
7/24/2018 18:11 – Facebook Post

7/24/2018 18:11 – Facebook Post

4:44 p.m.



I would first like to honor Klein Alicia, not necessarily, for sending me the monies which will enable me to eat a decent meal and take a walk tomorrow.. away…from all this. it is a “Helping Hand” – and gesture I know that it is clean and moved by Heart.
I can see that from your point of view also.


But I would like to see it as paying a token Tuition, of Instinct Intuition explained and embodied right to the process of reaching enlightenment ( that is what I have been doing, enlightening you with the Almost totally forgotten Beautiful Point of view, but also contrary the Dark Arts, and all the blockages put in your path from preventing you from literally Evolving and Awakening..
Literally, to Evolution Awakening…
All of you ( yes even those going out of Existence, hence the term ‘Regret” literally manifested in Its original meaning)

A Tall order?

Let me illustrate how I wish to Honor Klein Alicia and the , Ring- of-concentric- circle-Circumpunct, right to the Dot- Point of the Bulls Eye of reaching that frequency of Evolving of Consciousness and waking up, which just as Edward Eceinco who, I equally thank…
But whom Klein Alicia has manifested the correct response in perfect timing.

Observe how I will expand her ( and His ) gesture to and expansion of sun shine, and radiance that her sending Help, pales to “Simply the Ground Beneath our feet and feat”-
a seed, a drop of light in the Dark hole, which one plants, but which the correct praise and appreciation caused a Lotus Flower of Life of the Fifth Dimension consciousness understood, having moved through the Line of Dawn Piercy.. Piercing the Point-
The Archers Stance… A.S..
S-HE Lifts the Bow and Arrow and strikes the Understanding from the Point.
And the Bouquet, fragrance begins to spread in waves of “Omg I get it!”
And from which a Mighty Iroko Oak Alpine Mohaganny, Ebony and Evergreen Trees of Life,
( I O A.M E E )
-Soars up at lightening speed to reach the Heavens.. reaching..

And the Ethereal Angelic birds of Paradise, and of legend flutter
down onto the place once called Mind, now the Infinity Sign of the Magician of the 8 chakra links to the 1-7 Awakened Vision linked and by Magic that which seemed as a Fantasy, Fiction, transforms into a Fact…..

And that which is Elemental in you and that which Ethereal connect like two sides of the Brains, as a pair of lungs connected to each other, as in all connection in the Body Inside ( the Eternal and the now ‘Wise Child” in you who never went to sleep- but rather went deep deep undercover rise and link with the true Outside and experience Total Recall..

Total Recollection from here “ICI” to literal Eternity .. and it is embodied in you.. you Being.. which carries your body to rise…
Because it is Nothing, has no weight.. It is Really nothing at all..
And Nothing Matters… because Weighty Matters are made tranformed because everything suddenly makes sense, everything has reason, explanation… meaning…
A Story .. a dramatic story which on seeing the full circle.. is of a beauty so astonishing that you knee’s buckle and you bow in such relief that you sob and sob; and you become the Bow,.. and then your back arches, in Realization of Joy, and then Beautiful Pride of your truest self rising with that comprehension of Everything in Clarity and in Its Beautiful Truth exposed..
Even that which is deemed Ugly Truth.. is transformed….
And you begin to rise.. Looking with proud proud neck naturally extending, face body transforming.. Nothing is MATTER…
And you become the Arrow.. the Line.. The Eagle eyed, quiet calm tears quietly now streaming but eyes now so clear that shafts of Reys.. Me.. Far… Sooooo I C..
La of Sixth sense now proven a Fact to the Ti by the understanding the meaning of Doe a Dear and Doe a Deer ( and Stag) merging…
The True rep of the Nature of Humanity.. Naturally and awkward Bambi Grace.. and a Super natural Light of the King Stag and the knowing now just how Dear Thou Art…

What me …!

Watch me show Praise and appreciation…

E. M E… K ..A…H..

Her arrival in perfect harmony and timing.. of the expression full circle of looking back in hindsight and seeing in the mirror and reflecting of the with foresight and hindsight moving together..
To an expression which is the personification of that which I had been expression of the Full Circle and true Beautiful Pride..
Taking responsibility, and with heart, beauty no self consciousness, no sense of any other . but the point, the clarity of connecting every thing together, and coming to my page in Harmony from here to literally eternity Infinity…

1159 face book friends before she arrived.
11 K.. E …I… ..Add L N…. add Edward Eceinco code E E…
K L E… IN… L I N E .. E…

See the play of the Lion of Edward Eceinco page which I shared, and my documenting and expressing that we had completd the Full Circle from the Yellow Lion Rep of the Sun.. Ra.. Circumpunct.. RAY…
Lion of Judah..
Judah means Praise…
Emeka means Praise..

