
7/26/2018 10:11 – Facebook Post

7/26/2018 10:11 – Facebook Post

9:07 a.m.

97 cents was left in my “Apa Ogu” my woved raffia pouch I have been using since my wallet was stolen.

78 Cents I found yesterday..

97/79 Full Circle.

16/16…1… 32… 5… 1 5 1 5 1 5… 9:19 a.m ( I.S)

72 actually was in it and 25 was outside of it in the red vELVET Pouch I stuff the whole thing in..

Relevance.. 72.. G B.. Green Blue.. 4 5… 25 was the date yesterday and is the code linked to me through Edward Eceinco “BTC 0.025” 25 is 1992-1993…
25 is Y.. Rep the true End not Z…
Y is the male chromosome…

Y was in the red basket but not in the Weave, the “Medicine”
Y is the Male Chromosome.

Existence Creation Earth Creator is a Mann….

Emeka Kolo =Anthony Manino.

Is what the Human Wave I have been documenting ends with…

E K..A M … E…K..

17 years Human Wave… 25… 29 Since I began noting all the people I was meeting in my Jounals :”Talking To The Silence”

And ended with Dawn Piercy and Isabelle Ilic as the players aligned and partcipating in play in Virtual Reality…

D.I… which means “Is” in OINri Igbo “Di” as well as “Husband.. Mari’ In French..

And DeLores Spratley .. D S…. Dharma Santana…
Ozigbu Nwa Mmuo.. O N M… Full Circle Natural Man.. ON M..
David Hooklyn D.H…. Divine Harmony…. Di Ana.

‘D.S.. Devotion Supreme…Lotus Santana The Opening of the Flower of Awareness Life Attained.. ‘ALA’
ON… M.D… H…

Its On…Manifest Harmony Beautiful Truth…
Death is Beautiful Transfomation of the the Beautiful Devils
Human Children… H C

The 25 outside the 4.5 ( Green Blue.. Colors… Fa Sol.. F S mean that the Y is outside of the Play and the only one walking or existing in the Red Wave… They Lived Before Adam.

The Earth is 4.5 Billion years old.
The 25 Existed before the Earth was created…
* This is all revealed in my Original Creation Story..

Recall after passing through Erik Ebrights portal I linked to portal Erik Eposito.. E E.. BED 009… 004… 9 4.. I D…
And Luke Wilson bed 004… and now 002.. 4 2… D .B @ Green Point Assessment Shelter.. yes linke to my room now and code 49/94…

Y is the B.E… See the 1.00 usd with the number 100.One Hundred. O.H… O8/8O… 88…16… 64…. EMEKA KOLO= 88 Numerically.

E K A M …Y … E B…

E K A M “Dawn”
E. K E Y…

@ 11 66 Face Book.

11 Is new york…

66 Is sacred portal leaving the Story, of the Black Hole..
Bad Ideas…

This morninng a secuiriy stood over my bed…”They’re coming to pick you up”..

‘What ? ” I asked…sleep deprived and grogyy..

“They are coming to pick you up right..”

“My bed number is 4-018…” D…R

The Walkie Talkie sounded…

“Room bed 5-018…” E R….

9:48 a.m.

My mind flashed to the first bed I had been assiged 5-19.. and then Tre Shaun who had been in the bed I am currently in, which was then 4-19..now 18..
5 is 4. 5 4.. Present… .
4 5.. past… 9 Zero’s 4 5 4 5= 9..
5.4.. 5.4… 10 8… J H.
Jesse Haiduk J H.. 10 8.
ON… M.

D J… H H…

Emeka Victor… Erik Ebright… Erik Eposito.. “Eposito means “Outside of”

E.V… E E E E… 25… 3O… V IS 45 =E… 6 E…

Mission I A.M. Possible… I AM FACT… Perfection = Perfect Symmtey Symmterical Perfection = Meanng Manifestation…
M M…
W W 99… M W 69…. MM O.. F..M ..E…

11 66… 16 16…32 5… 7 7… E G G…

Cosmic Egg…

E R OS.. E


Circcumpunct… E.

C E.. The Point.

I found two days ago, a disney Cinderella. Princess…
that was where Human Children were in that weave .. G B.. Gabriel Binky Signar…
72… 9..
4 5 Green Blue…
Correct code 5 4 Blue Green…View.

F S… Fact Supreme … F S.. 6 +19= 25… Y…
Feeling Sensational… Y.. Mann….

I and the E are walking the Red Carpet..
the Last Wave .. Blue Red.. O.. B R O…THE R
R. E.H…TO.RB… Rhytmn Blues.

We have aways been here…present..
Walking the EARTH..
Humanity was in the Weave. the Mesh… Evolving to Reach up by Evolving..Growing … E.G.

UP… To meet us here beautfully PRESENT on the True Earth..

10:10 a.m.
1010… 2

1O 1O.. 11 = 2.. B… 1/1.. 1.. A.

B A.. C K… U S.. A H… E

10:11 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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