
7/18/2017 16:36 – Facebook Post

7/18/2017 16:36 – Facebook Post

From Banja Tarawally B.T.
Beautiful Truth… 2 20… 22..V….5

I noticed that I am Banja Tarawally’s 4156th Face Book Friend.

41 Sacred Portal “Elugua.. Elu A”

56..Sacred Portal “Arrival of the E Family”

“You can get if you really want
but you must try, try and try… you succeed at last..”

. that is the song playing right now by Jimmy Cliff…
It was a song I used to hear in my child hood…

It is meaning, I view with quiet disgust, as I am fully aware of the manipulation.
I am so sick of the story of the Jamaicans and these Island people who feel superior to others. As you may recall, it was in a Jamaican restarant that my pass port was stolen, and that they were so pleased to send me to hell via Staten Island,then to the “Demons” place- that sense of superiority they have for people of darker hues and who have direct African lineage. I hardly ever speak of peoples in generalizations but as Individuals. But as a peoples I have identified this Field Nigger and House Slave mentality, which I view with such contempt. That inferiority to the White Man and the inability to see or appreciate qualities 1000 times more personified over a person who has a lighter complexion.

If my skin color had not taken this bizarre turn, I suppose I would never have experienced to such a degree this Self Hate.
That I had to pass through this middle passage to get to the Atlantis Story and the Africa story, Pangea Story of first contact… And Existential Death is what they have helped manifest by holding on to this arrogance.

The same arrogance of that which set me up to check all my equations withins it “Truman Show”… T.S…
Which since 2010… I have known to be the usurpers of Unity and Harmony.. U.H…Adam and Eve… The founders in their minds of the holy trinity of Humanity and the idea called God.
Humanity do not exist, they are simply walking Dead bodies- Corpses.

There is only Hue-Manity… With out the E… Eternal Expression of the One E and his line. Energy… Light they are nothing.
I am L… I came to New York in Dec 1999 the first time with Jon Lee…
J.L.. 10 12… 22..V… Robert Vlaun… 2 2.. Brenda Boothe.
E is L..

My feminine aspect is Elizabeth…and Lisa is the short form of that name. The two of them are one… I am Yonathan Yohannes… Yonathan Kahn.. Yvonne Yvette… The Y=25..

E.L.Y… And I am Nnamdi…
DIOS N. A.M…E..L.Y.. N…Emeka…

Yes the 20 year old who I said was 1987… 1997.. 8 9 77… 89..17..Q..8.H… Her name “Dios the Magician of Infinity…”
20 usd was given to me by Lisa Natalie Johnson just the day before.. then 10 usd… 2010… 7-8 years ago.

There is a police man, or traffic cop sitting in front of me, his name is Islam.
Serial number 33 6 650… ( 8 please recall sacred portal 33 “And D came to E…to awaken him from the most Terrible Dream.. T.D…Not Donald Trump… Recall Durek Verrett came to me in Istanbul.
The Correct D who came to me over and over again from boarding school to Barcelona to New York was David…Even to this cafe.. David means the Beloved… So who really sent Durekk Verret to me? Durek is from the Shaman world… David means Beloved and Durek is certainly not Beloved to me.. or he would be fighting by my side…. Yes it was the Ancestors as Ascended Masters ( a lie.. I have already proven they were in Hell and Limbo looking for a way out what they thought would be Heaven after they died)… It is they… The Past that got Lifes play incorrect… They are the masters of the Dark Arts… “Devil Magic”.. Illusionists and Time Travellers stuck in Time not of it and not in it…

And see sacred portal 65…O… No more repeating myself and the Alien line of my sister Noni Lisa, opening up the Terrible Terrible Pit of Existential Death…

Islam.. Isis… Nonsense All from that perverted Egyptian Story of which the Hebrew race stole…. And then paid the price After Death..
Because there is an After Death..
And yes.. this is Death… 9 MONTHS in a womb…You traveled from a place of Light.. Radiance into the darkness of a womans womb.. Sent there by a Cock.. Penis… Engorged which them engorged its Twin Self as Ying Yang.. 69.. 6 is Man.. 9 is Woo-Man… 69… 15..6…
Sacred Portal 41…Who gave birth..? Who is the source of Woman..?
Birth Labor…? My mother called me today at 4:37 p.m… 4 10..Her name Caecilia means ‘Blind” which I have proven she is not.. It also means 6th Sense..I had 6 usd in my wallet when she called…

Islam…. Arabian Nights is my response….

Never had patience with this Islam nonsense…
It was Persia which was their Truth and Beauty…
Susa… Susan… Susan Train…. Lilian… Esther….
Darius Alexander…
Emeka Frank…
D.A..E.F…./ F.E..A.D….41 56… Ban-ja Tarawally… B.T.. 2 20… 22..V..E

Do people really think that after all this comes to light, that I am going to forget how people treated me undercover when I had the same light and knowledge?

