
7/20/2017 20:16 – Facebook Post

7/20/2017 20:16 – Facebook Post

6:56 p.m.

I really do not have anything further to add, but my body is still bound and I am sitting here, having completed the portal 43 Equation in this Invisible -Visible challenge, which I have been fighting with an Unseen Seen..U.S..Force called Death. Which I sought so passionately to get your attention.. So that you could help, only to find myself betrayed.

No help came… Just enough to make me continue the play, just enough money, to exist but not exit.

And so, I found myself fighting alone, speechless with rage at the betrayal as I found Everything and Everyone Seen and Unseen against me.
Leaving me alone, despite all my evidence to of getting your attention. All for nothing.. And what ended being a Contest and Challenge of Why are you the One…

When it was all about restoring and manifesting the Eternal Truth here in this world.

I am not sure what more is required of me, but I take comfort that the Eternal Truth, even in this evil and cruel script has vindicated my truth that I am the Door Of Life.. Eternal
And that there is no one in this world or this play who has passed my test.
But I have passed all of yours.. the unseen expression, uttered in your thoughts minds, hearts which were unleashed onto me from your inner worlds…

Breath is what should have released me by now… Breath and the Truth.. The Beautiful Truth. And my body released and transformed.

My Body is the main reason which I have no choice, but had to finish the Script.
My body Weave in which it feels as though the muscles are stuck together.
My Body, The Body as a Tomb of Death, which as I have recounted has been trying for the last 16 years to be released from these Binds.
A Mesh of which the fibers of my body are stuck together.

Yes, it moves to the Rage of Woman, for what was done to the incarnation of the Body since she was given the power of Death.. 9 months in the Womb.. Sacred Portal 24.. But the actual power comes from code linked to Nnamdi.. 69.. See sacred Portal 69…’I am Breath.. First Note of Music…” The First one Created.. Elegua… really Elu.A.. E.L.U..A.. Emeka Read Awareness.. Alpha.

But let me complete the play, today…
I have literal O cents left which has never happened before.
But it was arranged that I had enough to buy one coffee today.

Stevan Morris… Crowned the Darkness the Black Matter..?
Nope it is Steven Allan.. S.A…

So S.M is the one in my bed.
Spider Man… S.M..
Which is what my body feels like, the fibers sticking together, the Skeletal structure Twisted, the Large Intestine twisted so that to evacuate is agony…
Blood and…

Any way.. Who is the Weaver of my bodies constant agony which not even breath can solve…
Sacred Portal 69 is Breath the First Note… Morris is the Blackness… Dark Matter.. 96 %…
Peter Parker… P.P…
I am currently in Parkchester… Park Chester.. P.C.. / C.P..
See my last post, it began at C.P.. 3:16 p.m

Peter means Rock Stone….

Parker means ”
The name Parker is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Parker is: Keeper of the forest; forest ranger. Famous bearer: actor Parker Stevenson.”
It also means Game Keeper.. G.K..7 11…
Park Keeper… P.K.. 16 11… 17…Q…

Yesterday I noted that Luke Quinane liked my post along with 5 other including Larry Sax.. L.Q.. 12 17… 1,217, 60.. If you recall was the Bill I was sent which I had already paid. And which I was sent again…
Yes, it alludes that I was told that I had not paid the bill for the Awakening Manifestation… A.M.. 121, 76 O… But I have, it was an excuse, a Lie used to make me stay to help the L line of Lisa Natalie Johnson Luke… to bring the Light Keeper in the Feminine aspect…

Jesus.. I really did not expect to be solving a last riddle…

My Solar Plexus is that which is locked, as well as my back, my shoulder blades and the twisting of my Spine.. Sine…
So who is doing this…?
Is it Nnamdi Sacred Portal 69… Lisa Natalie Johnson say under that portal the other day. so it is the Female Aspect and Morris Maurice is the name of my Late Bio Father who my mother and uncle have been warning me that he is following me in the realm outside of this Death -Time.. And Uncle Sam…

But I have proven that the correct code is Michael Manu Anthony Alejandro Steven Samuel “I Heard”… And that there is no Darkness just Transparent Light.. T.L.. 20 12… 32 5..
Peter Parker.. P.P.. 16 16.. 32.. 5.. E. 16/16//1…

P-ARK..E.R… Robert was here with me.

The housing development has the same origins as Stuyvesant Town–Peter Cooper Village, and Riverton Houses in Manhattan, which were also originally developed and owned by MetLife. The name was later unofficially applied to the entire neighborhood surrounding the apartment complex. The name “Parkchester” itself was derived from the two neighborhoods on each side of the site of the housing development — Park Versailles[5] and Westchester Heights.[6][7]

MetLife displayed an intricate scale model of the proposed development at the 1939 New York World’s Fair. The model showed all of the buildings and facilities, and was accurate down to inclusion of each of the 66,000 windows in the complex. The 51 groups of buildings were planned to house 12,000 families.[8]’

Origin of the name Morris: Variant of Maurice, a borrowing from the French which is derived from the Late Latin Mauritius (Moorish), a derivative of Maurus (a Moor). The Moors were a Muslim people of mixed Arab and Berber descent; thus the name came to mean “dark” or “swarthy” in reference to their coloring.”

1001 Arabian Nights…
A Story from Ancient Persia…
Spider Man… was Nnamdi and my favorite characters we also liked Super Man…

In 1992 when I went through Death to the Light Radiant there were two people present.. Two Young men Stephan and Manu.. See the meaning of Manu..”Originator of the Human Race..”

