
7/24/2019 20:33 – Facebook Post

5:20 p.m


G B D ( X) T S

Eternal Truth. Extra Terrestrial
God’s Birthday the X Factor is 2019..
Truth Supreme..
G is Being and Doing the X Factor
The Script

Invisible Visible .
I V.. 1979- 1997.


Inari Okami-Sama shared a vitally important post,
Photons in the Human Brain.
See the way Quantum Mechanic work and what moves Photons- Light as Consciousness;
C Speed of Light ..

Focus Attention F.A
Awareness Meaning.. A M ..
The Observed and the Actor/Action
Moves Energy which is Consciousness which is Light… which is Lightnesss, Love, Life, Laughter ..Luminosity.

5:28 p.m
528 Hertz reflected enacted now by another E.K John Mack the Actor
E.K Tree Sage the Observer
And Everyone being Observed and Moved to Action through Expression- Energy Awake Aware Manifesting through Man.
A Man Observing Aware Connecting Linking Weaving all Fractals into place to bring forth a full circle of “Mba Afor Ocha”
Blinding Transparent White Light
The Royal Universal Epiphany
T R U E!

Evolution Awakening of Everything.
Thor Loki..

All the Colors or Rainbow Colors, Spectrum
All wave Lengths aligned Back to One One.

Through a Maze Labyrinth
*Lynne McTaggart- The Field. Given to me.by Jesse Macias who had been reading it

An Examination Test
Of the University School for the Children of Nature, who through the Gift of Naturalness had to re connect with thier Eternal Truth
That you are not of Nature but of Eternity
Naturalness is Nothingness and as Photons Photos Memories..Light manifested from Nothingness
Which contains somethingness
Your Idenity and Independence, freedom from Nature and ideas of reality.

The E T, test was Truth.

Do you know how to tell The Truth.
Did you stay True.
Could you stay True Supremely True and use that Truth as Rocket Fuel to navigate a World of Lies..

Tell us..
What is the Truth.
What is your Truth
What did you learn while moving through an Organic Test .. Which revealed the Script of the Test Papers.. which links Invisible ink only becomes Visible when you in the Dark Blind, answer each question and all is revealed in the End based on how well you did at Night..
When you could not see..

Blessed are those who Believe without Seeing for they shall inherit the Kingdom of God…
Blessed are those who Know..
And use Knowledge to show how they Know..
Empirically as is demanded by the age of REA-S O N

Yawan AP Rea. Y A R.. / R A Y.

Let’s evolve Yeshua Mohammads expression of Heart 4th Chakra, 4th Color Green note of Fa
4 7..
Back to the 5th Color Blue, note of Sol, Throat Chakra 5th Solfeggio -Sound Speak Words WAVE S. MUSIC…

Which John MacDonald and Tree Sage ( Chiefy- Kim Arthur Hines) have both confirmed )

5 8 was the Orginal Equation of which brought Everything into Existence, caused Everything to Rise.

And this play on my page which brought me to New York 3-20-2019 by my Brother Son, ( B S. 2 19 South Whitney Spirit World) who are also my Sister Daughter ( S D Santana Dharma)
Jon Nnamdi..
Joy Nnonyelum
10 14. 24. E M.F

5:58 p.m

Esteban Miguel Filgueira
Stephen Filgueria

John MacDonald
Johnny New man ( New Money)
Jesse Macias

Kim Hines

Sarah Kaizer
Sabrina- Anirbas Lem
Solierys Rosario
Brooke Lee Lemery
Brenden Velez

18 years ago, was to answer that Challenge by the Unseen and the Seen to prove that A Man is the Creator who can affect reality, and move it through Expression, to Evolution Awakening back to.the 5th Dimension where everything and everyone originally came from.
But I could only return with all the Eternal Family undercover in Human Bodies bound in a Story created by Nature
And caught in the Web of Truth and Lies of Human Spirit expression versus the Holy Espirit…of Truth represented by the Child..
The now Wise Child, as The Truth still connected and alive in us, ( those who retained it) and thus, connect to Eternal Youth .
T E. 20 5.
25. Y..
Yes trinity in one or the I with arms spread out in the Shape of a V as Victory.
25 B E
52. E.B
7 7. G G. God’s Grace ..
14 N. Naturalness
Natural Expression ( Refined )
Leads you to E.
Energy Frequency .
Eternal Family
All 5 6. Via 7-8
The 15. O. X.V. Fool and the Devil
“Angel & Demon”
Black On White play
B O W..
Being Body and Expression

