
7/26/2017 16:15 – Facebook Post

1:54 p.m.
15 4… O.D.

Yes G…. E… G. O.D.E…



I made a brief comment to Ivette Hernandez I.H.. 9 8.
about Goursana…. The Miracle of Love’s Awakening and “Ram Dass tell us that ‘In Buddhism, the word mantra means “mind protecting”. A mantra protects the mind by preventing it from going into its’ usual mechanics”

Free your Mind and Rest will follow… Bob Marley.

I am meant to be representing “The Miracle of Loves Awakening and the true Mind Protecting… As well as the Golden Baba… This is not a idle statement but a Fact and a role I was coerced into playing.

Mind Experiment … That is what has been done to me, to find away to bring “The World back to their Senses”
See Sacred Portal 87…
See the NASA Classification of the Milky Way M.W 87.
See where I am sitting in its resolved simulation of Dark Matter as the building blocks of Water… I am 1385 Metropolitan Woods.. M.W.

Mind Experiment.

That is the Title of The New York Times article in the Science Times Section yesterday. An Article by Andrew Testa… ( A.T…Recall that I stayed in the Alley in New York for 61 days where i slept- I was led there because Andrew, one of the Beautiful Ones Energy of Nnamdi lived there, and his mother worked for Random House.. Andrew and Gabriel who brought me out of the Demon Place I had been sent to by Kenny friend of the owner of Ohm in Weschester… I am now in Parckchester)


Last night, I was with Brenda and after she made the realization how people are selfish to the point of Insanity, Mentally Ill. a moment later two people arrived who represented the crossing over to the clean, sane people.
A handsome man of mixed blood and a slim blond woman.
He had been looking for Brenda, saying that she had been on his mind that he had made a promise to her, and that it she had been on his mind because his word, the Word is his bond and sacred and it is the basis of Trust especially for people like Brenda who represent that which is True, decent.
He spoke and I saw Brenda’s transformation from the tears of sorrow in the realization…
“Lisa Natalie Johnson can be in space, but she at least would recognize when some on is down or not alright and ask she would pause and recognize “Are you alright?” she said.
But the person who had acted out this insanity was someone I had cut off from the work after she denied me. She was the one whom Lisa also saw and replicated my opinion.
Lisa Natalie Johnson and I are always in Harmony just as with my sister, it was more her refusal to face the ugliness of people and withdraw that caused so much hurt. But even then she was in harmony of her Role in the Play.

I walked outside, and the man hailed me, as if his E-Spirit recognized me. I liked him immediately, despite my being raw with having dealt with Selfish and Unclean people.

But I knew that the shift had happened. That we had moved from the Selfish and Emotionally draining people whom I had seen so much of in the Mental Health Shelter and who had sought to drain me, to the clean people.

I knew that and noted it to Brenda.

This morning, I could hardly bring myself to come here, my nerves and entire being was Raw from Shock, horror from the exhaustion of what had been done to me. It was not the solving the Riddles of Existence, or resolving the Equation, nor was it even solving the riddle of Death and Evil.
But rather that such a Play such a Script and such a torture deception of mind body spirit and even Soul could be done to a person. ‘It was that my Father, the one who played my Father could actually subject me … anyone to such a play, such a Script.
It was that It was True.. That has been my torture and Torment.. That it is true.

That I had been trapped into a play which I could walk away but could not, was fought. That My True Father Guide- the “Son Brother playing me had forced me into such a Script despite my telling him over and over again especially in Paris that the people will not listen and did he know or realize what he was asking of me?
25 years…
The agony of my body, the Indifference of the World and the constant use and abuse and selfishness that despite my still being here, my faith and trust in everything apart myself is forever destroyed.

And, so I fought the horrible pain, like a constant blow to the stomach, I fought the binds constricting my body, and I fought my mind as it sought to grapple with implications of what I really knew was going on…”Only God could do this to me, I had told my mother, my family people.. The True God called the Truth, but no one could understand me, no one truly knew what I meant. No one understood the betrayal and impossible emotional spiritual psychological and physical torment of being made so alone, and fighting the Father, the True Father called Desire and Father Mother, Love ( D.A.L.. Yes Life And Death.. L.A.D) who had forced me into such a Role which negated me and my own personal feelings, my existence, my rights…

I do not wish to speak of this, any longer for I have expressed it enough through out these years and Face Book, and in a way it serves no purpose, except for the future when the World awakens and realize the reason for the way I become.
But this was about bringing the People to Victory,bringing the World back to their senses through the sacred portal 87…
Where you observe the Elf Queen now E.Q… Represented by me returning the Two Children code Emeka Stevan back to the World.

