
7/16/2020 15:59 – Facebook Post

12:25 p.m.



E: A.M..E.K…


This is the code of the people present here at the end of this …Enders Game of what I have correctly defined as the Universal Simulation Awareness. A matrix Maze all based on Humanities right to evolve.
I say I am correct, because once that which is the catalyst or instigator confirms that truth publicly- whether designated witnesses ie the public are paying attention or not, then it is becomes truth.
This Universal Simulation, has been about what we place or choose to place our Attention and Focus on.
A.F Awareness Focus.
Knowledge and Gratitude
K G.

Arden is here, Morgan and Karl-Carl and myself.
I am the one constant representing E and am always here present and literally almost stuck in this house because of this condition in my body which I have proven is linked to my focusing my attention on this script and play which I have always been able to read.
.. It is the unnaturalness of it- ( forcing my awareness and focus which has always disturbed me.
I do believe that Karl spells his name with a K which makes sense…
I just checked, it is with a K.

Thus E.. A.M..E.K. was confirmed yesterday by the play and post which truly disturbed me yesterday by the actuality of this play, not being real that I already know, but verified as a solid fact.

E.K means Energy Knows… Expression.

Meaning it recognizes Truth, Eternal Truth and this Energy is linked to expression.
And this code above, embodied in the quantum mechanics I proposed as the truth of the Riddles of Existence, are expressed not through abstract equations of the Mind, or on a black board or a white board but through awareness of being. Bodies.. converging in perfect timing like a Flower of Life and Sacred geometry.
And in that convergence there is meaning.
But what is the meaning?

What does the Human Quantum Equation of E:A.M. E.K. ..E meaning.
E-Awareness Manifest Energy Knowing… Expression….

E.A.M. A.M is also the begining of Dawn… and designates the hours of which that which is Dark or night turns into Day Light. Where we can see.
Thus it Dawn but only after a convergence of meaning in all levels 1-7..8 on this stage. Meaning that in every level of reality and the rules of engagement of the play script- AM as Dawn has to be confirmed and all those 1-7 stages be it meeting people named Dawn, Dawn in your sacred portal 113 A.M Drawn 10 years ago, the 8 Color which is 1-7 merged, creates Light Dawn. past stories, stream of consciousness, everything around you converges at the same time to align to that same meaning.

So one can understand at the place of 8 where we are, linked to the recent play of Arden and I wearing red, he, and I white.. then the verification from Liberty C Liscomb buying a different kind of Vodka, the other day because there was no more of the kind she usually buys. It was Russian. which means “Red” and aligned as a response from the post of Alexi and Anastasia Romanov.
A-A= 27.
Thus, with the convergence of the Flower play yesterday with Liberty sending it to me 4 days after the date she recieved it and being well aware, that the code 7-11 means .. 4 days later…code 4-29 of Ardens expression of weight he showed me of a gift arranged by Morgan 1.7 85 71 4 29.
The same flower, which the plays focus on was so much on a photo graph link Charleene Johnston – Angelina Jolie.. A J.
Arden Jeron… A.J.
1 10…
11O Two people age 17 age code, 17 months… 1 1 aligned full circle since the beginning of my being here.

It was just 1:10 p.m but it is 1:11 p.m… I did not see the 1:10 only 1:11 p.m and now 112 which is where my Sacred Portals are opened to, let us see if my awareness and focus .. ha…
It is 1:13 p.m right now.. i was about to say lets see if I my awarness would move me to view the time at 1:13 I looked up expecting it to be still 1:12 p.m.
– this naturalness and 6th sense is what the play of awareness has been about.

But back to the convergence of everything to the same point or a arrow.. arrows all pointing at the same thing in perfect synchronicity, the same way we read a signal which says Green light walk and we know it is safe to walk, or the water in the kettle is boiling, we know this by the signal of its whistling and steam coming from it.

