
7/24/2014 23:07 – Facebook Post

A Quick update.

July 24

175 F.B.Friend.




What does it mean when a 3-4 year old of the A lien council code name R A.H and (code name Jake J.O.Y
Jake Yang… JA K.E…Yin to Yang…..
Tells you that you are one only one real…

To which I solenmly replied..

“Thank you…”

(wanted to say I Know bt..)

It means that from the moment I was born into this world I was being tested in a Matrix Holograph designed to check the Truth and True Nature of the 1E…

Meaning they knew I was being born into this world.
And thus, my whole life and human Existence was a set up.

Very much as the video game presented by David Philipe Gil…about Eke Eke….

Every encounter was created, everything…which of course, was what would I Choose (I.C)
To do?

Turn a blind eye and deaf ear.

I mean complete strangers from around the world would tell me thier life stories…

My five six volume journals an editor noted hardly gives an insight to.me the writer bc it is filled with hundreds of ppls stories.

From childhood I saw that I was in a Matrix and it was what I would do with all the situations created for me to experience was the test to see what is my True Nature.

It was a Test.

But They You all knew who I was am but in this dimension you were all made to forget.
Put asleep.

I don’t wish to explain any further.

Those who understand will understand…that in truth this was all about E…

Eshue…E Supreme Harmony U .E..

No, it was I who Favored Eshue…
My ESpirit…younger brother
(Beautiful Forest..B.F…Best Friend..Harmony 8…

Me I am Infinity 8 9 Indivuality
O.Full Circle E of Energy Explaination Expressed E.E. with Beautiful Pride from with Da V.I. D.E.

I think by now Edward Eceinco I know who I am by now…
And who is the Source.

Not you nor anyone can take that away from me…

And so I raise my Authority which brings Be Quiet.

Live Light.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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