
7/19/2018 1:58 – Facebook Post

7/19/2018 1:58 – Facebook Post

I have deleted Sirius Ugo from my page.

The Script is over and so, I do not have to tolerate that which I have had to tolerate for the last 6.7 Years…

I knew I had permission from the source of this Play Script to delete him because something took place when I got back…

First all of my older face book friends will recall the play symbolized by Ikenna Iheanacho.
I and I…
His name means ‘They wish to see the Strength of the Father”
and from the moment he became my Face book friend 4 or 5 years ago, I had been fighting to be allowed to Show my Strength, Power…
“The strength of Father”- instead of playing this Pathetic Christ like Character I had been given as a role to play…
Not the real Christ Yeshua whom I love, but the pathetic one the Human Demons had created as the way the Messenger of Father is – who Dies and carries the sins of the Demonic diseaaed Hypocrites who he actually loathed.

They had managed to twist his truth and words to such a degree that the very children that he swore to proect and stated was the way home to the Eternal Realm were being raped abused used and eaten…
I spoke enough about that…

He sent me a message of 7:54 p.m.
He asked How could he watch American Gods on line…
I understood the code ( A.G… Link Adam Dollins Greg Dollins)
But still… I called him out.

And then I had quite a conversation with Ashley Ayejae about her take as to why I had to go this far down into the human consciousnes and Filth…
Her take was that I had to go down out of compassion – my take waa that I had to prove to Father rep the A-Lien Council that the Eteranal E or God Particle was always present and that it was Humans People who chose to ignore to suit thier own Egostic purposes.
I spoke about how I was forced to prove for 6 years that the E was present in everyone and how people chose to ignore it, in a Script of… Highlighting how, by playing that character brought out the truth of the absolute cruelty and indifference of People to Messerngers and the Hypocrisy of such people who enslave and use abuse and as a UnHoly Communion of Devil Worshippers, Eat my Flesh and Drink my Blood, crucify my Spirit of Truth by twisting it and Plagiarizing it.
Or of anyone foolish to play such a role.

As has been perfectly played out right up to Sirius Ugo.

* At the precise moment I just wrote that Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula commented on my page.

She agreed that that made more sense, not the Messiah Story which she agreed they would always use as an excuse not to reach or do the work which they knew.
That in the end it was about proving Evolution and that that was the natural law of Nature.
The Natural Evolve and the Unnatural are cut out.

Then I arrived to Drama…

First of all Jimmy Kimmel is on…

Magic Johnson is on…

M A G I C…/ C.I… G ..A.M… E…

I watching it for the first time in a while because Igbo Athony Ottah had flipped out, and the moment I entered I witnesed Alexis mount th steps and Teo state that he had laid his hands on staff.

Randall Michael was the first person who came came down the moment after I saw Teo.
And he told me that it was Anthony who had flipped out.

I watched as he was led away by Five of Six policemen who were sumoned.
I listened to Randall’s account, and his humor and then his concern.
I was indifferent because it was a play, the manifestation of the Truth of what he had played out and using his Show of Physical Strength which Randall Michael and others had respected and even taken advantage of to get what they wanted especially BLack Edward.

Then I saw Artie.. we greeted and I said I would meet him down stairs …

It is all documented and I responded to his Challenge.

12:57 p.m.

Anthony Ottah.. A O…
Og Amazu… O A…
Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula intel of a Tall Alien and a Child and “You two battle it out for yourselves” was old intel.
the same way I had told me Uncle and his Church of Seers which I kept on giving evidence that They.. Africa.. and the Igbo Seers were seeing that which I had already manifested.
The same way I had written that story of the end of the world and the Transfromation Correction back to Order…

Dan Brown “The Lost Symbol” from Chaos manifest Order…

And then how I had Astal Projected to see the Council of the Ancients who had seen my Story but as the End of the World adn had panicked..

Then the subsequent face which appeared on my Wall which I later came to recognize as Yeshua…

Og AMAZU… AZU mean “Back” The Passed… O A.
Anthnony Ottah… A O…
Do you notice something… A O/O A… 1 15/ 15 1… 16/ 16…77…
( Starbucks 77 45 O…April 5th… 1969. 69… 15.. Letter O…
Nnamdi pased away 1982… AGE13… The past… 46 Years ago.. 46/64… 10 10…2)

I watched them lead him out, Randall Michael stood guard but moved away.
I know the hypocrisy and deviousness of what all of them had played out.
The respect for strength which Randall Michael spoke about with respect even then..
But what is strength and power…?