* it is 1:17 p.m… I say this because my awareness moved to Arden for a moment and I saw the time and that is the sacred portal which we both opened up to “randomly” and the only time i ever asked him to randomly open the Sacred Portals.
1 17 is A Q…. And A-A G…
Which one is it… A.Q.. Answer Question- which i have been doing via face book to the Eternal – Our True Selves via facebook and then via people.
But that is done now. A is Quantum.. Adam meaning ‘Red.. Read as past tense…Ahtom.. Atom is … Arden is Quantum.. the way he connects is quantum and the way he follows the way I think link and see effortlessly with asking questions apart from the meaning of my actions in the play and even then rarely.
We spoke most times with silence, E.SP, eyes…

1:23 p.m.
A-Q and A-A G.. is how i would read in the present,
The convergence of all arrows pointing at everything being at O8 and O9.. O H… OI…
And link Angel and the two cats here, and my receiving messages for the last couple of days and especially last night from Tom Cat Twin cats…
And the vase of of them or both toppled over, the moment I checked the ASS Hole Sacred Portal a Name Arden had called me, yet when he hurled it at me, I had felt no Venom spite from him which also made me check and shake my head at this play…
It linked the the Sacred portal 22.

I am rather surprised but not surprised by my posting this last explanation instead of what I intended to write, but this time I do not feel moved by the Ancestors, the Dead memories expression ideas moving through the air I pick up and have been aligning fighting cleaning.. but rather that I am literally being moved by the energy in Arden who is like a radar, beacon emitting frequencies not even full aware.. but a little.

The flowers, i showed He Morgan and Karl yesterday but they were ona another playing field eating so i did not elaborate.
But this morning when I woke up, i found them all converged in the Kitchen- the energy was nice and condusive- I did not want to say anything, or break the quiet cool.. but i felt the pull.. Arden was the first i saw and there is a way his soul and spirit looks at me, almost as if powerful part of him is saying “emeka.. take your cue, elaborate on what you were saying last night:
And so, I made pleasantriies and finally explained a little, just enough that all the Morgan and Karl not only showed quiet enthusiam but gave me the signal that they understood.
“it is often difficult to grasp but I have never heard it expressed in such a way that it makes sense.. I understand..”
And Karl, too each confimed.

A little while later, Arden was alone and i was able to elaborate on the flower and ass hole play… you should have seen his smile if instant comprehension.
It was the fact that our Harmony even in Human form to Energy through Expression was now literally connected and that this post follows that same will and desire not verbally expressed for me to elaborate.
And that today he was Open .. ( he is always open) but today, this morning was the perfect timing… and yes, perhaps it was both ways.
And so, i find it now suprise that i am doing what i did with the three and then the I and now on Facebook with the all 1476 current Facebook Friends and the A.J E family linked to the play and sacred portal 111 .. Victorious Homecoming.

Yesterday after being aware, this connection to a level I do not care to explain, i was outraged, and hollered out to cut the connection, I did not wish it any longer, in a play which had had been allowed to go so far, and place me in the torment, endless torment of explaining.
Its true i do not mind explaining to Arden it takes but a moment to convey intel and data. but after 10 months of this linked to J.. Jeron and Jay… and 27 years of the world 19 of which in a simulation linked to Mission Impossible 1-8, My body, the torments the proofs.. The idea that this was all set up even to the Liberty C Liscomb play of having to use such savage words to get her attention and keep here aligned, which link vodka and all things I checked even when she turned to that deep sensitivity and sense of persecution… Blame… all habits of that which was once described as fickle but is not without realizing not only solid as a Rock but now, so aligned attuned that now matter the words and attitudes thrown at here, she is still in Harmony and her see is in perfection of the play.. even to sending the photo and the 14 days… she alloted me to leave, and even to asking for the other gentle loving Emeka to come back…
I was already scheduled to leave.. see sacred portal 58.. code 1 58.. But was still to my astonishment here after solving all that and was meant to leave by my birthday last year.
only to find that this was a set up, all a play set up to not only see if i would leave with my knowing that it was not the script I had read created by another not me, that I was meant to leave O8.. harmoniously and that I would never give in or going back to playing that Emeka which of course the world takes people like that for granted, nor would i play this character called The Source and justified rage of Jah Fire- Loves Truth meaning to stay and fight in for a person .. but not to the point of my own self negation and self eradication or the force in me, roaring at Liberty C Liscomb frequencies and not able to speak directly to her, because it was roaring at her Spirit thoughts.. the World literally in her.
Why stay in such a place, not her, or her household who have been playing their roles in a prescribed play, but a play which would go so far, place me in such a position…

