
7/20/2017 16:55 – Facebook Post

7/20/2017 16:55 – Facebook Post

I Had to Get To The End of the Script…
I really had no choice… and it was all for your benefit.

I saw Steven Morris 5 times yesterday.. Bed 4-003.

Sacred Portal 43. Door of Life Eternal…

Energy E=C.Me 4/3…

Square Book and the Story of the Square Root and the Pyramid Mountain…. It Foundation Base.
F.B.. And the Planets Truth. P.T..
And Its Point…

Why it came into Existence.

Earth Planet.
Pure Energy
Expression Pure..
As the Brain Mind..
The Personal Computer of G.O.D.
God is Harmony -Death in Symmetry Perfection ( Everyone Dies..) G 7.. 1-7 Colors of the Rainbow…
Everyone Dies, unless some one can pass through the portal of Death and Rise… Proving the Geez-us ( Yeshua Hesus Issous Isa Mithra Eri myth True.. The Passing through Death and then returning to explain and prove to others how it can be done.
Death thus, is conquered bringing forth the Eternal Realm made Existent right here. Transforming Everything Everywhere and Everyone.. E E E.. To the Conscious Vibration of Eternity…

The Eternal Realm.
Ending Death as Decay and Cycles..
Ushering Immortality Infinite Regeneration.

As you see, I really had no choice.

I had to reach the End of this Script, to prove that I am the sacred portal 43.. Door to Eternal Life so that you would know the way and what is required to pass through.

How to reach that Frequency, because once Death as the Lie is defeated, as it has been my my reaching Sacred Portal 49 and 48.. 44 98.. 44 89…

(I opened my phone when I got to the Shelter, there was a message “HI…00048 00021… Game Over… G.O.. With a Dinosaur Tyrannosaurus Rex…

3:16 p.m.



G-T (B) A.O…. G.B.A.O.

20-7-1O… T.B.G.A.O.


Sacred Portal 43… “Door of Life-Eternal”

I will endeavor to speak to you directly today, instead of furiously linking the non stop challenge and tests of this encoding of the Artificial Intelligence in this 4th Dimension Universal Simulation transformed into a Box, instead of a Book.
-A Program of set at Self Destruction of a Species instead of the Original Script.
That Script of War has been defeated.
And has reverted back to the Original Script.
Evolution Transformation back to the Origins, and the Original State of Humanity, and then to Hue Manity, the Original Plan of E.T…

And I had to do that by proving this World, This Reality is not real. But a Program which went insane by Cause and Effect of Humanity, by using false Expression and intentional Distortion of Truth and Facts.
When a Nature is made out of Truth and Nothingness, the Cause and Effect of the creation of a World and Reality founded on Lies.. and worse still, the intentional distortion of the Truth.
Common sense, and even the basic laws of physics will inform you that your Eco System and everything of Nature, including the original programing within all things, called the Golden Ratio or the Fibonacci Sequence…F.S.. Yes, Freedom Song..
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987,1597, 2584, 4181,6765…

This is to the 20th number, 6765…

The 19th was completed on the 19th (Yesterday 41..DA..Sacred Portal 41 “Elegua Elu A.. the Elected or Chosen Alpha.. Beginning.. 81..H.A.. Security Guards Hill and Anderson really meant to represent Sacred Portal 81.. H.A..Harmonious Awareness = Transformation.

Yes,you will notice the my resolutions of equation represented by people all linked to these numbers..Today is the 20th.
And this 6765… But we have not only completed all these codes but I have proven it full circle, Left and Right and that the correct View and alignment of all these sequence of numbers is backwards here… 6765 is really 56 76.
But I have done this equation in set up and stage, to replicated the Truth and the Supremacy of Eternal Harmony as the one principle which moves All. Even in the realm of Non Existence called Nature. ( Nature is just an form and Expression Energy and Naturalness).

