
7/19/2014 3:20 – Facebook Post

“If you want to you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration”

Nikolas Tesslar.


“If anyone can understand this equation they would have found the keys to the universe”.

Nikolai Tesslar.

N.T…14 2O.


Energy E
Frequency F
Vibration V.







What Nikolas Tesslar did not state was what Consciousness one must use to Observe reality from.

And the only way to find the Consciousness of True Nature is first by discovering and being able to distinguish btw what is actuality and what is a movie experience, though both are experiences are real.

First step to find your True Nature and True Consciousness is to distinguish the two sides of the mirror which are really one.

There is the Movie.
Either you are in it or out of it.
But the Actuality is that you are the Observer watching a Movie.
Which you can see yourself acting in.

What is real

To be an observer you must step out of the picture to see.
And you must step into the moving picture to experience.

This is the dance of the Observer and the Particpant.
The Director and the Actor.

The O and the I.
In and out of Breath

They dance together and no descion or conclusion can be made without experiencing both.
But the desicion in the end resides with the Observer Director U.
Observing and even knowing when to step into the movie to taking your.cue from the Observer Watching

This is what I mean by going undercover into the Movie.
It is a movie, an illusion.

And only by stepping out of the movie and the role you are playing as the first Participant, then Actor Experiencing, Aware and back to the Womb as the Observer, then Director of U.

But both of you are Experiencing
EE is the common denominator.

And there is no duality you are either

P.A.E. (Movie)

O.D.U. (Womb)



YOU can you begin to compare being the state of Experiencing and the state of Observing where in the fisrt it is difficult to see yourself unless you return to.the O.DU (Womb which you never left) where can you see clearly in hindsight.

Soon through the play of in and out you can see where you areb Constant in E or O…
And begin to see the difference between your Natural State and your Expanded state when you are playing a role..
Fulfilling this purpose of

In the Out
Out and In
In and Out.


Observer Experience O.E
Experience Observer E.O.

Until a balance of Constancy is made btw Awareness (O) and Being (E)

Experiencing EE is the Constant. Expressing are the Expansion which occurs only the Particpating Acting Expressing P.A..E

We know in our F.B.Equation that we
Began byJ O.E then switch to Experience then Observe E.O .J.

We went in through Joseph Carey Carey J.C
And left through Eunice Oviawe-Jones..E.O.J.

And J became A..Awareness which had to be balanced to A A.
Axel Anderson

Then AAAA…the four Aces of Edward Eceinco..which I call A River Runs through it…Stream of Consciousness.

But the equation does not end in Obesrvation Directing Urself- Returning to the womb or senses or even sensies…87.

Because E.E Experience has Expanded your now established Natural True Nature…that Constancy called Consciousness thro Expression.

– A River Runs through it.
-it has led you to an expanded shore line…a E.T. Landed Consciousness.

Nor does it equate in your Participating Acting..P.A
Praise and Appreciating in the Movie called ur Life.

No you have to leave both the O.D.U the Womb of Silence S and the Stage (the movie illusion) of Expression.
Because they no.longer exist.
You are in a new Land and expanded Consciousness led by your Constant Expression…C.E…its a realm of Harmony. H.Infinity.


Home (which you recognize to your de-light) to your Being Heart.

Billy Hung testified to me of experiencing this- describing it is a place he knew before and his family of horses…land of Spirits wind further on is my Home.
*F B E 2013

This is called the Space inbetween the dance of in and out, 1O O1
Director Actor..O.P.i

I call it Eternity and wenenter into the space of Bliss and Extasy…
B.E vwhen we are Full Filled Hole of something missing O having filled it with Energy, Experiencing Expression EEEB (not Time) and in that state where there is no Consciousness of Being…
Simply the state of Being
Only.there can you contemplate the Sum total of you Expression and Observations of Experiencing Expression of your True Nature
: your reflections as D.A..O.P..In Out..

And there With only Self Awareness S.A S.A the One Supreme; the light bulb (Constant Epiphany) which highlights Everything Full Circle… Creating Harmony Music Hummm


Where suddenly there is no decision to me made…Nor even conclusion solution…

For suddenly you see the Full Picture which really reveals that there is nothing to really Do…
But En Joy.


Of Returning home to your Self but no.longer the Child of True Nature nor an actor on a Role.

But your new true self
All a grown up
E.T Expanded Consciousness of the Natural truth of you.

Eternal Youth-e.


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