The idea, much less the truth of this, the set up “Mannerless Moron’ ( Light) Ass Hole… Light not heavy was a set up, a code part of the play which could give such mis understanding was part of the play… scripted.
That this was all intended and i had passed the script tests..
That the last 19 years was all set up for me to pass through….
When my true nature in every portal had been to always walk away.
I do not like arguing and debating, I do not like having to repeat myself over and over again especially when the person already gets it but chooses to forget. I do not like talking needlessly – 7 times I explain and then i go quiet…
With Liberty as the World and thus playing every character, including the World Gaia as the Evil Bitch.
She has 58 recording of our conversations, 9 months, E manuals evidence of my body twisted by Human expression in the corrupted consciousness and truth..
That this constant expression was the cleansing of the Astral Plane.. peoples thoughts, how Humans respond, how they set people up when they feel that they are deprived or given a taste of what they gave others… That this was all set up, predetermined going all the way back to that which even i recounted to Liberty C Liscomb’ as the story of why the one who rose after me, had a question but did not ASK and then the consequences.
Liberty had asked…
But this was not about Liberty C Liscomb brilliant mind, and illusion of a broken heart from Love… ( another story… ) it went back to that force in Arden which you who read my post saw yesterday.

The world does not need explaination-i said this to this force 27 years ago, it helps, of course and so I aligned everything to 1-7 A B C.. and presented it to the world.
but to have made me spend 8 years by moving through the people, including their points of views when they are not even real because you have to be true from here to Eternity or at least the Big Oragsm fetus to babies to certain youths and rare grown ups to be Real…
8.7 years of talking to people, having to move them, explain to them on Facebook then most filthy forum when i started, everyone fighting to prove they are something special of fighting to bring others down… trolls.. pretenders and hypricrites and even well intentioned people seeking the truth or believing they have found the Truth…
And me being forced to interact and argue contend with then everyday from the moment i wake up.. and then all around me in the environments given to me to live.
And put my most personal stuff out there, to memories of the birth of existence, moved by a stream of consciousness.. muscle memory and it all ends up with myself and Arden left here in the house and my finding it all went back to that expression of A.SK… not Mask… and that is what it led to was it not…?

A power struggle, me being stopped held back by that question of what took place in that past where the potential as Alien Council Babies yet to be born had in their blue print the awareness of that play which was light, which was resolved in an instant, through that pause… 6-12…

2:20 p.m..
That Resolve in the though said so lightly “How do I know you are the first?” and legimate question, which took a moment to resolve..
Because i saw you first, I was here first, I was here when you rose…
Played out with my recognizing him through a photo graph.
Played out by the walk we took just before his birthday where i walked down the back path and naturally Arden, who was already unknown to me, about walk down, moved with Morgan and Youssi in place… We formed a Y… i ended going right and he left..
He noticed that play and we spoke about it..
I came First… of the line of beautiful Youth.
I saw it and without hesistation read it and acknowledged it despite my numeric age.

2;30 a.m.
Two Friends of Arden just knocked on the door,i was compelled to get up because he did not hear the door. I signaled them to come on in but instead I had to open in for them, both long haired same build.. they could have been “Twins” A M K.. K=11.. 1 1.. Twins..
I had seen them before, but today I did not even bother to ask their names…

Really.. This is the script… I have no problem with Eternal Ardens script but those who say there is a gap of that they are that play of which Liberty C Liscomb was used 9:35 p.m
Which yesterday was again confirmed as 9:35 p.m play being linked to Arden only I C E.. or Arden line and Jeron.

These presumtions, this abuse of power in the lie of the 3 d and the 4 d really a time machine and matrix of orginally Earth School until so many Children as Adult babies who refused to see the truth of they being as the Alien Council who wanted this species extermination who could not see that these Human oddities where actually themselves in the flesh who had translated that light conversation exchange between Enery and expression the Twins forming AH TOM.. 18 Twins…E E A A…S S …

Oh i just asked Arden.. His name is Kyle.. and the two guys who just came in are Steve and Jason… S J..
Rihanna just came in… R.

E AM E K… S J R…./ A E R J… S.. Sat on that chair with the code 8-29-2019… on it the S I realize is me, because yesterday I was literally moved by some unseen Titan like arms to sit on that chair once again.. i noted it but was too irritated to even code it…Now I have to…
Arden Emeka Robert Jeron Stephen…Stephen is me… it means “Crowned’ i am also Robert… see the play.. Emeka Eri-c, Arden – Alexander Grove- Arden Gemino…
See sacred portal 10.. it has S.J… “Dream of the One Father ( and Mother) of all… Baphomet Beauty.

