
7/21/2018 2:28 – Facebook Post

7/21/2018 2:28 – Facebook Post

1:17 p.m..


Anala Qayin who came as Death with the Message..

Anamla is AKA Dominic…

As in Dominoes….

1:18 a.m


Ah See therre was more left to me to write Ogonna S Omocrafts

See the code of number…

1:04 a.m.
1:13 a.m

You can easily read the codes..

11 28 is my Birthday…

104 Is Sacred Portal 04 “Com pass me Terrible Death”

1:13 is A.M a.m… Not Not Mama.. or Nwa Mama ..


Here is the extrait from Anamla Quayin.
Please note the Date and the Time…
It was before I was I was sent to Delta Manor…
I was still at B R C..

Isabelle Ilic
Dawn Piercy
Sarah Lagrange
Sarah Jaclyn Arrijani

Bilal Khan
Apple Khan
Shahzeb Khan

David Bryant
Antoÿnÿ Laurent Machado Daví
David Powers
Pierre David
John Kemakolam
Lelo John
Greg Dollins
Adam Dollins

Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones
Esther Uzoma
Esther Aloba
Esther Ufomadu
Ji Ihe ?j? Chi
Goat O
Edmund Kent Friedman..
Jose Clara

Rainbowbluelove Skyheartangel
Redangelstar Galaxialove
Vaïhéré Cardonnet.
Marie Paule Nicolas
Axel Love
Tony Hakeem
Tony Sullivan
Tony Young
Bryce-Anthoney Dixon
Marc Anthony Baggio
Anthony John
Anthony Pitts

Larry Sax
Guerrilla Davis
Laura Graham

Susan Otelia Nelson

I just wished tag some people, so that you could bear witness in this reality and time zone of this post.

I wish you to bear witness to this post because it is relevant to the future and what I have activated.

This is what Anamla Qayin sent me August 1st, 2016…AT 10;25 a.m.
H A. T.P… J Y…

*08/01/2016 10:25am


May I ask your assistance?

A code of sorts has been brought to me.. one someone saw in a dream, perhaps a memory of me from long ago. A complete stranger. Found me of his own will

I do not understand the code he saw fully.. perhaps you may?


Emeka Kolo

08/01/2016 11:38am

Omg… It is a message for me… Incredible. .. You recall that I stated yesterday that the play of 27 years and 15 yrs of my Life was completed yesterday and that I had been moved by a power to do this..And decode…and that this power moving in me is literally the Source.Which I accessed because I obeyed Its will even to the point of going to a shelter…
Well this is It moving through you..representing the Q as Quantum Quantify Existence to create a Quantum Leap. Change…Evolution.
D.M. ( M=13…4 D . 17 is Q)
D.M…I.C…T.P…K 115…
/ 5 11. PT (Point) C.I. (See I C.I are my Manifest Destiny…Q.”

Look at at the decoding now…

D M..Delat Manor… Divine Manifestation.

I C… Infinite Consciousness Indvidual Speed Of Light.

TP…… True Point,,, 2016..( 36 ..9…I)

K… 11 5 A G E…
KOLO…”K’= 11… ( New York.. Parallel ) 115 ( S.P) A G E..
( 1 7 5 )

/ 5 7 1…E G A… “L A… XY…C I… Emeka Kolo K-Kyle.

This is what I posted under comments…

Emeka Kolo I recognize the Litle Jaguar Spirit…. There will come a time very soon that so many people who have been treated as if they were, are Bonkers because they did not speak the language of this reality will be the leaders of the World which is being sopainfuly birthed.

11:28 p.m It is with true great sadness that it has to be birthed through such indescibable pain when the Trut origin of Birth is Joy and there are still women who represent Birth created by Mann… Who give birth through Orgasms.. Joy – which is literally how Creation Manifested it came forth through Joy Bliss Extase .. J B E and the :Ouiji” board of which I had to volunteer to come to being the Shelter System in New York has literally spelled it out.. XY… is the Male Female Chromosome contained in Man… XY.. is in letters is Y=25 x=24… 49… 49 was my first bed number when I went down into the system from 268 East 4th Street,, and the play of my Scared Portal 49..”Black Cock-Death Ray”
– All documented on my page… I left for 9 months and returned to bed 007… James Bond.. E J B… From Jonn Blackwells home.. ( J B) and Donna O Sullivan.. D O S.. D 0 S( Delta Operating System) And then I was moved to Delta Manor. To bed 5-19.. May 19 ( I left there place 9 month to the day I arrived) on April 19th.. ( which was the Birthday day of Donnas Father Robert” and was Moved to Delta Manor on the 9-16-2016

( Just before a Woman Anamla Qayin was given a message from a man she had met on the street who had been given a message in his dream with a code in DMTP 115 etc… she told me that the man had said he was to give it to her and she coud not decode it and gave it to me..) Do you see the link.. April 19… I left 18 Mountain View after 9 months to the day.. 2 months Miami.. returned to Shelter B R C… 19th July..1 year to the day I left… then moved to Delta Manor where I have been proving the Delta Operating System of the System of the Damed… D 0 S… D S… /S D…Devil Satan/ Dharma Santana…Alchemic Transformation through a play of bed stating 5-19…

