
7/17/2018 14:31 – Facebook Post

There is only one answer to this Equation.

Instant Manifestation.

I have satisfied all the Test of the Unseen force and the Forces of “EVIL”.
And proven that Humanity is in a Containement Field.
I have provenwithin a Contained Play of 17 years and 22 months voluntaraily going whereever I was directed through maze of 55 homes of people in New York to a Homleess Shelter and Mental Health Shelter that in move from the first day I arrived in New York.
That every move had reason, and purpose; A Riddle, scripted which each time I had to solve my way through to the next portal.

A Game…

A Game of Life… A . G O .L…
/ Log Alpha… A Log which I logged it all down.

I am exhausted by this play and by the meddling of the public who were meant to me witnesses who were meant to learn the rules of the Play first of all by observing what I was solving and how I was solving it.

Each day for 6.7 year has been a hellish, coming to face book and focuses all my awareness on solving this riddle while my life or the illusion of lifes experience passed by as Time.

I am not from this realm of Time;
I do not live in it, which is obvious since I have not observed or found anyone of the people stating all these things on Face Book willing to go to the End of the World, moved by the constant challenge by You the seen and unseen public, to prove the Truth.

I believe most of you live in your minds and fantasies and wish so much to be so much more without the action or taking responsibility.
I have noticed that you would give hardly anything from your lifes, would not give up your comforts that the Lie affords you, and yet tou come here and spew your heresey on my page.
I see most of you life in your heads and the Twisted Egos you have created as Ideas of Yourselves.

I find very few of you real, literally.
I find most of you talking heads and of a cruelty, indifference and visicousness with is literally breath taking.
I can see how for 6.7 years how you have taken in all the knowledge I have shared with so only a Handful of you even having the presence of mind to offer anything in return.

No Fair Exchange.

I felt and watched the majority of you just feed on me, feed on what perhaps was constructed to be my playing so kind of Messiah from you foul twisted mind stories…
But which I knew was my “Fathers’ investiagtion into yor Truth..

To find theTruth of you and give you a True Mirror…
The Beautiful Trut in you is Obvious.
Humanity was Created Beautiful but you did not create that part of yourselves…
Did you Shubhi Gautama?

The part you created is that abomination…

That is what I felt from you as I posted, and posted solved and solved, I felt you eating my Flesh, Drinking my Blood.
i felt and experienced and saw every horror which you scream out horrirfied when it is brought to light, every accusastion every snuff film, murder, abomination of Cruelty and Horror
I found its root, mirror and seed and harvest in you.
Its is all on this page.

Any person of the future, present can see this.
Witness this

Most of you are abominations.
I saw this a simple fact.
And that your world is much much worse than you imagine
You imagine yourselves good people… but you are abominations.
Again I state this as Fact and challenge any of you to go back and read the 6.6-6.7 years transcript on my page-
I assure you that you will come to the same conclusion.

You will See what I see.

You will see what others like C.S Lewis saw, that he was able to write a book like that in which I saw how clearly he saw you and the reflections I experienced of you so accurate but even more de-evolved.
He saw your beauty he wrote the Chronciles and Narnia as well as the Screw Tapes.

So he knew the truth…

He died and Age 65.

You are the Demons, because you chose the baser version of yourselves each time.
Few do not but the majority of you make me rage at the Director of this Realm for allowing You to go on so far, hoping I suppose that you will use the gift of free will and choice to make th ecorrect choice.
But you never will, not in th past not now and not never will because only the E.. The Eternal in you is Real.

And so this whole Script has been a waste of my time…
His testing and Checking my truth and assertion that this world is not real, that You are not real, that this is a Story of that which could never be…
And that which is Eternal and how it always rises and does the right thing.

When I looked at the New York Times Bleu Planet I saw the image of Bpappe the 19 year old…
Yes 19… S…
Flanked by the codes numbers 2 18… B R… O…

Its all a Play….

All A Script to prove that which your represent as Time belongs ti him and will always betray, while that which is the Eterbal linked to Time will never betray thier Truth.

I am going to end my post today.
I did not come to prove anything to you, but I suppose I did come to prove something to my Father Son- the reason why the world is so Evil so Cruel … It can be found on my page, in the factual narration on my page…
In this play set up…
That nearly all of you are Evil and Foul… and are the products of decomposition.
You are disease and will always be that way because you will always chose that which destroyes and decomposes.

Am I being Harsh..?

Please just read the Narrative of 6.7 years.. all fact based, all written in almost real time.

It is just a fact…..

Are you Beautiful… ?
Within yes, but that Beauty you did not create, which is why most of you do not reach for it or fight for it…
Because that is the God Particle which was the gift which you could not create and out of spite did not reach for and created that which is not of existence.

No Being in the right mind will fight for you, I certainly refused but instead found myself in a script proving the Truth of you…
the plain simple Truth of you. that you simply do not eixts and this is the Void, The Pitt and that all of yoy are wearing masks and that only the few called the True rise from this abomination called the Human Race…

There are only the Naturals… and they Are the True Pods Bodies of the Expressions Eternal…

And I have encountered only a handful of naturals here on my page and in this world…
The rest as most of you already know are Demonic Abominations walking around wearing mask calling out to each other Happy Halloween.

2:26 p.m.

The Last of the Light beings line…
I came to get the last of the Naturals, that is why I was sent down here into the pitt of the hell kitchen the Black Hole…
Where the creatures- mentalities worth less than Zero, much worse than the Nothing.. those who eat away at the very fabric of Everything Reside, who wove a spell so “Almost” convincingly over their true selves that they actually Almost believe that they are good people…
And defend that lie with all their non existence heart mind and Soul…
Meaning..with nothing at all…
Truth requires Embodiment Facts…
Which you do not use at all.

2:31 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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