2:55 p.m,
2:56 p.m.

Do you know what Kyle means.. ? Victorious… My name is also “Victor” It also means Narrow and Straight.. and Woods…
Crowned in and by the Woods..

Why on earth should, I have to do other peoples home work- each to their own.
Why did i have to move through the world when the world is represented by Two men who are One.
Why must i prove the Truth of which each was given the same skills at birth and all had the blue print of Existence within them and the ability to read and see the codes through the crown chakra…
but instead was proven as world as Corona Virus C.V Instead of Curriculum Viate which everyone was meant to present – the truth of their point of view and their qualifications to speak publicly and thus with trust is established…
Is that not how one gains employment, trust jobs in this reality?

Do you know how that feels… why Sacred Portal 119 is titled A S.
27 9/ 9-27 Is the time my phone stopped, froze…When Arden came down the day of the “Take Down of Emeka .. leave in 14 days..’

The boys are talking about Cocks upstairs… ( its hilarious… ) sacred portal 22… 76… 110.. Cocks of the Awakening..
5 guys youths… and one girl.. Rianna.. R= 18.. Response…
6 guys and 1 girl if you include me…

Eye of Tiger is playing upstairs… E O T..
Emeka at OT… 1520 facebook Friends… 15 20=35… C.E…
T.O E…. 35 5… C E E

3:12 p.m.

3:24 p.m right now….

I had to take a break.. we have been eating steak.. they gang are eating steak now which I asked Liberty C Liscomb if she could buy for me before she left, she fulfilled all those task including the Vodka- always in harmony despite this play in which she was ised to represent the world and the obvious reason why the hold up with the Awakening… it was the World which caused it, not really here.
The world is meant to be aligned to the The Word.
The Truth.

What is the truth?
She showed my texts to the people… Evil Bitch… I despise what you represent. Taken out of context it would sound like Verbal abuse.
Not showing the whole story, the true meaning that it is a character which no one is, but which we can create by our inability to truly taken in anothers point of view…
Why is it Arden did not forget?
Why is I did not Forget…?
Why is it Ferrill never came to join in with my castigation and crucifixtion.
Why is it that “Ass Hole” A.H 1 8 was used as the code which linked to sacred portal 22.
“The Victorious One and Only….
First and Last
Alpha Omega…
The True One First Cock of the Awakening N Z T F…”
N Z 67 67 46 B…

Why is it that the two cats broke a Vase – the First Time ( F T/ T F.. F T Z N…

Anal Penetration
A P.
By Cocks of the Awakening 110…76… 22…
11O 76 22= 109… 19.. S..
linked to the C A T S… C A The Source The Script…
what is so special about Cats…
Angel Flora…
and who said that the Door of Life is the Vagina…
when in actuality it is the door of Death.. Birth into this Idea of life called the world.. which is not the Earth- it is the reality which materialized by peoples ideas of reality…

Love Links… it connects.. the Thread… Fil- Gueria… F G…
thread of the healing.. is to connect…
Thread of the Warrior is that warrior strength to heal.. not to indulge delusion of grandeur Egos distorted that they do not align.
Arden told me I have a massive ego…which was really a compliment because I am Big E linked to Tall E.. To Slim E…( Arden) Little e ( Jeron) I link from Emeka here to Eternity Infinity and Big E responds to me aligned in perfect response to feminine form Reilly who I saw yesterday, the one who is 12…
See the meaning.. and Rianna… another female form…of E responding and who I like so much Rianna…

ORIGIN:Welsh. POPULARITY:8680. Rianna as a girl’s name is a variant of Rhiannon (Welsh), Riane (Irish) and Ryan (Irish, Gaelic), and the meaning of Rianna is “great queen, or goddess; king”.

King Goddesses… and it was Arden who reminded me that she too was present, aware that i was coding ( i already heard her name) please see Sacred Portal 9 “We crown our King Goddesses… K G…

A.F.K G….= 25.

Time of this post started 12:25 p,m.

Time now 3;58 p.m.
3:59 p.m

All these become confirmations of the

I realized a long time ago that there was no point in seeking to convince

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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