
7/20/2018 21:46 – Facebook Post

7/20/2018 21:46 – Facebook Post

7:28 p.m.
7:29 p.m.


The Numbers indicate which aspect of Creation Existence
I am “Channeling”

7 28 is my Sisters Code as Ms Hell Fire – Sacred Portal 91…
I.A.. Which links to the Shares of Isabelle Ilic and Axel Love ( Axel Anderson) I posted to today, linked to my Share from Facebook Memories Today of me as the Being using Intent from my Third Idea to manifest my Will.

7:29 Links to the portal I have taken over of Robert Kyle Murphy room 5C Bed 26.. Terrible Death…

7-20 Links to Sacred Portal 72 O.. The Womb of the Great Spider Witch..

It also links to me as the Being I posted from Facebook Memories from 4 Years ago.
See the date 7:20..It is me…

7:20 Is confirmed by the Avatar Descendant Gabriel Binky Signar
G B S… Who contacted me at 9:42 am.. Yes..
42… I.. 42.. Hertz.. S P… 42… Power Ohm.. Home.. Homme…

C R E A T O R…

That is what I saw, as I took a break to walk away for a moment after I responded to Edward Eceinco comment…
It was on a older womans T-Shirt in grey.. Grey Matter…
My Thought and my Intention…

7:53 p.m…
To Kill them all but not let them have the mercy of Dying but to live out again and again Terrible Death which Peter Nyarkô testified he witnessed that it is in Existence…

You can see it below… the play of Edward Eceinco E E…
11 55 Facebook Friends…
Did you see the arrogance of his Question Ogonna S Omocrafts?
S U.E C E E…
Sue was the name of the Lady in the Green House in Soho who sent me to find the Corner Stone, and the Dimension where They Lived Before Adam…
T L. B A…
20 12… 5… E .B A…/ A B … Anthony Bienke A B… E line…
E B A.. Means “Strength Power” in OINri Igbo…
It also means E Beings Alpha..
The the Eternal s, the Evolved were the ones who came Before Adam..

C.R E A T… O R…E..

It was a code which was being spelled out in the Brain Waves and onto the Air Waves and finally into- onto your Awareness..
But was blocked by the Power of which Africa had been given guardian ship of as the “Assumed” Ancestors and beginning of Humanity.
The Dna Codes which is Sound Waves as Western Scientists have realized.

They had been influencing and moving Humanity with this knowledge.
It began as innocent, Parents seeking to Guide their Children, their descendants, seeking to steer them the right way and to the Blue Print of Existence Creation.
Yes that pampered and spoiled little boy from L.A Ezebuike Chibuike.. whom they had used to challenge me, yet again…
Just as in the west Italy Rome they had used Nenad, Nnamemeka and Edward Eceinco…
( N N E. E… So insane, when everything spells out the truth)

The power given to them was a test, Parents .. we all know parents how they can meddle.
But we also know a good parent knows that their children are not owned by them, and that they are meant to be Their Guardians, and in being their guardians, that they were also being Guardians of themselves as the Past.. and the Future, seated in the Present.
A good loving parent, knows that they give their children all the guidance, wisdom which they had learned, and correcting, aligning, refining the “Errors” of their own parents, hand to thier children wisdom which is evolved until it become as an Immaculate Conception… I C…
And the Children implanted with that Knowledge must go out into the World, Freed and allowed to experience for themselves.
Trusting that the Truths and Love showered in their children make their children and descendants wonderful ambassadors of that lineage, sent into the world to contribute and add to the very Evolution of the Species..
That truth still holds for certain families till this day.

But in others, the majority their came a selfishness, a corruption..
Spoiling their children or abusing them.
Instead of the parents learning from the mistakes of their own parents and understanding the Humanity of their parents, the circumstances and conditions of their own upbringing, and able to discern and see the Truth of their parents and even the True Love despite the hurts they might have endured, the mis-understandings, are able to leave home, and through the distance able to see clearly, and thus Heal and grow from re-writing their stories.

