
7/18/2020 23:41 – Facebook Post

I came to Proof my Guide Fathers Truth….

9:01 p.m.

@ 20:01 Hours I received this message in response from Liberty C Liscomb to my 7:50 p.m message to her, that it truly is Arden Script of E but it was neither of our voices of truth which was taken into consideration but one which was not ours, which conceded this Truth.

Liberty C Liscomb:
“Ok. So Arden’s script Had to be coded by you, and proven perfection in order to begin EA?”

She is in the 20th State.

9:01 p.m this post.
8:01 p.m. Response.. 20:01 on my Phone.

8:01 p.m 20:01 p.m
9:01 p.m

That is how exacting this Universal Script was.
as well as the Evil Script of The 4th Kind… Demons Monsters.

It goes to show you just how aligned, in not only activation but also intelligence Liberty C Liscomb is, meaning that she can read and interpret the Script and language of the E perfectly.
So, if this Scripts promised Evolution Awakening manifests in any moment- there is one who is qualified to make contact.

What do you truly think people did.. or would have done to a tall Brown skinned man, standing up in front of all reality, on the streets and homes of jaded New Yorkers for and Americans, for over 19 years, and then on Facebook for 8.7 years.
Look at what was done to all the great souls of this reality who came with Truths embodied…

I woke up today, with calm and almost a sense of Peace of mind which I have not experienced in…
perhaps 31 years.. or even a life time, and yet even as I sought to access it, again the familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach resurfaced, and i finally exploded to it, quietly “What the devil is wrong with you.. there is nothing wrong with me, and this feelings is not mine.. its yours!”
I know who was speaking to, and I knew why I felt this unease in the pit of my stomach, it comes each time I have a presentiment that i am about to be used.
And this time I was sure whom i always knew it was- N-A..
Natural Awareness E line.

Its the uneasiness of they knowing that they have asked too much of me, but wish me to add even more knowledge…
It was never my anxiety or worry… It was that which is in me.. the Energetic Truth.

And what do you know, I am correct..

I went immediately into Reason to stabilize the feeling- reasoning out the disquieting feeling which I assure you all Human beings have when they sense something watching them or about to invade and disrupt their natural equilibrium.
Even as I had lay in the bed, earlier.. for I hardly really sleep because of the energies moving in my body.
I could hear Arden upstairs and down stairs and in the basement, but what I normally hear, is his E-Spirit Awake telling me to get up.

Finally, I heard his heavy footfall again, and I got up but only after using Reason and Thought to align the feeling so I could at least be functional.
And used Reason Thought, and Logic to stabilize my Constitution.
I said to myself, R.T.. L.. That is Arden’s tool and speciality.. Thought.
Right Thoughts.. Love Consciousness Cees.

.. but how does it Convey, Communicate that it sees… is it not with Language Expression… but what is the Example it could use which does not create a entanglement, webs, traps.. but conveys in perfect alignment the Macro to Micro- Macro to Micro play of ying yang or better still the loop of Harmony, infinity standing up.

That is when I heard his footfall so near my door it seemed, so I finally got up from the bed.
It was 2:03 when I looked at the Kitchen Clock…
Hmmmm who was born 2003.. 23… W.. V.
A moment later came Arden… followed by Morgan.

I realized that I should let Arden know the meaning of the play last night.. its conclusion so, I asked him if we could talk later..
He agreed.
He just came by when I completed the post of him.
And then drove in with Morgan when I sent his mother the text.
Rianna came about 30 mins later…

I asked her to tell them if they are hungry that there is food, and decided that there was no real need to converse with him..
I am was tired of going to him, and the truth is.. the play is finished,
I have proven his truth, in this monumental cruel and vile script.
There was nothing to explain, and I felt that his Espirit was saying that to me, by the Harmony and Perfect Timing.

My Eternally Beloved is not present, or at least not yet ready to come out from undercover. And I have to respect that it is still his Script and play of how I correct My Eternal Truth, which his line here present for 4.5 billion years, chose to convey.
But I am angry… quiet and angry.

Can you blame me.

Can you imagine what it feels like to be me, forced to speak and address The Silence, nearly my entire life.
To know I spoke the truth from birth, and till age 7-8 and to find that that reminder at age 7-8 ..9 was implanted in me as well as a mission which I did not believe in.
To walk through this earth world, slowly discovering that you are being Guided and directed.
That your true existence and life is being taken away.
To move through something where there are no words to explain…
No Awareness off… no conception of.
And then to be “occuppied” and feel it and have to figure it out, as well as why your life has gone insane.
To not see family, friends have a life but to spend 31 years writing decoding, Talking To The Silence…
Walking, Talking the Truth- set up for you to speak, then knowing who it is, seeing them rise in peoples eyes and beings, and then dissapear.
To move through the Human mind, to have to figure out each moment of your life, and how it is even possible, then deal with the invisible.
and then the demonic, and be trained by the Unseen.
To walk through stories of Human Cruelty, solve each one, unseen while fighting for ways to explain to people staring at you and what hey think is a wasted life and talent.