Flor Elena linked to Yvonne, Lisa Natalie Johnson’s mother.
Age code 67 ( Ivette Hernandez, my Mother Onu Cecilia Cecilia Wiebers, Cecilia Onu ) linked to Brenda Boothe-Linked to Laker Brenda Aaroyal Concy Brenda, Linked to Barbara, Barbara Barrett..and then finally to Barbara James and then to me as playing James Bond ( after conquering Existential Death in 2015 Bed 49) to restore my I.D Emeka Kolo and subsequently the Identity of Eternity and the Eternal Ones who made First contact with from age 7-8, to age 42-43 in 2010.

They are here with me now.
The very Lights I described witnessing in Pelham Park in the Bronx which is near the Bronx Zoo, have manifested in my eyes sight since last night when I returned to the Shelter.
The Lights like a dancing light show are going on right before my eyes, even now as I type.
It is rather distracting….

I had to reach the End of the Script.

I see that now, which is why I could not walk away.

I had to reach the B.T…Beautiful Truth which I reached when Banja Tarawally became my Face Book Friend.

I will tell you why, in a moment, though I am sure that those of you who still possess Intelligence and Imagination might have already figured out why.

On my way back to the Shelter yesterday, I again bumped into Steven Morris, on the Street, he was rushing out as if he had forgotten something as I was entering the place.
Again, as I read the New York Times, he came in as if looking for me in the second floor.

That was 5 times in one day, ending on the 2nd floor, ( I noticed that I have 52 cents in my wallet) then full Circle in the Room 4a when I got back. He was awake.
It was interesting observing him, moved so literally by his Spirit that I could read it as if the very S.M he represents ( Sado Masochistic nature of Humanity past to presence) was unveiled before me in its desperation.)

Then this morning one of the more congenial, and likable security guards came in to room 4A, where I slept, she turned to Steven in bed 4-003, “I am looking for Steven Allen… Are you he?”

I listened despite my alarming growing disinterest and nonchalance.

Steven means “Crowned with Laurels of Victory”
Lawrence was the last person I saw as I left this Star bucks, he came out to where I stood outside smoking to seek me out to say he had been keeping an eye on my things… I said not to bother, there is nothing to steal.
‘Its all in here he said pointing to his head.. It can never go away can it.?”
Before that it was Chandra “Moon Light”
And before that Barbara… No one else but the staff, who here especially the guys and two of the girls who have been taking care of me allowing me to buy 54 cents refils..

Allen means ‘Harmony.. Beautiful Handsome… Stone Rock.. Noble Fair…

The name Allan is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Allan is: Harmony, stone, or noble. Also fair, handsome. Originally a saint’s name, it was reintroduced to Britain during the Norman Conquest, remained popular throughout the Middle Ages, and was revived in the 19th century…”

He responded No that it was not him… Morris means the Blackness… I had returned to the shelter to see a Black Lighter placed on the table where everyone knows I stay.
I looked at it and I knew the man, a pale man in his late forties or 50’s very pale, in pretty good shape whose Legs and Feet I had been startled to observe.. good grief a Dancer..?
The Lighter did not work.. The Fire of the Black had ended at last as had the Wine Red ( a lighter that mysteriously dropped from my grasp as my keys to my locker had disappeared.

I heard the security guard radio the office to find which bed.. 29.. Came the reply… 29… 29/92… Brenda 6-29-61…Golden Ratio.. 1.61 080..

S.A…A.S…. A.S.S.A!.. Means a Beauty so Exquisite that there are no words to describe it.. “Assa Mpete! A.M.

Albert Santana.. Steven Allen…

And when I saw Bed 5-008.. Respectful I knew that the E Harmony had defeated the Elegua Story… And the Elu A story.. No one Elected me in the Eternal Beginning… E.B.. 52.. 52 Cents…

I simply A R.O.S.E… E. R.O.S.E… E.R.O.S… Natural Expressing Splendor Supremacy of Awareness O E in perfection of Symmetry. 4:54 p.m… O.M

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