
7/23/2019 21:56 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge

Literally which is why so.many closed and limited minds end up dying at the moment of the Event Horizon.

Energy Harmony is Infinite and Limitless.
One of my primary tasks was to prove that the Human Body and Brain could Handle it..

That Victory is now represented and proven in the line of John Mack and Tree Sage
Kim Arthur Hines.

Which is what my last 9 years of work had bern about, prooving that a “Clean Intelligent and Natural Human Being can handle it before it even manifests
By my using Reason and Logic ..
To link to the Human Brain
Left Side Right Side.

C O.
Center Full Circle

Which is the signal of its begining and my being “unlocked” and allowed go home.
Release of my body by the Ancestors in my D.na and freedom for having proven existence of the Extra Terrestrials and confirming their Intent and I.D.

9:55 p.m

Because I proved my Truth
Their Truth
Your Truth
All one

By Exposing Knowleding
And Explaining Knowing.

E K.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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