And the only way to do this, was to solve the Riddles of Existence.
Solving the Riddle of the Mind, which was not my responsibility but which I had been kidnapped and forced to do in a world so selfish that it literally took breath away ( Sacred Portal 69) and plunged the World into Death, Darkness Immobility..
But I am here, nor was I allowed the Grace of Death or Life, but only confronting Evil and Insanity at a World gone mad…

Gone mad by not taking responsibility for the natural cause and effect of their expression.
For not obeying the simple laws which they themselves recognize.
Which is everywhere in Nature, in Everything even in the construction of their very Civilizations.
Which by not Sustaining and Maintaining. much like Grooming, much like Sanitation, Hygiene, Cleansing, Cleaning.. brought forth a Filth, a Filth and stench of Being in Existence in which the Beautiful Truth, the Children, the Youth and the Ones rising bearing gifts of Evolution could not rise.

The Energetic reality of the world had become so foul that
“I can not breathe”
I could not breath.. could not inhale air and say Ah!
I have been holding my breath, ever since I came into this World because I can not breath in the Air, the Perceptions, the Way of perceiving, view, interpreting that which does not require interpretation…

And so, I fought the truth that my Father, my Family of TEN had warred against me until I am so raw, so raw. my nervous system so sensitive by what was done to me so I would pick up their signal messages and frequency.. and intel.
My Thyroid Pitituary Gland activated to such an awareness that my body is twisted my colon my insides twisted.
Gone mad by not taking responsibility for the natural cause and effect of their expression. which no one was Awake or even fully realized what was being done to me, and the few who did turned away. The few who could help as in the lines of my siblings refused to help because it was convenient and because they agreed with Father God.

..But I digress, excuse me.. I do not wish to speak about this or that which is personal to me, because It really does not matter to anyone but me.
But it is my Hue-manity, my own Self Love which screams out in my Soul and to the Silence… But the Silence is a Lie, it betrayed me, it betrayed Existence to manifest a play of Its Evolution, your Evolution no matter the cost.
And I have finally accepted it.

I was used, I was Sacrificed.
I was made the Human Sacrifice..
..But I digress, excuse me.. I do not wish to speak about this or that which is personal to me, because It really does not matter to anyone but me. I They God and Goddess trapped in that Role, created by Need Humans in Death has been Transformed by an act of Selfishness by Father and Mother- the Two Men.. T.M.. T.I.M.E as the Illusion.
And I was used to clean up that very mess that act created of an Evil Beyond which not even Humans could create. but which they were the root cause of by giving them free will and choice and then allowing them to go too far in their expressions without making it clear to them that there really was and is a presence called God Goddess but as 77.. Vision Clarity.

That idea of doing nothing, of not intervening.
That notion of not speaking up applied to Goddess Nature, God Naturalness too.
That idea of First Contact and not interfering with the development of a Species, so foolish which became that logic of simply being an Observer… Then why were you created? Why were you made to witness it?

… So I arrived here, struggling against the illogical notion of doing anything more.

Last night in the Shelter, I had looked at the article in The New York Times… And once again, I almost collapsed from the Blow of this being True.
I had recognized a long time ago that the Shelter system and why I had been brought here was to verify and apply the Truth of my Equation Riddle Solution that Human Consciousness, the way people Cee See and Perceive was the reason the World had become not only Blind, in Darkness and a Realm of Pure Distilled Evil.
I knew this.
I had observed what my life had moved me towards for the past 28 years, recording it all in my Dialogues the Silence which would end up being used against me because it revealed the way my mind worked and how I Cee and Percieve…
And how I was able to navigate even this awful Maze and make my way out of the Maze Matrix by the age 25.. 26 in perfect harmony and in perfect timing.

