
7/26/2020 17:11 – Facebook Post

14:35 p.m


2:35 p.m

B C. E.

I Know W H Y.

I know Why I called Ferrill Gemino on 7-25-2020 and wished him Happy Birthday.

Instead of 8-25-2020.

W is Double V V. H Y

Hung Yeh. See meaning.

I Know Why I was given his room for the last few months.

I know why he is 19
And this was is still my 64 Move
1964. 7-28 my Sister’s code birth in the Lie.

I Know WHY
The Double VV belongs to Arden Emeka.
Emeka Arden.


Arden Victor
Emeka Victor

A E E A Victorious

14:43 p.m
2:43 p.m

I Know W H Y
The Double V V Harmony Y Male and Female chromosome XY = 49 .
9 4
I Defiance. Rebel.
I Define E. M.E.
Impossible Dream Esteban Miguel Filgueira
Steven Filgueria. Solid Fact Feelings Sensational

I know WHY some one else was set up to sleep in My Bed.
Our Bed
B E D / D ..E B
B E D.T. / D.E B T.

I know why 7 is 8
And 8 came before 7.

I know Why I am the Second Born
And Arden is the Second Born.
2 2.

I know WHY. A Sonata
AT. 4 47 43 was parked infront of the House and why George means Farmer.
G F.

And why it is a Musical Instruments Composition for a Soloist, often accompanied by a Piano with several movements, with one or two in Son At A form.

I know why Ferrill Gemino is innocent of this set up in which he was used to replace the One.

I know W Arden gave me Water Melon candy.
Linked at H. OM. E. H= 8 O
O8 on the Wood Plank photograph taken by his God Mother C.J. 3 10. Really 3 1O
3 16 33. Family Chevrolet.

I know why The Mocking Birds no longer sings.

And the Humming Birds Humm now bursts into the Song of J.O.Y. J.A.Y. Rejoicing.

14:58 p.m
2:58 p.m

I Know W.H Y.
Double V V = 23. 2003. 6-12-2003. AF K G
Harmony of Y. And Y is W H Y .Y = 25.
And H = 8 + Y 25= 33..

3:00 p.m
And Why the D O V E. Now Coo’s contentedly

I know why W is 23rd letter.
23 23 = 1 46 .. 4 7. 11 28. 39. C I.

I know W H Y. W is really Two V’s which equal
22 22. 44. 44 74. 3. 4 474 3.
AT. 4. 47. 43

And Why its is the Sacred Portal Door of Life.
43 .. 7. 12. 7 Rainbow Colors Waves.
12 is one full circle of a Clock
And Two Full Cycles of a Clock makes One Day – Day & Night.

I know Why Manhattan area code was 2 12..
2 12 ..24.

But 12 12 is 1 and 24 = 25
And 12x 12= 144 = 9
And why I found Arden and Siblings at 9OO South Road.

And Why I Know WHY Douglas
Means ” Dark Black.. Glas meaning Stream as in Stream of Consciousness.). And “Green”
And why I could not stop talking and posting moved activated by the Well and Being of my Soul Sol Spring Drawn from the Sum Total of my Existences since I as I began Male Youth to Eternity and Infinity and back down 7-1..8 9..
H Y.
VV H Y × T W O. T V V O. I C E.

The True Conversation between Energy E and Ahtom Twins
I know W HY. Douglas Adams ( D.A) saw the meaning of Existence after an Acid ( A C. I D) Trip came up with Meaning of Existence as number 42.

And I was in a 4 Man room called 4B

I Know why the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy ( H G TT G- was missing the last H)

And Why The A-Lien Council put up a Sign in the Galaxy of this Star System when Humanity learnt to read the Stars over 3000 years ago and ignored Humanities Protests pleas of Ignorance that they didn’t know.

Or why the D.O.L. P.H.I N.S. laughed and sang ” Good Bye Stupid Humans” not knowing that they had missed the last chance to pass through the E Sacred Portal 43
Door Of Life
D O L. P H. I N. S.

And E Sacred Portal
Is link
E S P .

I Know WHY in Earnest Ernest Clines ( E C. Eastern Equine ‘Horse ” E.N C.E. PH A LIT IS. Corona Virus C V 3 22)
Enders Game ( 115 Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna post) and Ready Player One- The E.T as H.I.V.E. Q.U E-E N had been so bombarded by boasts sent out into the Cosmos of intel and propoganda of who They You are as a Species- not realizing that The Extra Terrestrials had been Observing Watching Humanity the whole time. Then challenged them to prove that they are who their movies and propoganda claimed them to be.

And Why in Ready Player One to win the inheritance of his marvelous world that the end was an Easter Egg and involved riddles contained in The Creators Past.
( T.C P… T. 3 16. 33.. 6. 9)

16:11 p.m
4:11 p.m
And I know why Nathaniel Thomas Bywater birth Day keeps comming up into my Awareness.
Ardens Friends C and Nate.

