wrre taught to ignore and even be dispecful to A Man proving your codes, untangling your Story.
Did I not cook clean, help whenever I could?
Explain all my outbursts and that I was the one used most viley in the play.
Did I not turn my back when I did complain and neatly all turned against me because I had to finish the play and retreat from the insistence day and night via Expression Acion Words Thoughts insinuation innuendo that despite evidence facts confirming each day for 10 months plus
posted in front of the world.
Did She or anyone testify to the evidence simply reporting the Facts?

And did I not tell the Truth.?


Kill them All..

Let the Naturals rise to E
But the rest.. give them exactly what they gave me
Unseen and seen I read as Arden also can..
I read all their thoughts..

22:29 p.m

I absorbed as a Baby everything in them
Nearly all.the chikdren were clean..
Did you not witness on arrival at portal 56 56 = 1=A.
The world become fully awake to the Horrors done to chikdren
Pedophpilia and here I was linking with Arden
Aurelia and Jeron.

And once again ( Though having understood me) I am at Stephan who screamed at me hollered have not seen or heard from but twice in almost a Year.
Doing the work
Charles “Free man”
Eric Eternal Ruker..
Man and Energy merge to create 8
Done with Alexander Arden Aurelia Autumn (Smol)
to Alexa Athena.. 6 A
61 AAA AAA Triple A Batteries x2
And the 7 in 1 Arden
8 in 1
9 in 1. AAA AAA AAA.
10 in 1 for in me in All in One EA
Jeron Alexander..
Jay Alexander
Arden Jeron Esteban Stephan.


Fred Morgan

Stephen Esteban linked to Jeron
111 Usd. 21 left.
111 in the Drawer.. Spend it
My Gold my Silver
Where is it.
Using money shelter body even Energy to control a man of stature who brought the Truth denying me income stature respect, because something showed mercy to you and sacrificed me for you..
Who do not, will not give a damn .. as usual when it is too late.

Alexa Vertefeuille

This is me as Beautiful Rage.
Terrible Death
20 4
26 4
2 64

Let them suffer as they made my E Family Suffer..
Add Interest
Bring Diseases Suffering Pain Hurt..Torment and Torture.
Castrate, Flagallate and Tease and leave them hanging
Seduce then Reject.
Murder them then awaken them
It was done to me Alexander Grove to Arden Gemino
No mercy.
No respite
Let us be Equal
Rise from what you so all so generously gave to M.E
Manifest Expression
117 Sacred Portal
E Sacred Portal
I Sacred Portal
I &I A.M S P
Symmetries Perfection

Your turn!

Except those who gave Appreciation Grace Expressed Publicly Privately and bore witness to the Beautiful Truth of a Man
And his Expression as Beautiful Youth

22:56 hundred Hours
10 56 p.m 57 p.m

115 = 57
Gen I U.S.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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