
7/17/2014 1:27 – Facebook Post

July 16.

Contd… HI 5.

The Beautiful Present

As we left the Garden I found.myself talking non stop.

I pointed out the car in front..it had the word Enterprise C.

E.C …smiled David Philipe Gil..

His Espirit and him were merging into one…I kept on talking fast…

He spoke of those who knew and mocked…
“Why?” he asked.

As I later pointed to a T-shirt saying “Virginia is for Lizards”

That is a lie…
My sister lives in Virginia.
Artemis Diana the Virgin Goddess..
August 8 month.

“They do that I said to David they use even the codes to lie…to test the truth.”

“They negate the Truth when they know it is the Truth….they use it to hurt you…” he paused…

I was stunned and happy.

It is them..

“That is so cruel, why would they do that. Why are they so cruel to you…” there was a depth of comprehension and feeling in his words which communicated the affirmation that it was indeed the E.T. Consciousness.

We passed a sign ” You go Girl” right beside the Cafe Bean..The Bean.

“That is probably for me…” David said…” I have been seeing the sacred feminine rising everywhere and they are not at all as ppl thought..they are like strong warriors…”

I chuckled speaking to him of Sarah Lagrange and what lies in store…

As he spoke about the sacred feminine I noticed a caucasian woman appeared…The anti thesis of that.
I said Woman and as if on cue she began letting out a tirade about how I and “black” men want to rape them…bile poured forth…
David was amazed…
Ppl stared at the woman in disgust as she followed us with her Tirade.

I move David forward…
The movie.

We walked to Spring Street as I solved riddles of ppl walking by reading the codes and getting affirmatiins.

“Wow” said David “Everything speeds up around you…its going so fast…Magic happens around you..”

I smiled and then knew it was time to get to work.

This was about Boom Boom my brothers code of 1 73.
David with the beautiful alien eyes has a Japanese girlfriend and my brother a Japanese wife.

From the Military Base of the 2nd world war…Hiroshima Nagadaki…

We moved the play forward through conversations.
Words conscious clean comforting.

I had not met an E.T.C line of E in natural expression in form before.

He had passed through O as Orien representing the babies and Children..Father of that line of Human Beings…
The Portal out of Matter Nature.
He had connected doing the equation effortlessly which led him to me..David meeting E…Both Beloved.line of Infinity.

His Espirit haf already given me all the codes..E Eternal.
Five question he posted on F.B.

I.made it perfectly clear how indifferent I was to public perception and opinion..
Except out respect for the Harmonious quiet ones…

I spoke of how his line of brother father (Guide) had created my going to the realm of A.S instead of S.A..because of how he sought to explain to the Babies and Children how the Line of E manifests Beauty…
And how he had created an experience which he had not realized someone would have to play a role so hideous bc my brother was so focused on the Babies and Childrens con…
They create illusions…

That he forgot that he did not see me…the one who would be forced to play this role.

The response from him was so profound so deep I knew it was both him and my Brother Father right to the Enter prise and beyond suddenly realizing his one blind spot was me…

All this I had already stated proven on F.B.

But it was different sitting Face to Face…peering into the windows..his eyes.
He who worked in the same building as Face Book.

He who was looking into my Face and I into his..but me seeing the book right to my brother fathers agonized realization of what he had failed to take into account bc of the sincerity of his own perception of his harmony and intentions…

That he did not check his equation to Create an Existence where ppl learn from Experience-Time.
Reperition instead of naturalness.

I heard the depth of my E.T.C brother Fathers cry right to Existence known to beyond to the Beautuful Present David who completly understood…Tears horror incredulity…then David Acceptance..

The Aligment went on….

He had 19 dollars for me…he had spent 1 out of 2O.

We saw the code 1 pass by.

1 is A…I said.

So is 19…
Yes bur what is the difference I asked.

“One Experiences everything but remains Constant…it is 1 bt must bc 23456789..0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18….

Siththy Ameena…
Who regonized what I was doing..her Espirit my Grandmother my liitle sister self…

“Authoring Harmony”

“He is Feeding the People!”

“He is the Gift of God!”

Only she called out 2 yrs ago.

To a Silent response from the mean world…except for the quiet ones with me…the one voice saying A.H.

R is 18.
Is A.H.
17 in my wall et yesterday.
18 two years ago.

My portal is S.A…
Not A.S..negation Mockery.

Some one was vying for the Role of Q with me.
One Q like the Star Trek Q…childish..

And the other A.Q…
The 1 71…

And only today has he used Orien Laplante Great.mischevious Spirit mirror to see thebTruth of himself reflected…how his obstinacy Billy Goat killed Me over and over again because E does not die…it simply transformed until finally the one forced to play the Obedient son but is really the one Father F.O.I cleans up mess of his brother son – the unintentional usurper…
And rises to bring his “Father called Guide” to his senses and the whole world his “father” thought that he had created….
Having forgotten that there is only.one 1…
But there are three O.N.E.
E.N.O…Meaning 4 (D Beloved)
In I.O.Nri Igbo


And they are not one but 4..
And all 43 34 come from the First Born.


Check the play of this Transcript when Nikoma affirmed the code of my being E1…

And then not telling what it meant to the world nor giving the First Born E Unity Harmony the due respect.

I do not take Charity.

I went to Forte Lauderdale where Nikoma went to school.
The apt was 5 11.
Existence Known.

Someone took my place usurped my role and left me to take his place in the A.S…
When I am S.A…

Ni ko ma
A.m. O.K..In.


S O.I R…
Evening A.HSSSS…

And the my brother meant to be my guardian while I was under cover did not see the evil Necromancers deciet..raising a Zombie saying that it was all the Evil of my seed.
When it was all He.

Nikoma Rios I?


Now you have the answer to ur question Mark…

Why it is me.
Why I am the 1.

Because I rose well as the 5 1. When there was O rien just ice le plant e…
Asteriod Meterorite

Which fertilized the Earth Universe Cosmos Galaxy Existence and made rise the First Family 66
Line of E Complete.


Not knowing that he had

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