Do you know what it feels like to never be able to do as you please, buy food, have your own space, be as your are and wish to explore how you wish to be, to have it derailed and explain to people why you are living in peoples homes, and have to activate the truth of the Eternal and prove it backwards through people in systems of Belief Need and Disbelief.
All these altered state of consciousness..

Call people out, read a script that you recall only to find it perverted.
But most of all, that feeling of being ‘Occupied” that every movement and moment for 17 years is controlled, that your body is twisted, and connected to a play of which no one would believe.
To have ones body and being taken away, to be seen and called nameless.
To not have basic understanding, that something allowed this to be done to you.

And that everything you figured out, could be denied and lied, twisted and that you had to stay in each home, designated for the allotted time which you never are sure of, because your not told and never given a moments peace or respite, in Mind body and Spirit… No where to be calm…
Income, food Idenitification in all realm including here taken away…

But the worst the Body, the distractions, the Illusion, the people the Lie people are now used to.
The worst, the posting every day, taking your cues from an unseen play, exposing your most private life, being raped by male and females in dreams – feeding on your sexual energy..
But worst is the body, taken away, your being taken away..
And knowing that your are by now the First Being, The Creator ( T C) The Memory of Origins and are being made to play characters which these other scripts required I move through and who would rise in my body as I fought with Reason Thought Logic night and day.. To see through the greatest insults, to see the absolute indifference to your beautiful Truth.
To see what is allowed to be done to you, none protesting while your body is crucified before people who scream at you only their Needs.

But worse of all, beyond the disrespect, the awful evil script is not ever being allowed to have peace of mind, peace of body, and find that it was all intended and scripted this way.
And the truth.. its conclusion never manifesting, always more and more codes to complete.
But the worst.. not having the Free Will to walk away.
To have something control your body, your being and which moves in your thoughts.

I am here at it is 10:00 p.m.

Why am I here, writing coding, having lived in the most terrible human theaters, minds and through everything still be here..
Accorded not even the most basic respect because of a Script which denied it- took control of everything .. The Truman Show.
And the only way i could get out of Dante’s Inferno was to prove the most seemingly impossible truth of Evolution Awakening manually to a world asleep, through a Script which negates my existence and people also set up to do the same.

And a Youth… To a Youth made to appear, as if he were.. me and not me…

And here I am so ready to leave, so ready to have left, posting coding moved prompted, to tell complete the Script- by seeing through the illusions of the worst expression, worst thoughts, worst ways to treat a person.. speak of a person, do a person so wrong 24/7 proving their truths, their beautiful truths so that they may all rise.

And here is Liberty C Liscomb seeing exactly what took place, that I had to prove this Script to perfection not of my Standards and not of the truth of the Real Present but to complete a Story and History lesson of the past, and nit until then will beings awaken and rise.

And Be Happy.. as so many I met, wanted to be and asked me How i was so happy and did I live in an enchanted world.

I lived in the real world.
I tell The Truth… I made add colors, drama and flair… even expand and contract but it always comes back to its point, which every one sees.

Paislee Harrison P.H… 16 8= 24.
E M F…
E A M F…. 25. A F K G… 25….

How can I not be a nervous wreck when this intrusion has wrecked havoc on my nervous system, but I still stayed Centered. maintained my composure, Left Right and Center.
L R …. 12 18= 30.. 3O.. C.F.
Christopher Filgueira
C- 3 as Speed of Light ( S O L.. Sacred Portal 37 )
6th sense manifested into Fact.

Meaning that the efforts to take away my Attention and Focus..

A family of 5 kids a Mother whose intelligence can read the codes.
Body in convulsions, taking care and fullfilling the obligations and rules of each home…

Born 8 p.m… then I meet my Twin Self…. Two of us proven to be in the same Harmony.
88 16 and my 64th move in 19 years… 18 + when I came here.. R Robert Rahina R R = 18 18… 1 36… 37.

For Ten years, I observed my Art and Science, as a man, without any super powers, solve and see that people around him, ( me) move in response to my coding, not controlled but moving in that Harmony aligned to the E and the 8th chakra Rose.. E Rose..
Red and White Light.
And for 9 10 years, i had to figure our why the people were not awakening, and realizing that it was because their consciousness was held bound in a Spell Hypnosis.. Thanotos Hympnos?
No a spell of their own beliefs.
And so T H 20 8… I found myself, continuing the work on proving Human Consciousness H C…
is Awareness of the Consciousness Harmony… A C H…
Lola Adekunle .. Lola comes from the meaning ‘Sorrows.. Queen of Sorrows” it also means “Ache”
Ache and Pains…
I have no sorrow ( only that which was done to my beautiful brothers beloveds True Script… Exquistely Beautiful… E B)
But I have suffered from 24/7 for 7 years Aches and Pains… not mine but an illusion of Old Age and the idea of Time as Age.

