
7/23/2017 19:17 – Facebook Post

5:40 p.m.


Yes, the 23 I just completed a long equation on my new Face Book Friends post, of her in an elevator…
I had just been in my quiet much earlier at the Cross Roads, Cross Bronx- reflecting on something which happened on an Elevator in 2004-2005 where Two Men who happened to be White were began speaking to my behind me that the fate of the World lay in me hands.
I had never told anyone about what they said, and though I knew they were talking to me, I could not turn around and ask them if they were addressing me.

I only state this, because I just spent the last hour posting on an image of Clara Star Child, the third aspect of the Family of Ten 55 and Spirit E, ( S.E.. Yes bed 5-19, the first bed I was assigned at Delta Manor) and his twin Devi Devoted D D.. 4 4.. Yes bed 4 04 which is my current bed number.
And Clara as the Third Aspect of that Original Family..
And how we were the First of The Elegant Nomads.

And how Clara Star Child represented the Expression of Clarity, Devi represented Devotion and Spirit E, Awareness Expression.

And how they were nick named Space Pirate, S.P, Space Cowboy and Dancing Blade…
She was a combination of the T.W.O.. Who is of course O.N.E.
Supreme Splendor OF Light…

The persons name, my new face book friend is Furhman Mia S.. F.M.S… Sacred Portal 54..”Father Mother at last dancing in Universal Harmony…”
And I knew that I was once more proving the Truth of the Original Creation story called the 4th Dimension was a Story and a book of Harmony.

They Lived before Adam.. before the first Red Note…
Besides me the 20 years Miasha had been sitting besides me wearing Lavender Violet.. And I found myself doing the code of 5 555…Every Thing, Every Where Every One.. E EE.. T.WO..
TW.O..N.E…SS 5 15.. 56…

L.O.V.E… Lavender O.Violet Expression .. is the 7th Note..
7 is 8.. Harmony..
Lisa Natalie Johnson gave me 3 U.S.D…
Yes Line of Harmony of that past which the world had almost forgotten and which I had to prove that there was a time in this World that there was Harmony.. A World as a Garden of Eden.
Because people told the Truth…

Truth Fact.. T F.. 20 6… 2 O 6… 26.. 8..I.H.. Z.. B. O.F….I.H..E. H.I B.F.E..
Truth Veritas T.V.. 20 22… 42… 6… T.V..D..B…F..Fact…
Truth Ezi-Okwu.. E.O.. ( 5 15..Yes rep by Avatar Jose A Roque formerly bed 5-004.. Now 5-017.. E.D… E.Q.. Equation E Quantum…)

Ezi Okwu means “The Way of Speech, Expression Truth True.. ( S.E.T.T..) is the Way home, to Eternity.. E.O.
Meaning that there was a TIME when people of the 5 5.. E E Expression Creation.. E.C.. Could enter into the Story and then easily move back home to Eternity.. From the 4th Dimension Fiction to the 5th Dimension because they knew that they were both one. That the Fiction was simply a story about the Fact..
That which had already happened.

Anyway, just as I completed that post of Linking once more the beautiful past, just as I sought to post it, it disappeared and I saw another Face Book request Initials A.B. then she disappeared too..
But I am at 1005 Face Book Friends.

Brenda Boothe had given me 5 usd when I was at Zero Cents…
Then yesterday when Lisa arrived, while Brenda who is Love= Truth arrived earlier in perfect harmony, and was present when I had not enough to buy coffee or someone to tell or express what had taken place.. Remember how we had put our money together and I had enough for a 54 cent coffee, and it left her with 22 cents.. Yes the code of the Serial 22 38 37 58…
/ 85 73 83 22… The Double V of both She and I was the 22 of my Sacred Portals aligned and hers as Clean Money…

Yes, She is the Loyal Friend..

When Lisa Natalie Johnson I was at O.. and she brough 3 usd.

It was not a pleasant exchange, and I do not believe after this play we will every see each other again.. Too much happened, I saw too much from that Line and what it incarnated.
I understood and understand, the horror of what they had to deal with. Harmony this new Harmony had never encountered Evil before and had been so horrified by it that she ran… Ran away to escape it.She had been so paralyzed by the horror of it that she had forgotten to fight it.
My mother is Onuabuchi and she is in Nigeria in the thick of it having lost nearly everything…

My sister is in Virgina, living her life… A Selfishness which despite my understanding its source is not evil, but by abandoning her mission and leaving another to play her role she has forfeit the right to any connection to me.
But if her line deserve existential death, when I and Lisa Natalie Johnson have proven that her E-Spirit fought back and fought to understand the horror. And that she was not afraid but rather could not accept this and thus escaped to a world of Fantasy which literally made her fantasize about what she thought she could not do.. In that place of her flights of Fantasy she was a Warrior Supreme.. Wonder of Woman.. What she did not realize was that she had found her Truth..

Anyway, that is done, and so 0-5 and O-3… 53..
Elizabeth Clarizio Emeka Clarity…
See sacred Portal 53… Harmony as my little sister has entered the World. The Original Seed of Harmony we planted in the world.. We as the 3 E’s… Who of course are all I.E.. Me..
And Beautiful Being.. Truth True Perfection… Brenda Peter Kamail.. Brenda means the Torch Light.. Peter “The Stone.. the Rock.. Kamail.. Kamil “Perfection” in Arabic.. 1001 Nights.