I recounted many times how at age 18,- 21 I began that process by investigating and researching the history of each member of my family from Grandfathers and Grandmothers, to their own parents, my great grandparents, to my parents and their siblings…
And culminated it in the writing my University Thesis on their Home Towns..
Even designing clothing which sought to share my understanding of the History of the country my melding the Colonial and the Ancestral or native.
And my own birth in the West and 11.7 years I lived in Nigeria…

And then by the age of 25 written in my journals the resolution of my immediate family, which helped me to release myself from all the traumas and intense experiences of a family which had lived in three continents by the time I was 12.

With that one can start with a clean slate…Life.

But in this Historical story that cleaning which OI Nri Priest were known for and which nearly every country in the world has a reflection of that Cleaning rituals…
Transitions rituals.. Rites of passage.. To be sure some of them seem barbaric now, and even cruel.
But the intention was not that, it was informed by a reason, by a cultural identity and point of of view.
But it was, is the essence which was important.. the marking of the moments.. The Transitions, the Transformation,, the Rites of Passage.

In this story, It became a story of Corruption, where power of a being a Parent, a Guardian became corrupted, by the refusal to see the childrens point of view, to evolve with the Times.
To adapt Traditions to a every changing world.
These people who were invested with such power, the same power which a parent wield over their children began to become eroded by that sense of power over the life of another, who trusted and loves you.
The toxic nature of parents dumping their dissatifaction of thier lifes and ambitions onto their offspring.
And then seeking to live through their children, taking over thier lifes, not letting them have a chance to experience their lives, but instead taking over thier lifes…
In the Guise of Guiding them.

The Secret Societies and the corruption of the World- their descendants that refused to see or perceive or even take responsibility that perhaps it was they, the Guardians who was doing something, no matter how good the intentions which was creating the response which was not aligned to that intention.
Which began creating what they called Bad, Evil and hence from that symmetry which allowed the children the opportunity to be in awe of their parents… Instant manifestation…
“Cee..See …?”
And the children witnessing the Magic in the World..
Truth Manifests…
Something which the O.INri Priest were so gifted in that they required no army to govern far flung areas.
Enabling them to travel without threat, and with respect all over West Africa….
That was their Purity, their Cleanliness, their Power which created Instant Manifrstation…
Existence and Creation where in wonderful Harmony and Balance..
Man and Animals danced together in the play of life… not a game but a play of discovery adventure fun lesson.. understanding evolving. And the Children were inspired.
And where allowed to put their hands in fire.. and a soothing Balm an “Udo” was at hand.
Where was that healing balm found.. it was discovered in nature and created because some parent., ancestors had done the some thing often enough that they had found something in Nature and been inspired to create it…

There was no malice, no use of that lesson to create fear, to dominate, to control…

That was when the world was clean…And believe me there was a time the world was clean…
And it was not that long ago in some cultures.. My grandmother recalled the Garden of Eden.. Her childhood whose frequency and simplicity and elegance was literally the same frequency as the Original Garden of Eden.. because they were on the same frequency because they were the same expression and Energy so why should it have been s surprise that her Subconsious mind could access the literal venue of the garden of Eden.
That she could astral project there…?
Or find places in this physical reality where she had buried things in past lifes…
Or see the demarkation between the Spirit World and the physical world…
Why should it be surprising when they are all one wave.. all existing in one moment… where There is no time because the expression is the same and thus Constant and Eternal..
E C H… Existence Creation.. E C= 8..H.. Harmony…
O.. Full Circle.. A,H.. 1-8..is a full Circle..
Do rey mi fa so la ti Do… 8.. Doe-Doe.. D D.. 44= 8…
4 4 4 4…16…D P… Dawn Piercy.. H D P…
Tiffany Dawn Haynie.. Truth is not limited by Time Constructs… nor does the body act as a barrier.. The Body actually is the reminder..
Instinct Intuition.. ..
E C H O… “I remember .. Deja Vu…”
Because the Expression Conscious Harmony accesses you to Infinity.. The Eternal which exists within you… and yes even around you., you just have to vibrate on that frequency.

It was never lost… Paradise…
But people forgot because another idea took root .. Power.. Control .. Fear… Violence…
Instead of the Truth ( which is not rigid.. look at the Human Body .. the Spinal chord..it is flexible and allows you to experience the lies but not lies of cruelty and wicked intent..)