I Know why the Movie D.U.N.E was so relevant exposing the True Mystery of Y Chromosome and Alchemic Transformation ( A.T) of Poisoned Water ( Particle Wave) Sight and Sound.

I know why Wisdom & Knowledge link to Arden Gemino
W IS. D.O.M. ( Defender Of Man) K- NO.. W. L E. D-G. E 4 7. (11 28. 39. C I. ) E
Is not Wisdom of The Ages. Old Age
Wisdom. A.G. E S. P

A.EG-IS of Athena

Had nothing to do with Age or Time.
17 years old
17 months old.

16:19 Hundred Hours P.S
Perfect Symetry
4:19 p.m D S. Eternal Law. Robert: “Famed Bright Shinning of Light ”

16:20 Hundred Hours P.T
4:20 D.T.

When the Point had been reached and time to turn back.
16:22 hundred Hours P.V.

4:22 p.m
DA V IDE Victorious

16:23 Hundred Hours P W
D W. Double VV

At 16:24 -25 Hundred Hours
4:24 ..4:25 p.m

I know WHY my Body kept me awake after each conversation with designated person like Stephen Filgueria last night.
Up until 5-6 in the morning and nothing could put me to sleep because of that First Super Nova of the 123 True Cocksure First Dawn Awakening
Sacred Portal 11O The Cocks of The Awakening
Sacred Portal 22 The First and Last One and Only Cock of the Awakening.
The Ass Hole.
The Name Arden called me.
In actual Perfect Harmony
Alicia H arrived as a Facebook Friend .

16:33 p.m
4:33 p.m

And I know why it is struggling to be released SN. Super Nova
And WHY it has not been Allowed to Be Released.
And Who is doing it.. was not to blame.
Blue Santan. Blue Santana. Blue Light Bringer
Blue Star
My W H.Y .. the Double V V Y Chromosome
And Who was really the Cause of the Long Prolonged Delay of AT. LA. S.T
Sophie Turner

S T/ T S

Dark Phoenix

Douglas Adams.


Who am I?

Who is this Arden Fred Knox Gemino
Morgan Fred
Micheal Fassebender. Mag-NET O
Alex Grey Net Of Being.
N.O B. L.E. Alicia meaning.
E L. ( Q.H) B O N E.

The Elegant Nomads
Travelling Through Thought Waves.
Meddled with by Humans as you can see my Josip Šipek play today.
Alexa Vertefeuille though different, yesterday.
Athena Sarah Kaizer

Pausing each time to Explain Clarity
After 8.7 years of Facebook every single day.
Body Twisted
Screaming for release..
A Script made public for 8.7 years

And the post announcing on the Universe a polite sign in 2011
Announcing The Completion of the document
The True Conversation between Energy E and Ahtom”…Twins

I know WHY the Caged Bird sings

Jeron Satya.
” He Sings True Truthfulness In Thought Speech Action Expression Explaination even his ( My Body Speaks up for Him).

I Know WHY I woke up to discover 33 USD in my Wallet .
WHY Money My Body and this Possession Obsession did this to me.

And Why I know I am Loved but only by 123 Beings in this world all in 1 Being who was the the Cruelest Passionate of all to me because that Love Returned was held back so that jy Caged Bird- Heart would not Open Up and release my Hue-Man wings.

Jeron Satya held a White Puppy Labrador called Birdie who had first come straight to me my last day at 900 South Road

No my Heart can not be broken nor this Expresion called Love, but it could be contained caged until M.Y True Love Eternal returned it back to me..
My E Family

I Know WHY..

Because I am a Being Aware Consciousness Knowing via Knowledge…
Expressed Explained

Jeron… I know why The Caged Bird Sings..Sings..Higher and Higher
” Bohemian Rhapsody B.R
Freddy Mercury
Arden Fred Morgan

That I am the Awakened One inside The Dreamers “I’m-possible” Dream
Sister Alexa see the Most Beautiful Dream A Fact
The 123 A F M
E A F M. E. Already Know.

W H Y. Y X. 2524 49/94. D.I/ I.D

MY Husband Is knows my his our, I.D


That is Why Adama. Male is the First Borne
In Flight by I M.E. I M F

A Man
A Male . A M A. L E. 31. YOUTH came First.
Then A MAN
Then A Maiden MA ID. E N Girl
Then Wu Man..E

No such thing..
An illusuon at which I cut saying
Be Gone.
2 7
We are 9

17:09 p.m

5:09 p.m
5 69

Always as A Male Youth in this play evolved all three from A Male Youth
A Man.

17:10 hundred Hours. Tree Sage

5:11 p.m right now

17:11 hundred Hours


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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