My brother Obum born 73, despite the Hurt I his Big Brother caused him by his not being too young to recall all that happened before we separated and then my absence after his abduction and separation from us.. He has sought to find to be open and taken care of my mother despite not understanding the strangeness of the family he refound.
I do not excuse his behavior to me, but I am fair to the load he had to bear in this horrible play.

O 5 O 3… O E.. O.C… 8….O 8 O.. O.H..H.O…

There was two Harmonies already in existent before her birth.. E and D… Spirit E and Devi Devoted.. and of course C.. as in Consciousness Harmony.. Beautiful Being… True.
People knew and still know this.. Brenda is the representative of this..
The person who is considerate of others feelings..
Lisa left with her friend after the play.. I told her well done. which she acknowledged.

Brenda sat here with me in her Royal Blue Lacy Blouse with Ms Lilian and made sure that I had a coffee before she left. She has no cash on her so she “arranged it” with Chris, one of the clean ones. I have been getting coffee for 54 cents.. a kindness of some of the staff…
But Brenda always does these acts of consideration and consciousness of others apart from herself.
That is and was the way of the Beautiful Past.. K..Kolo full Circle Perfection Beautiful Pride.

No, I will never see Lisa Natalie Johnson again or her line after the Awakening.
That is the World restored that I leave forever behind.
Which as most of my Older Face Book friends recall was what I had stated from the beginning… That there would be those left behind to rebuild the World. And though they rise, it will take an journey of literal manifesting Eternity before they reach my portal… Marina Burini will recall my speaking of this.

And so, this is what was already foretold, seen and known already by me.
Only the B.B..R.. E.L… Those who are loyal. who never abandoned me, their Truth or their mission.. those who did not make me work or feel as though I was their slave and I had to save them.. And then who show no gratitude.
No, I never wish to see such selfishness ever again even if they transform and change, the caused to much pain and suffering.

Loyalty.. to the Truth.. The Beautiful Truth that is the E…

And thus I pass through Sacred Portal 43..
It was guarded recall by Two Ladies and One Behind..
Elizabeth Clarizio Brenda Boothe ( Laker Brenda Aaroyal Concy Brenda) and Myself in my Feminine Form…

When I arrived, both Brenda and Lisa had been in my thoughts, I was reflecting about the two of them solving linking aligning when I came upon them both standing outside on the Metropolitan Line… Both where dressed in Blue…
Brenda in Royal Blue, her Hair swept up regally and her Silver Elf Earing ( Diamond Hearing Silver Leaf Patterned) catching the Light. A Royal Elf.
Lisa looked charming in a Blue dress.. What shade it was perhaps Sea Blue or just plain Blue..
I too am wearing blue, Navy blue.. a darker shade of blue than Lisa but not as dark as Royal Blue.. The Color of Spirit E is Royal Blue, Navy Blue… While the Marine Blue of lisa is the Blue of the Sea of Paradise…

So, Harmony rises to the E.. H.O.P.E.. They called it here, the Wishing Girl… While the Two Harmonies represented by myself and Brenda go home to Eternity… E.C..H..O.. Has been attained…
Recall that when I went to hospital that there were 53 comments… That was the passing through the GAP to reach the Truth…
A Truth which my bio sister had stated that I did not have to prove… She Lied.
I did didn’t I?
And worst of all to Her… And even now she who lives with her own House business, citizen ship has failed to contact me…
There is no excuse…
Booms 73… Yes.. After all I turned him away when he came here to find me in 2012.. ( he was acting like a dick.. and so I refused to see him)
But she..Pride? What kind of pride is that.. are you better than I am.. of more value… Then I leave you in the 4th Dimension so that you can prove it..

And so, there are no more guardians to door of Eternal Life.
The Guardians are relieved of their duty and those left behind their own hope is through the Line Lisa Natalie Johnson represents.. And it will take an Eternity before I see those who were so selfish, that they put themselves first before anyone else.
But Lisa Natalie Johnson line not Nenad M. Djurdjevic as it turns out is the one redeeming line who will have to forge the ay to the E without my lines Grace.. But by their own Effort, but a Cheat as my Bio Father line as the great War Lock did the most selfish act of all..He brought Existential Death into manifest being by what he did to me, to give his Daughter Line.. Daughters Children of Eve.. En-Vie a Chance…
I noticed yesterday that The Woman sitting besides me yesterday had her book opened to chapter 49.. And Lisa was sitting just after it near to me.. So she and the Line who will inherit the rest of the Story of World Story of the 4th have escaped the Existential Death for False Expression about others ( even if it was not intended with malice.. it still caused hurt even greater than those who did it with malice)

The L will eventually make it to the E… And now there will be a representative of the E here in this Story to help guide those who have chosen the the E, will all end up rising to. But they will have to fight time while to embody the last lessons of the E.. Embodiment of Expression True Truth.. EzI Okwu.. While the line of B.B.. R..O.L.E.. Who played their roles will not..

7:14 p.m.

41 7..

There are something I have witnessed that I can not unsee.. And so it is as I stated.. Let there be H.O.P.E be in the World.. And let the Line of L rise and Teach Guide the World to Harmony while I return to my Home with the Loyal the Grateful Considerate … the True Loyal Ones…

L.T…G.C… T.L..L.O… V.E..S…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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