No it was always presents but these Secret Societies who began to act as bad parents-deciding what is right for their descendants and then being able to access the Blood lines and Family tree through use of Sound -History .. and then Test..
Test to see if one was worthy of ones own Birth Right!..
Ah corruption… power corrupting bring out that which they had not cleaned in themselves… That inability to see oneself in the mirror, to look honestly at oneself and not the idea you have created of yourself, which even might have been correct, but it must be sustained and can not be stagnant because there is nothing in creation which is stagnant…
Nothing.. that which is stagnant grows fetid.. diseased…
Everything Flows…

Just as the Wave I had to re-construct from scratch., the wave which in this play set in US.A, which all the candidates, the Ones chosen as the best representatives of who i met and whom all betrayed their revelations .. by Choice.. because They decided that which was possible..
Because they looked around them and then to the past and said, “Na It can not happen”- Despite the fact that this precise moment in time had never existed before so how do you know…?
has there ever been a time when there was an Internet..
an understanding of the connectivity of all things..
Stores Films brought together on the screen of Traditions from every culture mirroring each other..?
Comics Books. Animations, Laughter unifying all races ..
Instead people chose to focus on the Dark Web..
Indeed They.. You became the source of the dark Web..

That Indifference, that complicity to Silence, that refusal to testify to simply say “Hey that is true.”
Hey Emeka Came to my house and together we experienced some amazing things..
That is why I loved Billy Hung when he was not influenced by you, and your gossip and malice…
he saw the truth and spoke about it aloud…
Until he began to believe his own hype, until he took my words of Recognition of the E in him to literally because one has to also earn it, speed up to align to what I recoginize and see in you. which the Words and the True Mirror -Magic Mirror will reflect and respond saying the Truth Speaker is Correct..
“I am the Echo of the Truth Sayer” what he sees is correct.
But you know that you are not there.. that you are a work in progress but that person is there…
And it does not take a life time.. it is a choice because we as Clarity.. Energy .. Conscious Expression travel at the speed of light and beyond.

We are not limited by an idea called Time.. Time just as the numbers .. the numbering system is simply something created to measure, to use as a sign post,

Hence the codes numbers, all are sign posts…

Edward Eceinco asked “you keep saying that it is over and still you are here, it never occured to him to you all, that you had a part to play in it..
That if a House can be built in 5 days by 500 People who are activated and 1 does not. then we say ok it will take 6 days.. but then imagine if no one says anything, they just remain silent, not saying we will not build it, not saying we will build it…
But they are all present, with more more and more arriving andas the One begins to build it expecting naturally for the rest to join in..
And they do no..
He goes to each of them, they are all activated, they all are capable, they all see, they know what to do,, they know what is materializing they are seeing the demonstration..
And the builder is building bit none come, to lend a helping hand but a few so few .. 1 two or three ..
And others watch criticize mock.. complain when the builder who is so quietly dismayed shocked .. but stiill builds calling out explaining… Asking to be fed as he he is doing it and the people complain..
They add mockery disdain .. despite the hiouse being Built…

That was my experience.. I built and built and what should have been completed a long time ago was rebuilt again and again because the House was for you and no one seemed to be satisfied with what was being built
Instead they came to tear down…They remained silent..
they refused to testify .. refusing to do anything but impede…

That is what the ancestors did not take inconsideration that They were not the all and all, that they were the ones who had acess to the Tree of Life..
they did not realize that there was is, the E planted in all Creation as the Flower of Life… Not the Tree but that which came before the TREE..The Flower and the Seed..
Just as Isabelle Ilic had commented…

The Eternal watched and saw it all..
And the Eternal is in the children and they children listened to that Awareness within which Guided them and let them know that their parents were no longer thier parents.. that they had become Tyrants Autocratic Monstrosities.. Abominations and thus the children turned inward..

That is why children see me and recognize me…
they turned to me…
The True.. rejecting you.. the liars the deniars…

9:43 p.m..

C R E ATURO T… O.. Full Circle. Round Table/ R T/T R…. Reflecting True ( Course In Miracles.. Flow )
.. Axel Love A A.. Twins…

C R E A T… O R… E

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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