The Truman Show… Who truly had the balls to put me in trial and literally for 7 years make me prove in such absurd detail that one can obviously see that this is a set up. a distraction to Challenge Cheat Condemn set up such a play, distort the Universal Script to see “Why is he the one “Elu A”…

I never told you, that I recently read that the Church which my Uncle Pius Nduka and then my Aunt Julie ( who so mysteriously disappeared when she was about to send money and I was ready to leave this Set up” )

I know that the culprit is not Nnamdi by brother, he is me.
And even my bio sister, made it clear when I told her about the Awakening that “I had nothing and no need to prove anything to her.

I read in the New York Times that that very same Church who were calling me the Chosen One, yet did nothing to help or aid… ( like most of you) but wished me to take shelter with them… They who are mainly Yoruba;s founded them. And whose story I posted of a recount of a man who was Spirited away by the Sea Gods/ Demons and how they would not let him escape and how he was told by the King not to eat the food there… ( Yes Delta Manor.. Not Starbucks.. the Siren.. Mermaid code of my mother and uncle, who are Mami Wata and Mer Man line… Aphrodite Adonis/Eros/Cupid…

3:56 p.m.

“Conquer the Whole Court” is the message which just saw pass by.
..I do not even acknowledge the Existence of a Court or the right to judge anyone, especially myself.

See sacred portal 26.

So who dared… False Nature.. that is who… Daring to defy True Nature.
Tell me? How many of you are of True Nature… America like this World is a Kingdom of Liars.. A World founded on Lies… Truth Manifests.. My truth manifests… Moving people into perfect alignment…

I saw the a T-Shirt on my way here… R.L.. Was written on it..
Rahul and Lisa were sitting on the Metropolitan Side when I arrived and in perfect timing of a man leaving giving me the Window seat which Larry calls my seat….
R.L.E….RR…18 18.. 36.. 9..I… 360..O…I.O…R.O.L.E…
Playing a Role…? Not me…
E.L.R… L=12/21… L.U…
E.L.U….R=18?… 1 8… E.L.U..A.H…

See sacred portal 41…. “Elegua is a Yoruba name… ELU A is underneath it…

I am both…. And of yes the so called Celestial Church which I did not go to.. A 50 year old Woman was raped as she left that Church by a group of youths who robed her….At Delta Manor all those under the protection of I.E have right to Will Woods Dewight Smith Kerwyn Vincent, Caesar Riveria, Emmanuel O.G, Chase, Chase, Drift, the list go on have been protected and left the play they did not realize they were being used by “Demons Monsters.. D.M.. Of Delta Manor… Haunting this place because of the abominable abuse of some staff, the administration, the system which uses them as guinea pigs and observes them.. Subjecting them to humiliations punishments, mental and emotional torture all in the guise of kindness that loves being Cruel. Which I have experienced daily for 9 months to the point that the fury of this place and the ‘Evil Play”enabled me to reach the frequency of Existential Death and a rage of destruction beyond the Orginal incarnation of Destruction. This is true HELL because what they do to you to people is so subtle, so invisible only the truly aware know that this is a truly evil place… And that they people are used by this awfulness… called Human Society of the Dead… But the ones with Light have been protected and released from the bottom of the sea…

Humanity was born into Death from Light to move from Death to Eternity…E…

Some Further reading…

Jul 7, 2012 – Eshu is involved within the Orisha-Ifá system of the Yoruba as well as in … The name Elegua seems to mean, “He who seizes” (Eni-gba), and

Who is Eleggua?
Eleggua is an Osha. First of the warriors next to Oggún, Oshosi and Osun. Eleggua is the first proteción, is the first that any aleyo or nascent one in the religion must consecrate. He represents the sight that follows a way. He is a ferocious warrior, when united with Oggun and Oshossi, nothing stops him. He is symbolized by rocks in the nature. He came to the Earth accompanying Obbatala, and he is the messenger of Olofin. He lives in most cases behind the door. He is the owner of the paths and the destiny. He is who closes or opens the astral ways for the happiness of the men. He is always taked into account to make anything. He is the doorman of the plains and the forrests.

Eleggua is a God or Osha that is crowned, goes to mat the day of itá of Osha and speaks by diloggún. The main sign of the Olosha is determined by its conversation and the sign of the angel of the guard. Also he is who interprets the main of the letters of the oracular system of diloggún and plays a fundamental roll in the oracle subsystems of Biangue or Aditoto. He is given by Babaloshas and Iyaloshas. He has been the unique one that has gone and returned of the world of Ará Onú.”

Yes my mothers name is Onu… Aru means Body… A RUE.. A Street car called Desire… Onu means Mouth… And Heard… I heard you Emeka…
My Mother Called me Today… She obviously heard me…

4:35 p.m..

She called me 4:37 her time… from Nigeria.

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