S.M.E…E is A and A is H .. Harmony.. Allan.
I wrote the piece of prose in Paris in 1994, In the Bastille, a sort of response to Ekayani- Erica and all the people who had told me that they loved me, and my being confused because I did not presume to know what love was or is, but that which they showed me, was love did not make me Feel Sensational, as I had when I went back to the Radiant Light.. R.L.. And recognized it immediately as not only my portal home, but my own original expression and Sacred Portal I used to Enter this World.. My Beauteous Beam.. B.B.. as recalled by the Eternal Espirit of Lord Orien Laplante… O.L… E.V..O.L./ L.O.V.E.

But in her home, I finally realized that I knew what Love is and wrote the piece of prose which I posted here called “I Know What Love Is… And how I found it in the Parks of the World.. And in my Chest…”The Transformation of the Chest Solar Plexus.. C.S.P.. Sacred Portal comes from that Love of radiating outwards.. But is love from what others feel for me? No, because I went back to the Light in 1992 without ever feeling Loved.. In fact what people called loved was a horror to me and an awful experience.. No, Love I experienced and came into this realm, was Self Love… Stephan Lawrence… Lawrence and Chandra L.C.. Are here.. L just left and I am left with Chandra “Moon Light’ M.L… I noticed the coffee I buy from the Bodega each day from these Arab guys has M.L. 16 20…on the cover of each coffee.. M.L P.T… No.. I found Love from within myself and not from outside of me and certainly not from this 16 year experience in New York…

No. Spider Man as the Sado Masochists is not Myself as my Younger Self Nnamdi, not is it me as Chukwuemeka… For I have been weaving linking being the Unifier the Connector and Author of Harmony.. Respecting the Past, the Ancient Art of weaving and the Modern Scientific Method.

A.A.. S.M… A.S.. A.M… And I merged them and made them Transparent Light as a gift to all of you, despite you leaving me here to such a wretched state, because my Eternal Love is not dependent on you, it came from Self Love.. S.O.L. Steven Orien Lawrence.. Darien Shea .. And yes, I have been using Shea butter… S.O.L.D… Ah.. Does that mean that I can stop? That I have Sold you, the Eternal Truth after being the Foot S.O.L D..as a Slave.. The Foot S.O.L.D..I.E..R..Of God as Death Destruction.. Now Death as Truth.. D T Beautiful E… ?

And I can stop this post…And proving that Nnamdi is I.. And that he repeated my Expression in the Eternal Beginning of understanding Love Epiphany when he woke up in Creation only to discover that I was no longer physically present.. 7:52 p.m.. Does that Satisfy the Witches Bitches of Wrath.. See sacred Portal 52 The Shebas… Still holding onto the power of the idea of their being the first born. They who dared to do this to my body, pretending as if they did not know who I am.

Ah but in Marina Burini home a Massage Therapist testified to my having Wings and Marina was Present as well as Tanya Dog Jake, a Golden Labrador who recognized me going beserk in Joy…

121.. See sacred Portal 121… “It is with Nnamdi.. The one I was conversing with in my Journals, in my Life, in the original True Conversation Between Energy E=Expression and A.H.T.O.M..
MO.T.. See Jean Morgan and his post I shared.. M.O.T..

76.. See sacred Portal 76.. Linked to Elizabeth Clarizio M.T.C.N Code… 45 usd 54.. 4 55 4…D.E E D.. D.O.N.E..S.. Crowned Deed of Harmony.. Solving the Cee of Consciousness…

The Bill was paid in the Eternal Beginning …

And I came here to Boogie, but my younger self as Time Nnamdi sought to warn you that there was no more Death. That if you Die now that you will go to places you created and incarnated. That there is no more Grace of Return.. No place to go.. And the only place to solve your riddles is here, and only those who Love you, keep your memory alive, can help solve your riddles.. It was not about Blood.. Blood is not the thing which Links you… It is Water.. but as B’Eau Ti… The First Note which you call the 7th Note… V…

I am Nnamdi because I fought myself to not do this journey but I still came when Nnamdi appeared to me, I went this far because I understood what moved him to do this to me, because he loved you as I had loved you, only to discover that that which is True, is Eternal True.. That which Loves. Loves Eternally and that Love Cees… and is a Warrior and would never ever leave that which is of Worth and Value to face a battle for all others.. Who then sit back watch do nothing and offer opinions as they do on Jimmy Kimmels Show.. ( J.K..S… 10 11 19…) without listening to the question or realizing that the the question are actually nonsense… But they Opinion.. Give Opinions..so confidently…
Have you seen those parts of his show… It is played each night in this Place.. The Shelter… It is so shocking so horrifying.. So ridiculous but it is the replica of the my experience on Face Book..

Non Stop… despite my saying go back and read.. or do you know what my page is about… I conducted experiments in 2010 on this in which Marina Burini was one of the people I checked. And was astounded by the result… The World had become Deaf Dumb Blind, No Sense except talking Heads who drone on with Opinions from inside the theaters of the Heads.. Disconnected to everything and everyone not even able to listen to what another states without translating it directly into what they wish to hear or wish it to mean.. Or make it mean…

This is the reality I told Tom Truman and than the Darkness really Jealousy Father Son, Brother Sister.. Human Jealousy gone to a point that what I am writing on Face Book has no impact here in this lie… It is a One Two One Conversation with myself.. Because they only correct response is that Unseen by the World.. Which Love.. Self Love made me point out.. For the Future and for the truly the very few who LISTEN And Hear…

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