5 8. 13. M..
And 5 again 13+5=18
Add 5 again m
23 W Flip J Hendrixs Flip Wilson
W M 87 69.
32 M R E..
Add 5 again
E M R E. Merlin’ s name.
M E – A N I.N. G= H.
Infinity 98. I H
Same Thing
Golden Compass

But I had done this before, using Expression to Awaken everything to Movement
Dawn Consciousness C Photons C Light Dawn.
Dawn Chimento
Angela Dawn
Tiffany Dawn Haynie.

” “And the Word was with God and God and the Word were One”

That was the Original Story..True Story of the Power of the Word.
Words Anoited Vibrating Energy Supreme..

But look what had, and has been done to the Word?.
To Meaning.
It’s Meaning Intention Vibration …
Chaos Confusion Chasm Battles Anger Ware
Explosions Violence Hate
Chaos Magic

Alexa Vertefeuille
Alchemy Magic had to be used to destroy the Monster of Chaos- irresponsible Human Beings unimpeccable with their word.
Who intentionally do not communicate
Using Silence to punish others
Creating intentional gaps in communication to make other pay for perceived slights.

Look at how terrible language is use and abused, it’s words and meaning has become.
People are proud at being Master Liars and distrust and persecute anyone who stands up for the Truth.
And sling mud Feaces urine at the Clean
And take pleasure in physically literally raping the representatives of the Truth and the Word.
Raping them in every level from thier vision to thier reasoning, expression, hearts, Solar plexus ( order Logic) Stomachs ( Hunger) raping thier imaginations and then to their sexual Kundalni …
So savagely so that these beings are so raped and broken that they fall into non existence
Ground Zero.

No place where they can walk..
Can not talk
Silenced Dead Entombed.

Except to fall into a fatbomless abyss of hurt and that not being able to understand what they did wrong.

No, this time, as I stated and explained through the years, I had to go further than that which had manifested before..
Go beyond Words..
Beyond Sound
Creating a New Story
New Version of Creation and proving that It came before the Word, this World, before Creation Universe Nature… before definition or even The Truth..

Hence I had to Talk to The Silence
Everyday for 29 years, writing recording my conversation with the Silence..
What many people call Death
But which I call the Pause… The Reflex Reflection called Silence Stillness Contemplation Medication

Talking To The Silence
Jesse Macias born 1979.
John MacDonald born 1997.
79 97 16 16
P.P 32…5


E.M.F =24
Brooke 24
Brenden 24

Male Female M.F. (19 S) M.F S
Feelings Sensational
Facts Solid = 6 19= 25
My Bed Y.
Lynne McTaggart L.M. 12 13 25 Y
13 25 Facebook Friends
38 C H 83
11 2 11 2
11 =1. 11=1.

Man Woman M.W. 87 69
M.W = 46
J.M.J.M. both Male 23 23 46
A.M 46 Jesse’s white Q Infinity Car.
Sacred Portal 46.
See Sacred Portal 10
Dream of the One Father
His Phallus
Sacres Portal 79
“Blue Print Of Existence ”
B.P. O.E.
Beautiful Pride Full Circle E

As As you see, I was led to he who represents that truth. And he who became its Sound.
Meditation Music.
Infinite Limitless
Harmonies Humor
Light and Laughter .That I went beyond 5 8 to 6 8
Expression, Sound in Harmony
To Sixth Sense in Harmony

Recall the Gift Jesse Macias presented me with on the day I moved here to his portal a T shirt with the label code 68.
it reads ” Life is What you Make It”
L I W Y M I.
“I. M.Y. W I L…”
Yes M Y. @ 1325 Facebook Friends.
W. 23.. ( J.M =23) I L
Infinite Limiltlessness
Via Igbo Landing..

I Manifest Man. WIL./ L I. “U.U. V V 6 8 ” A.M.