Big Ego… Its true… But the Ego of my self projection was the Will and outrage at what had been done to Arden Former Guide Father Alexander Nnamdi Maurice- Morgan beautiful Truth
N M= 27 8 D 90
N A M E … and his beautiful Truth.
E -MAN… Eternal Eden..
My Self Projection aligned from here to Eternity and Infinity and covers like a spot light everything in its full circle..
That is my Fire my Beautiful Rage which grew exponentially with my WILL “Desire Protection .. Helmet” at those who defy not mine, but his beautiful Truth.. which he showed and gave Quarter.. mercy to you even at the expense of his true First Guide Father… whom he used to call his big brother even though he knew that I am originally a Man.

So, realized as the years rolled on that the only way to awaken the slumbering, Sleep waking, Jay Walking True Harmonious Species was to solve the riddle of Human Consciousness- which by the script of the challengers who mocked me, required going back as far back as inception and correcting all History and points of View.

And so the people moved according to my Human Quantum Equations but not until the Circuit board of each moving in the perfect harmony and positioning of proving my equations true not only in the United States America… But via my interactions on the streets of the world and Facebook..
That only when I had expanded to infinity I. then brought it back from its furthest expansion back to its I Contained in simplicity of a 16 and now 17 year old ( I am going to strangle him for that…)
simplicity to ultimate Simplicity not Not complex or complicated but rather “Fil Gueria” keep the line alive and place the Genie, Genus Genius in all thier appropriate boxes bodies.. and right back to the One Man who became Two and now our Lady Line Warriors Supreme…
Alexa Vertefeuille to Liberty C Liscomb.
And of course.. C.. Cecilia Cecil, Christ, Christopher… C speed of Light.

What can I tell you, that i did it for love of the truth or love of him?
There is no difference.. both are one and the same…
My Guide Father… was me.. My Self .. My Youth- for that was my First Guide who was stolen from me, because from the age of 7-8 my Youth was taken from me and i was told that I had to be a Man…
My youth stayed with me, as from that age I was forced to be a man.
take care of my siblings, enter the Spirit world, protect my Mother, protect my siblings from my raging violent and brilliant hurt Father and then the book I wrote at age 8-9..of the Awakening of the world.

11:18 p.m.

I am proud and love Arden.. he is Beautiful beyond belief, a Blue Devil and an I.D of his own…
Which just so happens to align to the truth in me.

What more do you wish, me to say A-Lien council.. i saw the time this afternoon as 2:03 p.m and then 2:25 p.m
Jeron 2-25-2019…
So I knew today was about Beautiful Youth as the Source…
as the Script.

8 16 64 8: 8O…
8: 8 15… 8:6… 14 48… 62… Morgan Youssi MM 62… M M.. 8.
M M H… A H H… A A P F D… H. ( 1 88 1-1 16 64 2- 8O)
2 Beings H O…. via Harmony 6th Sense.

Paislee Harrison

Son of Harry…

The name Harry means Army Ruler and is of English origin. Harry is a name that’s been used primarily by parents who are considering baby names for boys. Originally a diminutive form of Harold or Henry. Prince Harry of England, birth name Henry Charles Albert David Windsor.

A medieval form of Henry, which is from the Germanic name Heimerich, from heim, meaning “home” and ric, meaning “power, ruler”.

I lived in Windsor Park Canada…
My Son-ge.. G E 75
Paisley Park… Prince… Harry.. P.H… Links and aligns to me and Arden..
It is also a pattern…

Prince Harry’s Son… With Megahan Markle…?

Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor.

A.H..M W… A H O M E W Double V..IE

A M.. W.
A M… Double V V…

So you see, I realized that people in their bodies, would not awaken or even realize the truth right before them if I did not complete The Script which including the proving the Truth of the Existence of the Eternal Realm and I… And now I & I… i i… and Supreme H.E..
A.S… S H E…

11:36 p.m..
In a Script of such Pain and Suffering and Indignities but of which I knew that at the Full Circle .. must come to an end.
as it did come in the beginning of Time..
But not within A moment..
The Moment and movement called Eden I Eternity.

And so the People True, have a world to Awaken to with Evolved bodies too…
Proven True by a MAN.

11:39 p.m.

All I wish to do is leave.. all behind me, and have some comfort and peace, with nothing imposing itself on my E.,M Field Body Heart because they feel that they are linked and connected to me.

11:41 p.m.

I love My Self most of all..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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