
7/17/2019 17:22 – Facebook Post

From Xu Rong Run..Tian

Xu means “Admit… Allow” and has a an extraordinary history…

Chinese : this name goes back as far as the 23rd century bc. According to tradition, there existed a philosopher named Xu You, who was offered succession to the throne by the model emperor Yao. Having heard this proposal, Xu You washed his ears in a river to rid them of such defilement. The main stock of this name probably came later, however, when Wu Wang, the first king (1122–1116 bc) of the Zhou dynasty, granted the area of Xu in present-day Henan province to Wen Shu, a descendant of Bo Yi, adviser to the model emperor Shun (who coincidentally accepted the offer of power which Xu You had declined). The descendants of Wen Shu eventually adopted the name of the area of Xu as their surname.

Jesse Macias and Zion went to a Wu Tang Concert..
I met them and their Manager…

1122- Code Onu NNamdi.. David Ceacilia… 47 68….
1116 11 16 Yesterday was the 16th… Full Moon F M..
6 years GAP… Caecilia means 6….

Rong means “To Glory Honor Flourish…

* Link Brooke Lee Lemery birthday yesterday and the Full Moon which transformed into a Half Moon.. He company name is Flourish…
Link my Honoring ‘Namaste” Jesse Macias and Alexa Vertefeuille

It also means to Harmony and Fuse… Ionization-John Mack Ion Water…

Run means to ‘Moisten, to Soften to Lubricate…Sleek…
( Sleek Mhaazix) to Soften…
Penis entering Mound of Venus…
The Rock.
Penetration of The Rock..
See comment on Alexa Vertefeuille page. by Memphis Charlie…yes… Pouring water on the Rock to Soften it….

Mound of Venus…

And Tain means ‘Field…Raised Path in a Field…and to Hunt”
We Plow the Filed… Sex…Xu was actually a Farmer…
Book here give to me by Jesse Macias The Field by Lynne McTaggart
I am at Fair Field…

Xu Rong Run Tain…

“Admit Allow Slowly… to Enter… Glory Honor Flourishing..Harmonize and Fuse… by softening, lubricating created moistening until sleek and is softened…. the Field creating a raised Pathway between two Fields…”
Penetration the Earth the Body in one left and right…

As you might be aware that this is a Game and that I am communicating with the E through a Game…

5;00p.m right now…

And that were we are right now is at the Gate.. the postal 711…-9…
and about First Contact…
which is why I had to truly anchor the meaning correctly…

Xu has only two Facebook Friends…
Keith Lee… and myself Emeka Kolo…
K.L… E.K…

K E… L K…

K.L… E K….
K L.E K…

Born 2-17.. 2000…
B Q…. B O O O….B 666… B R..
217South Whitney…
Being Quantum B R O…

We are One person but we Two Names…
We are Energy in One… But we are also Spirit and Physical Manifestion.

We have one Brain and its has two sides…

We have one body but it has Left and Right…

John Mack ..Alexa Vertefeuille Tree Sage do you understand theriddle and the name..
Linked to Sacred Portal 79.. And 97…

11 22.. 1116… Xu who refused to become the Emperor…
King Edwardthe VIII who abdicated his throne…?

My play with the line of John.. and my fighting to open the portal

John Thomas…
J T…
Entering into the one.. Dividing it into to so the Eye can see…

5:11 p.m

E.K… K O O L K O L O


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