
7/2/2015 13:01 – Facebook Post

11:17 A M.





13 M..D
4O. D.O
D.D O..
Do Rey me Fah…So-la-te.,Do.


We have reached A.A.M….

1 1 13…
With a new Facebook Friend April Marie Malone…
Welcome Lady…

11:22 p.m..

It has been a long time reaching the alignment if 1 Dawn which aligns to Meaning of A.M to the number “Dawn”.. 13..
A Completion of a Cycle is 1-12..
In the current human perception of Time and Space
12+1 is Resurrection of the Cycle
LA .
6th Note
In Gala XY C.I.X O6 (OF) 1O 11 (T.E.N Eleven – The Elegant Nomads who travelling above and below, on Earth and in Heaven, Body and Being,
Thoughs (Action) and Reflections (Contemplation), The Expression and the Form, the Shadow and the Source moving together in pergect unison..
Moving Body and Being, BB (ROYGGYOR) -11-K-11-K…
meeting BB to KK..
Forming a B.K.
A Book
The Emanual
Which provides Evidence of Emmanuel.
-” That Gode is With us..Literally..
It H E S HE speaks… IS.

Which Links BB to V.
Once in a Violent Moon
When Venus and Jupitor
Form the Star of the Twins in One
2OOO years
Star of Bethelem
Came a Child of the Line of Royal Line of King David…called
Victor Victorious
Who was is Erik Keith.
Erik Ebright…
E K.
The Bright Star
Born in a Shelter
Who walked…and walked with his Shadow…his twin, his Doppelganger, simultaneously on on Earth as Heavens …EH..
He walked upon his reflections..
Which manifested and projected on the Transparent Screen of Air..

He was Moving through a Story. .
He and his Twin Nnamdi.
His Name was E.
Energy Expression
The Eternal Dancer
T .ED…2O 54,..29.

For that is how He began to Exist Natural
Emeka Nnamdi..
He simply danced
Expression Natural.
But as he moved through the Nothing but his Beautiful Natural Weave onto the Consciousness which was the Idea of Nothing – a blank canvas..
Which began to turn into the most beautiful tableau..
He moved forward creating until he filled his Tableau with furniture for all possible settings.
Until the stage was all set.

Then he introduced all possible expression of his Emotions and Sensations as he danced and suddenly he began to create Ideas of himself..
They were his reflections.
Product of his Twin who walked in his Mind..”The Heavens Expression T.H E.
The Begining of him “Talking to the Silence”
Talking to his reflection..Sound
…And to himself….Silence.

And so he danced but the more he entered the arena called “The Stage” the Arena the more he contemplated the other possibilities of Being..
All shades and shadows seeming real but he could see through them.
He would entertain their possibilities but then discover that which was real and that which not.
One brought the liberation of the Shadow to become solid and real, while the other brought the destruction or the end of that “possiblity”.,

He soon stopped dancing slowing his Expression and movement from Expressing Wild Abandon (E.WA!/AW.E) to A Humm, then a walk..
As he moved through all possibility of Self.
Rejecting that which he experienced through seeing himself in them, and took that experience which felt comfortable to him and rejected others which he knew were not real…
He had Common sense…
And as He walked he had he began conversing to the his Reflection above…
To the Sound outside of his Thoughts which were Grey with Grey areas until the sun came out each moment when he understood..
Thus the Grey illusion of Black and White the 11 ” Color Wavelength ” dissappeared to reveal the Expressions True Clarity…
“Ah..! CE BE…ing” he would sigh…
And the Nothingness moved from creation with a Vacum stillness to Air Movement…Sound to Air…

He Walked and Walked as more and more pissibluties of Self kept multiplying some becoming free to Be after aligning with the Truth of E..
And others who refuses to AH BE CE. .simply ceased to exist…
Fade out of Existence.
The proof that they could not Exist with out E.