To her expression of PRAISE… P.R.. AISE.. “Aise” EA S E.. in French.. ( Free Person.. .. she represented in her expression on my page)

To the White Lion.. to the code Noetic.. IONS…L==12..Life..Light, Love… Liberty.. ( her exemplification of True Free Expression and Edward Eceinco of Graciousness )
They Yellow- Golden Lions of Edward Eceinco Singh…
Ravindra Singh.. Sing H!…representing the 3rd Color in the Rainbow Spectrum, linked to the note of Mi and then Linked to White Transparent Light… 8.. 1-7 Merged.. 1-5 Merged.. 8 6.. Harmonious Expression in perfect timing of transparency of the Point aligned to the White Lions ( W L/ L W… Lorenzo Widget bed 4-015.. Do.. who is literally now rising..from Doing.. and observing and forcibly engaging me in conversation..smh…)

….To the Fountain of expression.. the Chalice of Ladies of the E, Warriors with minds of their own “Athena” which the conquer, Transforming Diana Athena to Aphrodite Hear Ah!.. H ERA…
Her Rah.. Roar….

See it linked to the Full Circle in every sphere, in her expression her timing, her sum total of expression of the magic mirror and then transforming it into space which she expressed …the Art of reaching the last vibration of my heart to the world..
and speaking addressing the Thorn in my side and my paw which made me Roar. and then purr dangerously..
acknowledging Value and Worth…
And such a gift and contribution is. was worth sustaining..
Giving sustenance..
And the responding to my natural expression of Truth…
Sustain me Support.. ‘this is what I require fro you… if you please”

And her instant response…

Then transferring in perfect timing to private text..
to the expression..
To the harmony of Aturo Snow being present on ground floor to her arranging the immediate gift.. contribution .. expression..
to the code number mtcn… 61… ( recall my phone code…
07 23.. 61… Yesterday was 23rd… 61.. FA…C T..!
me at Delta.. 4 Fa!…
61 20 ( amount btc from Edward Eceinco) 60… ( my coffee I bought 2nd was 60.. 6O.. First 30.. 3O.. 36… 36O.. 9..I..)
06 38… Yes Erik Ebright code of 006 I also had to play and the Code 38.. Mothers Day.. M D..
To the pdf she sent siz. 83.. 84…
To Her full name Codes..A.S.K…

(I asked)…
She Asked.. “Is there anything I can do for you”

To the amount code 15.. 15O..
15 is the 15 Letter..O..
Full Circle..
The L-ion King..
To Arie and I connecting seamlessly, leaving in a dance of perfect harmony..
To receiving the money switfly elegant because it was put in Aturo Niege.. A N.. N A…
Aturo Snows Name..
A S.K..
To Klein Alicia Alicia, A L.. C I A…
Dan Browns, in the Lost Symbol” “the Portal is out there somewhere..” WW.. Head of the C I A.. in a Vault it is Contained ( me at Delta Manor.. and in a coffin in some Great Witches play of Vood do done to me.. Buried me alive while I walked the World in the illusion that I am free…
To Angela Basset.. In the New Mission Impossible V…
A B ( hint hint!) A B…Who played the Mother of the Black Panther..
My Mother is still Stuck in Nigeria. I say stuck because no one has been able to get her out.. problem with her being allowed to leave the country.. and her British Passport…
Yes as mine.. is it not?

My Mother is the Queen . mother of the True Black Panther and my line…

To her having to take her Kevin to work..
Kevin Mathurin
Kevin Wavegodsunnyg Gordon
Kevin G Gordon..

Alicia.. Kevin.. A K..
Klein Alicia… A K..
Full Circle A K A….
Aka in OINri Igbo means ;Hand”.. a Helping Hand..
H H.. 8 8.. My Name EMEKA KOLO.. is 8 8..

6:00 pm.

And her Transformation to the Beautiful Truth.. View .. of me her Everything…

Do you see why I honor her.. and the line she represents…
Harmony.. O 8..
Moved through Edward Eceinco Grace.. E E G… B-Rain Waves.. Hi!

See who is Is and what she represents we have attained in he Script,, My Equation..
Evolution of Consciousness.. to the Beautiful Truth Beautiful View…

Ah yes and on a one dollar bill .. the number 100 was inked…

2 B.. b 4707 66 84.. E.. B E.

My date of Birth on Face book 1984.. true A G E.. 33…

B.. 4 70…. 76… 68… 4..E…
4 4 Balance Delta.. the last portal and end of my passing through the Full Circle of All Existence rep through human beings and the E under cover in You all.. reps from every country and realm..

Do you see the truth of way the ball I found with the the Concentric circles and the Circumpunct…
The Circles of the Harmony Represented by Klein Alicia go on from right here present in New York.. Present now.. Present in the Moment.. Present as Gift.. Present as Consciousness Harmony.. C H.. 3 8… I… In the World…

6:09 p.m.

N N A M D I.. Sigh…

I D M..AN N .A …S… K…. E.. …

What My Lady Did…

Beautiful Expression…

Viola.. in you.. Embodied 5th Dimensional Being Line now present…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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