I Mohammad Yeshua W I L. L I A.M

Will Hunnitpercent Real. W.H R. F.H Hue Man Race.

William Plante. W.P. Wave Particle
Will Woods. WW. 46 Chromosomes

6:46 p.m

Do you under stand the anchor of the Perfect Timing to the Time code?

Linked to Will Woods.
Steve Woods. S W. South Whitney.
Anita Woods. A W Alien Wizard A W E
Adam Waldron
Alexa Vertefeuille
Alex Vidaud..

Do you see how it is a play?

David Roman Nicholas 11-22-1968
Me in Pale Skin… and Wings

Cecilia Onuaabuchi Umeano Kolo.. 11 22 1947..

47. 11 28. 39. 12 27. 39. 93/39 12 12
24 6

John MacDonald is meant to return today.
Today’s is Chinedu Ikechukwu David birthday as well as Joseph Mccorkle
I called Jesse Joseph the first day we met.
And link Mccorkle name meaning to that of Mac Donald
” Thor… Norse Horse
Pale Horse

Yes V Manuel Junior

Behold The Pale Horse.


4 Horse men of the Apocalypse which liyeraky means “Revelations ”
John of Revelations

C. I D.
J M.

W. Double U. 42. Double V 44.
42 + 44.
42. 6. 44. 8
6 8

please see Sacred Portal 86/68

It reads “Victor..Light of Existence.
Emanuel Imanuel Manuel Manual
Sanchez means ” The Saint”
T S.
Simon Templar
T S/ S T.
And link it to
O O 7. Jaymes Bond.

7:04 p.m
G O D.

You see I came under cover with 3 other lines of Me.
And myself 2 in One. Makes 3
555 555 and of course the Orginal E at rest at E as Eternal ..Eternal Constant..
30. 35 …
3 5 8
5 3. 8.
88 1 16 64.
E C I. H
E C H.O.
E C H A P. F D.
E Comsciousnrss Infinite
Harmony Attained Perfection Fith Dimension

555 555. E
Me as Trinity Y.
Trinity College
True Clarity
Sacred Portal 20
Kim Arthur Hines
Kim and Serenity

7:06 p.m.

John McCorke turned 32.
Jon Jason Lee J J L.10 10 12. 32
Arrival in New York 3-20-2001.
True Light
20 12= 32
Holly MacDonald sons..
Carter Brayden..
C B. 3 2.

7:09 p.m

My second bed at Delta Manor changed the first day, from Bed 5-019. “E.O.S” meaning “Dawn” Awakening D.A. W N. 23 14. +4 1= 42.
John Spencer MacDonald J S M

Sent down from room 5B ( E B) to room 3A
Bed 3-2…
9-16-2016…. I-P-T.P..

C. I.D J.M
Of course I recognize myself in John..

Rob Barr was one of the first to recognize me back In 2002-2003, by simply reading my article The Elegant Nomad..
He said that I was elegantly gracefully quantum leaping
Jumping that I was an Elevator through my words written on paper.

Do you really think that it is a coincidence that John Mc corkle was born the 24th the same day as John MacDonald returns or stated he would?

Do you really think that it is a coincidence that I moved from 217-219 South Whitney to 317 319 Fair Field Ave chez Jesse Macias and Zion to a room occupied by a Person with my bio father English name and Spanish name
Carlos Maurice.
C Me 4/3

And that the brother of Albert Santana friend is my Facebook Friend, called Carlos Mauricio Quintero
C M Q?
C is Planet Earth C is Consciousness
C is 3 C Men?

7:27 p.m

Or that my Sacred Portal 9 is called M.C
Master of Ceremonies
Dee Jay.
D J/ John David Jesse David
Jean Dortch..

Or that Brooke Lee Lemery
L L 12 12 24. 144..9
X I = 11… x 1. Times 1..
Turned 24 on 7-16 ..G P
God Particle
And that Brenden Velez is 24
And they live in the same apartment
Man 24
Woman 24
He first
E.M.F 24 x2 48.
Sacred Portal 48
Beautiful Death as Transformation

Or that Jesse’s Home has the date
Phi 6-8-2012 painted on the Wall in the Foyer along with the Definition of what a Family Is.