The size?
Like America Russia… Europe… The west Super Powers…
What a Surprise that A Small cormer of the World called Igbo and Yoruba land had the power .. the power to move through all humanity – move inside and outside of Time and space..
And to be the true Power behind the most power full Secret Societies in the World.

In 1887 and 1988 as I reserached for me Thesis on OINri Towns and the full Circle, yesterday Today and Tomorrow, I came acorss a document from the Pope Office The Vatican which urged the missionaries to destroy the power of Nri at all costs.
Nri was like King Arthurs Camelot..in fact my research revealed it as the Original and that it was the True Representation of the Garden of Eden.

I also spoke of the Igbo people who are not the same as the OINri People, and who did not share the OI Nri peoples legend of First Contact and coming from Moon.

And a great War going on in the Spiirt realm for power…

What power?
A story of which they had mis translated…
Re Created into their own image…

I had stood with Kirtan who was right besides me as I had dinner…
Randall was not aligned with me, I see and saw him connected to Anthony Igbo Anthony… Not my Anthony the Little one whose looks like a child in size ( not a dwarf) a elf..
Anthony Manino… A M..
I handed Kirtan his dinner and took one for myself..

You are connected to Igbo Anthony and to Black Edward I said silentlt to Randall.. you chose that power and strength…
Each to his own..

Anthony Maninio was present…
I went down stairs and Kirtan Locket and Yuin Chen were present…
E K Y….

I later came up stairs and took the place at the head of the table where Igbo Anthony had established as his throne in that Game of Thrones which he had publcily quietly challenged me and I had publicly responded…

Randal sat besides Black Edward…

White Edward sat to his right on another table, we were near each other. He was reading another book from Artie The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo…
And then I listened to him speak of what happened how he said he saw Igbo Anthoy just loose it and that it was insane..
That he just Flipped..
But Randall had said that it was something to do with a beef he and the security guard had and that he started speaking about a murder..
He was pissed off because he said the securiy guard had searched his locker…
And has started speaking about how the security guard had mrdeed his Father and other stuff..
Randall Michael had said it had to so with an old history bt he was not there…

Elf like Edwward had been then when he had flipped out… and saw what had happened. Randal had not.
I listened and watched and understood even as Randall rudely hushed Whiet Edward while he sat with the ultimate hypocrite I qietly despise as Black Edward… they are friend now..
And so I and Whiet Elfin began speaking and I made sure that all heard me…
I spoke about the Two waves movin through creation and the hypocrisy right here in the Shelter- the respect for the Big Size while refusing to see the suffering of the man or that th eman was not here in the present…
I spoke about the Hypcrisy and the two faced nature of people.. the prentedning to be your friend.
Elfin Edward spoke of Donald Trump as and hsi desire to make peace with Russia because he was fully aware of the Hyoicrisy of America who had meddled with every country in the world.
And that Russia had simply beat them and thier own game and that Trump was aware of this and had no problem facing that fact.
Or that he does not trust the Country he represents with Good Reason..

We spoke…

I spoke loudly so that there was no mistake I spoke about the Mocking birds as Randall and Black Edward used laughter… I spoke of the Mocking Birds.. And the two waves the one which those who used lies and deciet and tols of that which had created the abomination of the DARK NET.. and the net…
The so called Good people..
while he spoke about how people are mocking God to his face…
That is has gone too far..
I smiled..
saying that there was a Wave of which was and is truth and that those who are on that wave are theose who wlll rise to a wonderful story..
I spoke about how Delta Manor was the Micro of the World as the Abomination we are seeing everywhere…
He spoke of how Jesus hated the hypocrisy and the voice rose in me and roared…

He spoke about how he first arrived here October 2016..I arrived September…and that he stayed for 6 months and then left for 9 months ad lived on the streets… 6 9..

And then I spoke about finding finding Angels & Demons the first few days I came here and then we linked to his giving me The Lost Symbol…
I spoke of Cassandra my Case Worker and he spoke of Ashley.. these two clean ladies … Really clean who had both left this hell hole of indiference…

I smiled.. I had just left Starbucks speaking to Ashley Ayejae..
The play was complted he is on the wave of the True.. Truth…
He is the one ..
He offered me the book to read.. I said no… I wil link it through Artie T..


It is done

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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