
7/25/2015 19:09 – Facebook Post

6:29 pm



The Seven B.E (2 5) 7=H
Harmony not 25=Y..Trinity.


I have a New Facebook Friend…

Welcome Mats Bergsten..

Jonn Blackwell Donna O’Sullivan and I had quite a conversation today on the code M.B…
It concerned Marina Burini line and the great battle of Money.
To Cleanse it, and bring forth an Empire, a Harmonious Empire in this world after the Event Horizon…
Enterprise Evolution Awakening.

Jon Luke (as well as Tom Truman) featured very much in this play five years ago.

A play of cleaning up the world, and bringing forth Harmony in the world of the present by introducing the Truth called Beauty in the play of what most did not realize was the play of evolution.
We understood the “Tower of Babble” here and the effect of “Gossip” Propaganda and thus, did not waste too much time and attention in seeking to get you as a race to pay attention to what We, you could do…
Because you could not see yourselves “Beautiful”, so how the Devil could you see us?
Much less our intentions of True Love…
The Beautiful Truth.
So we did most of the play undercover while you were sleeping.
-A much better Game…is ” Show and Tell-S.A.T”

Marina B…
Was a big part of an original play and aligns to the 8 sibling in Donnas family.
Intials M.B….

What is M.B in my personal code?
M.B is Manifest Being.
Bob Marley..
Robert Marley..RM.

Manifest Being (Not Destiny but the Destination of the True Star Ship (Brown Star, Silver Star ..Hemorrhoids/ Pilon (Pi L On) Sphincter (Sphinx)
In this world.

Meaning once you transform Being..
Body and the rest will follow…

Most will recall the Silver Mac G4 (74..G D. .+x11 28..yes my birthday…11-1..28-1O…11+1=12..3 C)
Which I received from Marina which turned out to have the code of my proving that the “World” is a Matrix…
Code 713O…G A.C…(71+3+O=74…11 28…)
G.A ..C.E.
Not C A.G E…
Thus a Matrix..
And that the play from Marina who I was introduced to by Jon Shaw..J.S.
Replicates with my meeting Donna O Sullivan through Jonn Blackwell ..

Tom Marina Donna….T M.D…D M.T…
Linked by the “Grace of the Creator”

Meaning that I have left the Matrix through the Shelter and moved to the “Invisible” Space Ship- Star Ship (S.S) 8..Infinity Eternity Harmony..
Enterprise Awakening.
Jonn Lu-C Pi C.A..R D…
D.R…A.C…I..P.C…U…L….(U.L is Ur Completion..L=12..3..Live is Clarity)
NN..O…J…(the 28 are at O and 1O..Balance)
Jon Lu-C Picard..
And Captain JA-NNE DO NNA WAY…

The Grace of the Creator is the Light Bringer the Pi C.A (Consciousness Awareness) RD of the Way..
And the Lady Hawk Eye..(H E)…Doctor Love
And Professor Beauty…

7:O2 P.M.

See Sacred Portal 72…out of the Womb of the White Witch..Cat Bast…
The and the Universal Simulation.. U.S.
Aryana Luna Leone..
Of A L.L…A H.

We were going to go to the mountains today..
American Indian.
A I.
Jonn described as a trail that was stony, stones and pebbles..

Mats comes from the name “Mathew ”
It means “Gift of the Creator”

Bergsten means “A Hill with Stones pebbles. ”

A Gift from the Creator a Hill with Stones and pebbles at the base.. ?”

Jonn called it Mount Olympus..
Midnight Oil.

But he gave me a gift yesterday in front of Donna.. See Sacred Portal 85..H E.
Father Crowns E….
Jonn was born 8-5…

Welcome M.B

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