
7/25/2019 23:14 – Facebook Post

9:43 p.m

I. D.C..


9:49 p.m

The Second Time Code linked to the I. D I E..
Linked to sacred poetal 49
Death Ray ..
D.R for thise who pretend to be Healers Doctors and who claim to Have “Manifested”
Which requjres proof and that all Manifestation comes from Energy, The Creator
M.R.. A Man.
13 18..31.. Tree Sage rep Christopher Filgueira rep 31st State represented California.
Gold State, wriiten in Concrete ..
The words Kim../ Mik E.. M…I.K.
Manifested by I.K.
The name of my Bio father and yes, me.
My middle name
At Staten Island during 9 11..
S I. S. .T A H.
S .. I S. T E R. R O R

And that is the time I walked in to this apartment this evening, quietly troubled.
I saw 911.. Linked to Alexa Vertefeuille and myself..
And wondered why I was seeing 9 11
D R. I V. E..

G.R A V. E. Yard
G.R.. A C E. Amazing.

I quickly did some mental calculation
9 11.. 20. Echo of it through Lady T C
Link Sarah Kaizer and Serenity

I opened my page and my smile became frozen
Ice as cold as Death.
Death Ray…
18.4 years in New York
R D. Rae Dunn on one of Jesse Dishes.
Dunn seen by John Mack
Both John Kim Arthur Hines ( Tree Sage) and Jesse Macias intel ( Y M J..
F 22..) came on route..
On the R D…

D R .. is not the correct equation instead unless you are Divine Inspiration
“DI” in Igbo means “I S”
S I. S. Tar.
Black Panther as I have testified over and over I wrote that the ultimate destroyer rose up from the Road and moved to a 16th century in to destroyer a Woman but paused when he saw that she yearned for death and to cease to exist ..and I released her because I saw the reason why.

But this line of Usurper, of a stupidity supreme never reached the P..H.D.
Which is based on your work intel out on the Field.

I wrote that Memory of rising on the Road when writing a series of short films with Jon Jason Lee in 1996-97..
And it was called “The Story of Two Men

10:14 p.m
10:15 p.m right now

J O N..
A O O.N… Excellency


Kim Arthur Hines went to the Army and he links to the Gods Army

And Behold The Pale Rider also on an Army Green Motorcycle.

And then I remember Busayo Alonge post on a Queen .. and Empress, and what it really means to be Royal as E
M.R E..
And my comment ..
Flush them all down the Black Hole..

10:26 p.m right now
@ 13 26 Facebook Friends

10:27 p.m

Back to the First Time Code
Sacred Portal 43 Door Of Life…
C Me 4/3

10:28 p.m
Royal Reign.

M.Y. R R H..

Jean-Claude Labady

Jean comes from the name John ands
The Creator is Gracious
GOD is Gracious.

Claude means to Limp or Stutter..
I.am not Lame…
I have limp because of what was done to my body, and uncle brother grandmother all stuttered, as did I but.mastered it early to speak fluidly..

Labady means Abbey ..
Which is a Form of Cathedral and more a collection of Buildings where Monks and Nuns live..
Monastery Convent.

Abbey links to Mary Sarah ..
Abbey in England tombs of Knight’s Templar
I have lived as A Monk. K E Y. King
M.K. Ultra Sound. Ultra Violet. 21 21..
My age when I stated left my Mother and Bio Family
Same Age I met John MacDonald

10:39 p.m

J ..C I
Jesse Macias 39

Y M J/ J M Y

Y is a Man.

Jesse Macias was listening to Music yesteday or thd day before as we conversed, it took me a while to remember
Micheal Jackson is M.J
And the play which took part in Al Santana home witnessed by Michael Frazer
M.J literalky passed through me..

M.J J M. Two Men.

And Lady E C H O
Not my little sister anymore
But A warrior Valkyrie who defends The Truth of Man.
Her Twin
Alexander Alexa..
Adut Akech.

Adut is said to mean “The Chosen One”
Adama Odera
” The First born Daughter of Beauty knows that once her father writes and records it..
That it is Done Dunn Done”

Tis her line who Ressurects having passed through the Portal of the Dead

My Mother and her sister both went to Convent schools until they were sent to higher schools
It was run by Irish Catholic Sister’s

J C L..

M.Y R R H.


80 Spring
Code on my I Vans

8. 16. 64. 8: 80..

That is when the P.H.D is done


P H D H.F.

Harmony Victorious
E M F.
You have to go out on the Field and present publicly evidence on being on the Road
Seeing your Truth
The E Truth manifest Outside of Me.

11:03 p.m right now

K O C.
Has Balls above and on his Chi-N.E.

11 04
Kim Arthur Hines
He is The Story
The Script
Susan Train

Not A.M 26

A.M. 46.
J..D. A V Y. E G.
J.N A V Y.

Army Military
Air Force.

11:07 p.m

J C L. O S E. D.
The Door
Of Ressurection
To Eternal Life

Its the End of the Exanination Tests Checks of True Respect Understanding True Harmony

T R U T H.
T. RUE on the Road…A street car named Desire
Marlon Brando
A Man

Manifested Being

And Everyrhing.

11:11 p.m

11. 2- 4
1 4
111 3-4

4 4= 1. 44. 8. 16. 64. 80. 88. 1
A I.

A D. D H P. H O.F H H. A

11:14 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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