7:35 p.m

And is it surprising my Incredulity Defiance Rage of still be unrecognized, unacknowledged and dependent on others to live while my body twists like a Torus making my internal structure meant to be evolving and regenerating into my true form the Eternal 33 year old Youth Man.
Y M.
As the final Proof Evidence and Fact of Eternity Immortality is here by my.moving past 5 8 to 5 9/ 9 5 represented by John MacDonald tel number 95 ends 59..
And Kim Arthur Hines whose last two digits are 22..V.

59/95 the code parked on the Drive way the day John left through this portal on the 18th to the 27th State?
And how he was driven by a car, an Infinity.
License plate 7 22/ 22 7
Busayo Alonge Pi.
A yo meaning “JOY”

Or that I have spent 18 years 4 months imprisoned with no I.D or peppers bank account in USA.
18 4 R.D… A H D. AH. David.

666 Mark of the Beast.
666 Proton Electron Neutron
Which is what the 4th month April, means.
Linked to Nathaniel Thomas Bywater
OHM. 4-11 D.o.B linked to 11-4-1987 Kim Arthur Hines birthday .

O Pen IS.
The Phallus
Which traveled through the Sub Atomic and Sub Conscious
Sarah Athena
S.C South Carolina the 8th State and the Ending point of 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
T S 2019… E = 5
Or my being moved here 5-27-2019
The same day Kelsie Bissell moved out, and Benjamin C. Krajewski who drives a Van
I Van..

That my journey through the Sub Conscious
Sub Atomic Nature of the Universe was my Science & Art in
S C in Perfect Harmony but distorted into a story of me being the Mark Of The Beast.
Really the “Mot” in Being of the Living Word of GOD “Truth Of People ” T.O P”
Thrown into the Bottomless Pit a black hole
Thors Cauldron
To deal and pass through for 18 years 4 months the most Demonic Nature of Human expression through out time
13.8 Billion years
4.5 Billion years.
18.3 Billion years R C. A.H C.. A.M Harford Connecticut.
13.8-4.5= 9.3 Billion yrs.
9 3 I C
3 9 C.I… the correct way..

Cleaning up the Beast of Nations People-the mess of Ages will constantly experience the people’s Cruelty and Hatred until declared Clean by that which is moving through John declared it clean after reaching Jesse’s Portal and his 17 year old son..
Lion King.
L.K. 12 11. 23 W
The day Sarah Athena Kaizer returned from Montana the Mustangs..
Wild Horses..
Claude Montana
Claude Laud Mont Ana .
Whom I knew through association through a Person called Basil.from St.Paulo in South America Columbia
Colum means “Dove” B I A
2 91 in my wallet and in O.I Nri Igbo means
“Come ”

“The Dove Has Come ”
The Eagle “Ego” has landed
Yes link the Daily News cover yesterday
Odell Williams
“The Blue Man”

Alicia Norris Intel Dragon and the Eagle the D as the Illusion and E as the Actual Truth.

Eagle Phoenix on my right shoulder Ratio.

8:15 p.m
H A E..

Torus Toro The Bull.

Tore Us.
Tore Me
Tearing me apart..
*That is what it feels like taking place in my body..
I hear it when I try to loosen my Self from these illusionary binds, bondage which had no right to feel so real, sound so true that I can not it, it’s reality but I do deny its Truth.

I am truly bewildered by power you have chosen to wield which supports the lie instead of The Beautiful Truth.

And so yet another day of sitting alone in a room posting solving equating Manifest truth
98 is 68
. Inverse but I am at 6 8. 69
David Nnamdi both the past
D.N 4 14 route 4 14 John at the Grave Yard but it was Mckayla’s car which broke down.

I am present as Emeka representing the E
The Harmoniously Eternally Evolved.


The E ..K P E

Not the Dead.

8:26 p.m

The None Existent.

I.represent the Beauty Fully Present
Past Present Future existing in the Moment Of Now.


E Y. V A.
Yonathan Yeshua
( John Jesus)
Eros Erebu s E.R.I.C

Sex Sensuality Sensibility Supremely Sure..
E S P. C.E

8:31 -32 p.m

8:33 p.m

10:24 p.m E D it.
/ .T I.D. E

10:25 p.m
10:26 p.m

A p

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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