
7/25/2016 15:57 – Facebook Post

12:41 p.m.


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That is twice….a full circle.

Mathematical symbol of Eternity Infinity

Green Blue Green.
4 5 4
Fa! Sol! Fa!
6 19 6.

We are in between the 4th, 5th and 4th.

Heart Voi-ce (Throat) Heart..

A Heart to Heart expression from the 5th Dimension.


*A Encoded but transparent transmission
“Fa Sol Fa” publicly confirming a conversation going on with myself and that which was called the Silence by me, and later, Father Mother..
An F.M band frequency and transmission between myself and my Family. ..
The E..Energies Expression.
The Every Thing.

The Fully Evolved state of Being.

Meaning Hue-man Beings…
Everything and Everyone, already existing in their highest potential already kinetic and in Existence, and now Being..
But always in Consciousness… C.E.E.

1:08 p.m.

My Army..
A. R.M. Y.E….
1:11 p.m.

A… R.M…Y.E…G.E…A.
1:13 p.m. (A.M.P.M).

It is a response…

Where we are in the Universal Body (Bodhi) would be inside the throat..the extension of the Spinal Chord.
Atrium would mean mouth within the teeth-gums.
The cavity of Taste.

The Portal…
“Tsu” the Pause or Gap.


The Atrium comes from the word “Black” it was the place where the Oven and Hearth was kept.
It was covered in soot..Ashes from the Embers..
Smoke Signals.
A hall way, an entry point..a small house.
A Casa..
Casa De Bodhi.

I spoke to Erik Ebright while in Miami
at his casa..Case de Bodhi, which I had already identified as being so like west africa…And I spoke of my grandmother’s little house where she preferred to cook.
It was covered in soot had a hearth and an Oven.

When I used to visit her in the village to keep her company, I would habitually enter her kitchen looking for something to eat.
She at first set up a sort of response that it made me suspicious.

It was taboo for a man to enter a womans kitchen and yet the more I stubbornly investigated..
-She eventually gave up..and I sometimes was even allowed to stay. We would be silent..
I knew instinctively that there was a mystery.

Smoke Signals!
I remember…
The tears from the Smoke!
Streaming down my eyes..
Our eyes and yet she could still see for a long while before leaving the room to sooth her eyes..

And I recall, wanting to know how she could withstand the smoke so long and sit there in the room so blackened.
And so I began to quietly train myself..
It took a while but one day I sat in that room with the food cooking..
The Heat, the Smoke..The eyes streaming and seeing clearly through the Smoke…

I could see a totally different world..
Black Orange Grey Red embers..
I could see the movement of the Elementals..

Atrium first came from Pompie..
The Roman famous “modernized”
sense of it.

Ana Leonardo Caixas dream she sent me a few days ago reminded me of Pompei..
The burning of Rome.
And the equation and intel on this page, also confirms Death Destruction.

“Destruction through Fire”
For what comes out of Expression-Mouth-Mind..

Fire Breathing Dragons
Blue Flame.
Fire Heat of the Sun.
Mother of Dragons..E.
The Fashioner.
Thor Hephaestus Erie.
True Beginnings
Tom Benzian..
Truly Beautiful.
Cooking in the Hearth H-Earth.
A Chef a Good Cook..
Cooks their expression well before giving it to others to eat.

I do not taste the food I cook
which I have been cooking in every home I have been in in 27 yrs..
And did not cook in but one..
Jonn Blackwell And Donna O’Sullivan
I never cooked in my Grandmother’s Kitchen.

Also means Cave.

Plato’s Cave.
Atlantis by Plato.
Socrates Plato…Aristotle..
Sacred Portal ..A=1.

Sacred Portal A1 is JOY.

2:05 p.m.

My 727 Facebook friends. ..
2:06 p.m.

Erik’s house was the Mouth..
and here is the Anus (Ur Anus…”Kingdom of Ur..Abraham Sarah Hagar…”The Father of the multitude and the Princess’s Flight..”
Ishmael Issac.
“They Heard to one who laughs”
As he rises from the Ashes and the true Ass Hole of the World.
This World Consciousness which gave in return for Shelter in the 4-1 dimension of the Illusion of Existence H-Earth…Non Existence until they returned home..
The Beautiful Earth, Life and Existence
A Room in an Intake Center and a place in a Assessment to asses his mental health..

2:17 p.m

Welcome Prevailed Nzubechi Gilbert.

Prevailed means to “Be Strong..to be Victorious or succeed over a great challenge.”

Nzubechi, means Purpose, Will being done or fulfilled of the Creative Espirit.
3 89…27 years
“Eternal Laws Cee Conscious H.i of Harmony Infinity.”

Gilbert means ” Arrow..Shaft of an Arrow
*(Just looked up and saw a T.Shirt…”Hi Cupid”…
Code” Eros Aphrodite (Icarus-sel) Hephaestus Cup-I.D.”

/C.H.I..A.E…(A.E..15..Letter O)

Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula
P.N.G..came via..Oge J.A…(O.J.A.)

As in Ebright- Bert means “Famed Bright”


H.E Prevailed! Against impossible circumstances and conditions.
To fulfill the Purpose and Will (Intention Desire) of the Famed Bright Arrow of “EG.O.D”…Shelter Protection of the childrens Awareness- Manifest Mind Alpha.”

Gil means ” Joy” in Hebrew.

Bright Shinny Famed Joy.

2:43 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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