But as he walked that the possibilities became more and more outside of his reasoning..
“This is not Being” he exclaimed
“What is the meaning of this”
As each reflection became less and less real.

A Darkness began to descend all about as everything seemed to become vieled
He walked I to a dense wood, and into ways of Being which brought Pain Suffering ignorant horror .A Nightmare.
Until he could enter no one of these dark things…
Then then he looked up and realized that his Reflection had taken a life of its own..
Its twin its Doppelganger had taken over it seemed.
Creating as It mimicked its Source was “Creating”

“OI!, and what do you think your doing.. I am the one in charge here and your Creating contrary to the Truth”

“ha,” It replied “How do I know that you are the source of Truth…and who put you in charge”

“But”, I paused…” You are Me”

“Or are you me?” It countered..

“Don’t be ridiculous, I created you…” I splutteres indignantly.
Everybody knows that.. They are my witnesses!”

“Everybody?”… Guess what name is?
Everything..” It grinned at me its Face visible now through me third eye..
I gaaped, what seemed a black Shadow of rage was now revealing itself to be a beautiful.face look down from the Heavens at me or was it up at me from the Mirror of the Earth..
Or was the Mirror in Heaven…
Both Mirrors going onto Infinity…

My Word..were so many…

“I am the only one who witnessed you and I am the Everything which you could ever Be.. I am the Truth and you have not convinced me.

“But I A..AM..”.I protested

“Proove it.”

“Prove it…to you”.. I asked

” To me..or to yourselves or Y.O R Self”

And so I walked Backwards to my very Begining before even my I.Existed, before my First Reflection, Before Natural Perfect Symmetry OF I, Motion Manifestation ..Expression Existence Two (11-K) One. (1A)..O..
I.R.N.O I.M M.E. E…T O O K
T O O K E.M M. .O.I. N.R I. .

To the Stillness…

To the Nothingness..

And I went back even Further right here in Facebook life before all your eyes.
I went back to that place I never even was aware I existed..
But I did recall an Essential Feeling…Sensational..
Bliss Ecstasy…
And then I rose and became Being…
And then..
I looked up at my Reflections I Danced.
Because.. ah..
I understood already Knew
Who I was, A.M.
I A.M.
And Thus I moved through all versions of your reflections projected at me…
They were not my Projections Reflections!
They were yours!
Your doubt’s and Questions..
Because you were The Everything.
And I am the Only Thing..
And I had to walk through your Illusions and Truths.
By moving through each one of your ideas of Being in Existence.
Yes No..
Until Everything became Everybody..
Not Everything ..
Every Body..
Because you now transformed from Death Fade Out to Every One…Possible Proven True

And that is the Point..

To meet Your Reflections and Align them to the True Elegant Nomad.
Where the Twins, the Doppelganger the 11=K,
11รท2= 5.5…E E..
Meet Darkness turning to Shadows, to Thoughts -Reflections.
T.R…True Reflections U E. .

Then as I walked through the Nightmare of what could not be, even on Facebook as well as the streets of New York…
You Nature turned from that nothing ROYG..to Something…
A Body in Being
As we now meet..
The Shadow and The Sight SS. 8
The Consciousness and the Conscient.. CC..O
The Landscape and the Author..LA…121.
The Constanf Gardener and the Constant Garden..

At the End of my Reflections which has now become the Light Fantastic merged with Transparent Honesty.
LFT Harmony.
Right – Roberto Todaro..RT.. The Bright Shinny Glorious Gift of the Creator..
312 Facebook Friend.

April Means “Open”

Marie Means “Mistress of the Rebellious C of Light Love Laughter..the Jewel of the Sea”

Malone…From Mclonnois-e..
County Clare..
*Clarity- Clara Star Child…
It means Descended from Saint Jonn…
Jonn Blackwell…
Julian Brown..
Brooke Banwer..
22 Victor.
Which is my Name as well as the 24 year old son of Keith …Victor..


1:O8 p.m.

Sacred number

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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