When I read about Princes DI.. ( D.I.. 4 9….Bed 49 B.R.C) and her sons Princess William Prince Harry and the Duchess of Cambridge ( Catherine Elizabeth C.E..”Kate”.. C.E.K.. Born 1-19-82.. They year I was in Federal Government College Enugu.. and the Year my Brother Nnamdi Left the World in April..)
And their speaking out about Mental Health.

(After all where else would there be Mental Health issues historically but with the Royals of this World who intermarry…it begins with that example)…

And how they two young men ( 2..Two Men) and the Death of their Mother and how it really affected their mental health. And how it is traditional in not only upper class families, but all over the world and in every class of society in the World to not speak about Mental Health Issues… Because to speak from ones Heart Soul is not encouraged.
To speak ones souls truth, about ones emotions.

…But I did, I did…

I used the solution of simply Talking to The Silences… writing in my Journals beginning in boarding School suggested by my Aunt in the States Aisha who was worried and concerned for my menal health by all that she heard I was going through, and my being the first to be shipped off to boarding School fresh on arrival from Canada…
So much pressure had been placed on me as a child, too much of a burden was placed on my young shoulders, too many expectations..”The Boy with 50 talents” the E.T child not from here.. The Golden Boy… My Feelings as a Living being where ignored. She had recognized this.

And so, I wrote, but I had begun writing as Far back as the age 7… My first poem to my mother..”The Sad Tree”
My mother did not wish to hear such expression though it moved her I saw, she was afraid of what my Father would do say.. And she did not wish face the fact, that the one child did not have to “Worry” about, or raise, had requirements and was hurting… feeling…

And so, I wrote to the Silence, and in the pages of my journals I was able to use as a mirror , to see myself and raise myself and to use reason logic and the Ah of understanding not only each situation and resolving it, but also able to see myself and my expressions.. And I did not like the whinny sound of my hurt.. And so I wrote and wrote.
And in my final year 1982.. My biological father stole my Journals. I never understood why he took them..
To hurt me, in his never ending war with me..
Or perhaps, I dared not say it… To understand the strange first born son, who I knew he found a mystery and yet who stood up to him no matter how brutally he beat me, I still defied him if I felt he was wrong and obeyed him if I found his logic reasonable…

I see now that is how he began to understand how my mind worked. Ha.. I never saw that connection this clearly until this moment.
But yes, that would reveal my mind to him, because I was very young, I really treasured those volumes from 1978 to 1982. And it was a brutal blow when I discovered that he had taken them and I knew he would not give them back…

And so, when I went to live with my mothers family with my sister, again I was faced with so much that I had to figure out.
And when my sister transformed and kicked me out of her home.. I had already started showing signs of the carrying too much.. And had begun collapsing, not able to move. Once my sister found my lying on the floor unable to get up, and had simply stepped over my body…
The shocks is what did this, to me.. the shock of my sister who I loved, my mother all the “betrayals” it forced me to see a doctor.
Who was so shocked and disturbed by what I told her that she said that there was nothing wring with me but that I had endured and carried to much alone…
That I simply required someone to speak to.. talk to…

But as I left her office, I realized that which I had long realized .. People did not understand how I saw and expressed.
I really understood that I was from a different world as I had known, as my mother and others had stated..

I realized that it was not that I was not loved, but rather that my actions expressions and my nature was not understood.
That I could communicate with others in their language but they could not understand mine.
And I wondered at perhaps their selfishness in not makingthe same effort I made to understand theirs… But then I felt perhaps they did not know how to begin. And that my very way of being made them feel as though I did not require anything from them.. But deep inside, I knew that that was not true, that it was convinient to see me they way they chose to see me.

But it would appear that my Bio Father tried and my mother… she knew she knew her sons language heart.. Which is why she is the only one who no matter what stayed loyal to me and my uncle P.. They each had glimpsed at the Truth.. Which was and is Me.

And so I began the journals talking to the Silence, not realizing until only later, that that is what my “Divine Father.. Nnamdi Line wanted the whole time… He who felt he could not speak.. could not articulate himelf in this world and left it this language and frustrated left to play Dead.. Until I solved the riddle of Death.. Silence.. Transforming it back into Sound… The Sound of M.U.S.I.C….

Contd 4:14 p.m… D.N… D.A.D

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