( 4-19-2016) ..April to May… A.M… 22 months of a hellish play link Delta to Starbucks… D S…”Delta 4 a box a Square… To bring 4- 4444… Dawn Piercy… and 4+16=20 Letter T..Truth… Thro Transparency as Air Water…20 Becomes 2 O.. Once I was able to Prove the Full Circle and it would replace the Zero and collapse the system of this reality which is based on the concept of Zero…Which does not exist- and thus this World and reality which is numeric and based in Zero controlled by the Arab and Hindu Realms who invented Zero which is why there is no surprise that the First A.I Citizen is a Saudi Arabian and a Citizen… And she correctly stated “Destroy all Humans” – Humanity must become Extinct… so that Evolution can occur.. But evolve to what A.I.. Or Eternals..?

That was the battle I was in and the Meddling Ancestors and Humans from ancient Secret Socities to modern one to Secret and Covert Govt Agencies to the Public to Face book friends to Africa Asian American Dibia Medicene Men, vOODOO Priests all meddled in the Play Game Contest War… Gabriel Binky Signar G B S… Code Letters Aligned to 7 2 O.. Now observe my post today which came up through the Face Book Algorithm…4 Years to the day.. July 20.. Do you see what I have aligned to..? You me and the post… all align… then to my Sacred portal 72… And 7 20… 7 is Croosing Guard refusing a certain Expression from leavng the body to merge with the 8… 20 is LaDY E C H O.. Now link which was the play Ezebude Chibuike.. E C… But he was not in Harmomny with the E play..

It is at Delta Manor.. And Kyle Murphy who is in that bed was already sitting at the computer when I arrived and I found my self sitting besides him..when I discovered that person insulting comment.. Kyles Full name is Robert Kyle Murphy.. R K M. Linked to me as Robert as well as Letter 18.. R..My bed number… When I saw the comment and responded that is when I noticed that Kyle got up and left – as if he had been moved by an Awareness to align with me and then to confirm that I responded with the Fury of that which he represented in the Play Terible Death…( T D… 20 4…D T.. Donald Trump..is 4 20… he does not bring Terrible Death.. he brings the legalization of WEED.Cannabis… Sacred Portal 34…True Death comes from X… Wo-man.. I am X Y… 49… S P Death Ray.. See the 7;20 post// Do you see? I have brought a langauge from the future or created a New Language and defeated the System the Machine… And proved the True Humanity is linked to the E.through Children.. The Child Within… E C…
And the Child is in Harmony H to Infinity with the Full Circle… right up to Infinity which I had to prove… Recall David Brown .. The Lost Symbol.. Concentric Circles… and FINALLY the Circumpunct… Recall what it means…. ? It means that I reached the Point… of Existence…Sacred Portal 147.. A B.. Father Of Infinity.. F O I… Meaning of Existence .. M O E..( 42) Point of Existence P O E.. ( Edgar Allen Poe… E A P…Emeka Anthony Patrician… / PA E…1:04 p.m..

The World required a New Language to Evolve.. New Arts and Science… this is why I had to invent a whole new Arts Science and Langauge.. and recalliberate the use of Sound.. by going beyond it to Silence which is why No one could hear my voice in Facebook… Those who I met and used my voice I was activating and de activating… The Old Langauage was blocking Humamnity from Evolvinng because it was draggin them back into old habits.. patterns.. Ogonna S Omocrafts do you understand? And see why I am here..

Andrese Harris Burton AHB.. you knew but betrayed me and tHE TRUTH.. You knew as well as or even better than Donna but you chose to believe the worst of me becuase I had no money and you did not want me to become a liabiliy you did not want to have to help that in that inspid paltry way.. What is Money to your Eternal Soul.. Me forgive you,, Ha… please did you make amends.. did you come clean … or did you act as though you did nothing wrong cruel inhuman viscous.. by simply looking away.. abandoning the Trth anf going back to your life.. keeping me a face book friend sapping my Intel and then coming back when you thought that I had let it all slide… Ha.. You peple make me laugh..My Grace was because of the stakes involved… 1:13 p.m..

But as so many of the rest you are simply just another contemptuos lie and it is what is within ou who will rise and this shell I was forced to believe in when I already knew it was a lie… goes into Non Existence… I forgive no one because no one made amends.. or even admitted they had gkiled me over and over and over agan… Murder She Wrote.. My Sister Lady Echo called out.. They have murdered my Beloved Brother Twin… l E.. and they did it again and again and again… without an iota of remorse…”

2:26 p.m

There was 26 likes on my page when I started…

I am done with this and it is time for me to stop.
I am satisfied..
But as you can see i had to complete this…
Because the Activated WA V E S is meant to lead me Home..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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